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Project proposals

The Lab for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (LITL) is seeking submissions for project proposals. This is an opportunity to present your project and potentially see it actualized. The lab invites submissions from all faculty members from all departments.

Submission deadline: May 30, 2024

Benefits of working with LITL

Faculty members will benefit from working with a small team committed to making your vision a reality. 

The Lab for Innovation in Teaching and Learning is a lab where you can experiment with and/or develop new and innovative teaching and learning methodologies. The lab is a place where it’s okay to try something and have it “fail". 

The lab is open to working with all faculty members across the university and often draws from multiple departments to form interdisciplinary collaborative teams for specific projects. These collaborative teams can sometimes include other institutions, community and/or industry partners, depending on the needs and scope of a project. 

Our projects typically involve students as partners who we ensure receive paid research assistant positions for their collaborative work.

What defines a LITL project

Briefly put, a LITL project is one that is true to its namesake: a project that is innovating in the teaching and learning space. It’s a project that is pushing boundaries and is aspirational in nature.

If your project feels like a LITL project, we invite you to submit it for consideration.

Should you have a concrete idea for a project, please download and complete the Project proposal application form and send it to:

Consult the lab’s Projects web page to learn about some previous projects developed in collaboration with LITL, including:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a tutor
  • Virtual Reality (VR) as a teacher training tool
  • Using Minecraft as a classroom
  • Developing a card game for an accounting class
  • Mentorship initiatives for students designing new learning spaces for the university.

Several projects that began at LITL have continued beyond the lab. The project you propose could form the basis of a proof of concept that may eventually lead to a bigger project or grant (e.g.: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ), etc.).

Note: while many of our projects have a technological element to them, not all require it. One can innovate in teaching and learning without necessarily involving technology.

Not sure where to start?

If you are not yet sure about what your project is or could be, but still want to explore working with the lab, please complete our submission form and clearly indicate that it is an “Expression of interest” with information about why you want to work with LITL.

The lab can set up a series of initial exploratory ideation meetings to brainstorm and see what comes of them, with no commitments or prerequisites.

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