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About Volt-Age

Welcome to Volt-Age, where innovation meets purpose.

We are dedicated to integrating cutting-edge technologies for carbon-neutral buildings, advanced energy storage, smart grids, and the electrification of transportation. 

Volt-Age is committed to affordability, equity, and societal well-being, with a special emphasis on addressing the unique needs of Indigenous communities. Join us as we champion a brighter, decarbonized future through community engagement and concrete solutions.

Pioneering the electrification movement

It started with a vision to significantly decrease global CO2 emissions. By reinventing buildings and transit systems, we could engage communities to reduce emissions and pave the way for a brighter, cleaner, and more efficient future.

In April 2023, we were honored with a $123 million grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund. This ground-breaking award, the most significant in our university’s history, is a testament to our dedication and expertise.

Pushing boundaries through collaborative excellence

With the collective expertise of over 140 prolific researchers across various disciplines, we are poised to address the technical aspects of electrification as well as the societal and policy-oriented challenges they entail.

Get in touch with the Volt-Age team

Volt-Age is funded by the Canada First Research Excellence Fund (CFREF)

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