When you're in failed standing
Look into your options for resuming your studies at Concordia — and how to find success following failed standing.
Each year, Concordia assesses your grade point average and determines your academic standing. You must meet the university’s academic standards to continue in your program.
If you find yourself in failed standing, know you are not alone: many people deal with personal, financial, health and family situations that affect their academic performance.
Normally, you must take time off from Concordia for one academic year before applying for readmission. But if you feel prepared to continue in your studies now, you may apply for readmission immediately with a view to resuming your studies in the fall term.
Apply now for readmission
If you have been away from your studies for a year or more and would like to be considered for readmission for fall 2025, you can make an application now.
If you are a graduate student in failed standing, please contact the School of Graduate Studies.
If you decide not to apply for readmission or if your application is not successful, take the time reflect on issues that may have affected your studies. While you cannot take courses for credit, you may find non-credit courses helpful to keep your mind active. If you would like to discuss readmission at a later date, contact your faculty in the spring before you wish to resume your studies.
Conditions for continuing your studies
If you are offered readmission, your offer letter will lay out certain conditions. By registering for courses following your readmission, you agree to honour all of the conditions in your readmission letter, including the following, to avoid cancellation of your readmission.
Future academic performance
You are considered to be on academic probation, meaning you must achieve acceptable standing, a minimum assessment grade point average of 2.00. If you take 12 credits or more, assessment takes place in May of the year following readmission; otherwise, assessment happens the following May.
If you do not achieve acceptable standing, you will need to take a minimum of two years off from your studies at Concordia before you can apply for readmission again.
Course load
Consider your course load carefully when you return to your studies. Normally, you may take up 12 credits per semester. (Refer to your readmission letter for details.) Once you have achieved acceptable academic standing, you may request removal of that limit. If you would like to increase your maximum credit load, keep in mind that requirements can vary by faculty. Speak to your academic advisor to find out more.
Gina Cody students
If you are readmitted to undergraduate studies in the Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science, you are subject to additional conditions. Upon readmission, you will need to:
- repeat any course in which you earned a D grade or a failing grade in the academic year you went into failed standing
- obtain a grade of C- or better in each course requred to graduate (in the case of general or technical electives, you may seek approval to choose an alternative elective course)
- achieve a grade of C- or better in any exams you deferred in the previous academic year
- successfully complete all prerequisites you need to repeat prior to registration in other courses
- register for all courses you need to repeat, including outstanding prerequisite courses, in the year of readmission
Failure to meet the last condition means you will face withdrawal from all courses, plus the cancellation of your offer of readmission. Keep in mind that if you replace an elective course with an approved alternative, it will not count as a repeat (REPT). Rather, the grades of both courses will count towards your assessment grade point average and cumulative grade point average.
Key considerations
Any courses you took at another institution while you were in failed standing will not be considered for exemption or transfer credit.
International students
If you are an international student and your faculty offers you readmission on a part-time basis (or you decide to take fewer than 12 credits), be aware of the consequences part-time registration may have, including your ability to:
- respect the conditions required to study in Quebec
- work on campus or off campus
- remain eligible for the post-graduation work permit
If you have questions about what your offer of readmission means for your situation, contact your international student advisor.
University Skills for Success (UNSS) courses
You may be required to take UNSS 200 Self-Management Strategies and/or UNSS 201 Successful Study Strategies, classes designed to give you tools for enhancing your academic performance, including help with time management, career planning, dealing with stress, study skills and more.
These courses are not part of the course credit requirements for government student aid. For example: for loan programs requiring you to study full time (a minimum of 12 credits per term), you will need to take 12 credits in addition to the 1.5 credits represented by each UNSS course.
Resources to help you succeed
Academic advising
For help understanding your degree requirements and interpreting university regulations, academic advisors are your go-to resource. They can offer valuable guidance on protecting your grade point average and getting back on track after failed standing. Speak to your advisor for answers to your specific questions about pre-requisites, course and elective choices, adding or dropping majors or minors, making changes to your program of study, and more!
Student services
Once you have applied for readmission and you are ready to resume your studies, staff at the Student Success Centre offer individualized training and guidance for enhancing and leveraging your strengths so you can perform at your very best academically. The team includes Learning Specialists to address specific academic challenges, Peer Writing Assistants to improve your written assignments and Peer Math Assistants to develop your problem-solving techniques. Career counsellors and career advisors can also help you prepare for life beyond university.
Campus Wellness and Support Services offers a variety of mental health and wellbeing services. If applicable to you, the Access Centre for Students with Disabilities can help you develop an accommodation plan.
For more support
If you are a student in failed standing in need of advice, please reach out to your faculty.
Arts and Science
Student Academic Services
Loyola Campus, room AD 202
514-848-2424, ext. 2104
Contact an Academic Advisor
Fine Arts
Student Academic Services
SGW Campus, room EV 2.705
514-848-2424, ext. 4612
Contact an Academic and Retention Advisor
Gina Cody School of Engineering & Computer Science
Student Academic Services
SGW Campus, room EV-002.105
514-848-2424, ext. 3055
Contact a Student Success and Retention Advisor
John Molson School of Business
Undergraduate Student Affairs Office
SGW Campus, room MB 4.201
514-848-2424, ext. 2721
Contact an Academic Advisor
Independent students, email Enrolment Services.