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Program details

Employee Sustainability Ambassadors spend 2-3 hours per month on program activities.

Program responsibilities

Staff and faculty commit to serving as their department’s Employee Sustainability Ambassador for at least 1 year, from January to December. However, we encourage interested employees to maintain their status as Sustainability Ambassadors by continuing to meet some of the requirements of the program moving forward. 

Responsibilities include:

  • Serving as a main point of contact for their department to ask sustainability-related questions
  • Tracking the needs and concerns that arise from their department for the Office of Sustainability
  • Participating in a network of support with other Employee Sustainability Ambassadors
  • Hosting at least 1 educational intervention for their coworkers per year 

Each month, employee SAs will:

  • Inform their colleagues virtually about 1 or 2 relevant sustainability events or actions on campus per month

  • Be available in person and virtually as a resource point for coworkers to answer questions and connect to sustainability resources 

  • Keep a record of conversations with colleagues about sustainable information, shared resources, successful strategies, and indicated interests 

  • Encourage conversations about sustainability with peers, virtually and in-person.

Beyond the monthly tasks, employee SAs will:

  • Attend an introductory session in February

  • Send an introductory message to their department informing them of their new role

  • Select a short 5-10 minute intervention strategy from our provided database to present to colleagues in a departmental meeting or other group interaction

  • Attend 1-2 practice sessions where they rehearse the intervention, as well as support fellow Sustainability Ambassadors rehearse their own

  • Provide 1-2 of these interventions to their colleagues before the end of the year

Benefits for employees

  • Targeted training and support from sustainability professionals at Concordia 

  • Resource and materials toolkit with all the information and materials necessary to enact change within your department

  • Community-building with peers

  • Employer-supported sustainability volunteering during summer hours 

  • Opportunity to receive a Sustainability Champion Award

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