Before you leave your host university, ensure that you have cleared any debts that you have on your host university student record. Your host university will not issue your official transcript of marks if you have any outstanding debts on your student record.
Welcome home!
You have returned from your exchange semester and are settling back into your life at Concordia University. Wondering what steps you need to compelte to finalize your exchange and seamlessly ease back into your semester? Below are the things that you need to do.
1. Clear outstanding debts
2. Submit student report
It is mandatory to submit a student exchange report or submit a video toward the end of your stay abroad and before you begin your next semester at Concordia. This is a requirement that you must complete in order to have your credits transferred to your degree.
3. Confirm Transcript Sent
Before you leave your host university, confirm that a copy of your transcript will be sent to your Concordia International Liaison Officer (ILO). The transcript must either be sent directly to or shared with your ILO by the host university. Transcripts sent directly by the student are not considered official documents and can't be used for credit transfer.
4. Confirm Transferred Courses
You will receive notification that your credits have been transferred to your Concordia student record. It is your responsibility to verify in your Student Centre that the credits have been transferred correctly.