0.75-metre double monochromator
With Stanford Research Systems SR 510 lock-in amplifier for near-infrared emission.
With Stanford Research Systems SR 510 lock-in amplifier for near-infrared emission.
With Stanford Research Systems SR 400 photon counter for visible emission.
For real-time measurement of structural changes in atomic resolution.
Including a titanium-sapphire laser (700-1000 nm), 6 W pump laser, CW tunable narrow-band dye laser with optics sets optimized for 560-730 nm with various accessories like laser power stabilizer and wavemeter.
Includes CCD detector, avalanche photodiode, liquid helium cryostat and a Jobin-Yvon 640 spectrograph. The spectrograph can also be used bulk fluorescence spectra measurements.
Transient absorption spectrophotometer with capabilities to measure time resolved absorption changes from 30 ns to 10 s between 330-900 nm.
Lasers for high resolution laser excited total luminescence, excitation, fluorescence lifetime measurements, laser induced fluorescence line narrowing, time resolved site selection spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy at temperatures ranging from liquid helium temperature (4 K) to 500 K and excitation with wavelengths from the NIR to the ultraviolet.
© Concordia University