Policies & Guidelines
On this page you will find brief descriptions of each of Volt-Age's policies. Please click on the links to read the full policy.
Volt-Age Code of Conduct
This Code of Conduct has been prepared using the template from Sustainable Event Guide by the Office of Sustainability and Hospitality Concordia. Volt-Age has adapted the guidelines to fit the unique needs of our organization while ensuring alignment with the ethical standards and practices outlined by the source. All individuals associated with Volt-Age, including but not limited to researchers, committee members, administrative staff, students, and participants in Volt-Age meetings, events, and communications, are expected to adhere to the following guidelines.
Recording & Dissemination Policy
Volt-Age organizes and curates a large number of events each year for researchers, students, industry, community, and public partners, as well as events open to the general public. It is important to share the information, tools, and resources that come from our events to various audiences that could benefit from them. At the same time, we recognize that it is important to create safe space for free sharing of ideas, critical thinking, and constructive feedback during events.
Conflict of Interest Guidelines
Many of the Volt-Age governance bodies include multiple researchers who are experts in fields related to the research program. These same researchers are also among the best candidates to lead large-scale research projects appropriate for funding through Volt-Age. Volt-Age is fully committed to managing the potential conflicts of interest (COI) that will inevitably arise. As a result, the individuals involved in the research program must be prepared to act with careful attention to actual, perceived, and potential COIs.