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Tall (60vh)

The overall height of this hero is 60% of the browser window.

Common uses:

• home page

• Subsite landing page

Photo by Eric Tschaeppeler

Medium (45vh)

The overall height of this hero is 45% of the browser window.
Common uses:

• Top hero on first level landing page

• Secondary hero on a page

Short (35vh)

The overall height of this hero is 35% of the browser window.
Common uses:

• Top hero on first level landing page

• Secondary hero on a page

Mini (19vh)

The overall height of this hero is 19% of the browser window.

Not commonly used


Common uses:

• In a column control with two square heros side by side

• In a column control (check equal height in the column control) beside a flexible hero


Common uses:

• With a background colour or graphic pattern

• If there is a lot of text in the hero and text is cut off when viewed on a desktop and/or mobile device

Full height

Reserved for use by UCS web team


Takes up the full height of the browser window

Not commonly used

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