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Hero component

The hero component is a flexible but advanced component that can combine images, colours, text, links and calls to action. Used for splashy home page banners, the hero can be used to separate sections on landing pages, or for temporary or promotional content. 

This is an advanced component reserved for use by the UCS Web Team and AEM authors who have taken hero training.

Component(s) you might want to use with this one:

Design options

There are several hero size and text options available. Enter all your content before choosing settings for your hero.

Hero size options 

  • Tall (60vh) - Top hero on home pages (ex.
  • Medium (45vh) and Short (35 vh) - Top hero on first level landing page (ex.
  • Mini (19vh)
  • Square - this option, if selected, is for use in a column control
  • Flexible - commonly used for heros that use a background colour instead of an image
  • Full height - reserved for use by the Concordia Web Team

Field name Description
Overall height

Vertical height (vh) = the percentage of the browser window that the hero occupies

  • Tall (60vh)
  • Medium (45vh)
  • Short (35vh)
  • Mini (19vh)
  • Square
  • Flexible
  • Full height
Main text  
Category name Adds a hyperlink above the Title
Link to  
Call to action
  • Maximum of 2 buttons
  • If you add one link but keep the "Button text" field empty the entire hero will be clickable and will have a mouse over effect of 80% opacity.
Button text  
Link to  
Open new tab Check this when linking to an external website or PDF
Button style
  • Ghost light
  • Ghost dark
  • Filled (Burgundy)
  • Filled (Other)
Large button  
Button text  
Link to  
Open new tab Check this when linking to an external website
Button style
  • Ghost light
  • Ghost dark
  • Filled (Burgundy)
  • Filled (Other)
Large button  
Place below Stacks the two buttons. Leave this option unchecked by default; TBD by UCS Web Team in design review.

Field name Description
Design settings  
Heading level
  • H1 (use for top hero only)
  • H2 (all other heroes on the same page; this must be set for accessibility)
Font family
  • Gill Sans Medium
  • Gills Sans Bold Condensed
  • Gill Sans Bold
Font size
  • XX-Large
  • X-Large
  • Large
  • Small
  • X-Small
Title colour
  • White
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Other
Subtitle colour
  • White
  • Black
  • Other
  • None (Default)
  • Solid shadow
  • Blurred shadow
  • Stroke
  • Background box (Dark)
  • Background box (Llight)
Desktop settings  
Align (horizontal)
  • Left
  • Centre
  • Right
Align (vertical)
  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom
  • Other (%)
Mobile settings  
Align (horizontal)
  • Left
  • Centre
  • Right
Align (vertical)
  • Top
  • Middle
  • Bottom
  • Other (%)
Text area settings  
Text area grid
  • Narrow (768px)
  • Default (940px)
  • Wide (1200px)
  • No grid
Text area width

A percentage of the width of the selected text area grid. 

  • 100%
  • 90%
  • 80%
  • 70%
  • 60%
  • 50%
  • 40%
Additional padding Only use with the "Flexible" hero
Ex: 60px 0 60px 0 (top right bottom left)

Field name Description
Background colour  

Background image will take precedence over background colour

Web colour palette

  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
  • Burgundy tint
  • Magenta tint
  • Orange tint
  • Mauve tint
  • Dark blue tint
  • Blue tint
  • Turquoise tint
  • Green tint
  • Gold tint
Background image
Horizontal position
  • Left
  • Centre (default)
  • Right
Vertical position
  • Top (default)
  • Middle
  • Bottom
Background overlay  
Overlay shade
  • Dark (Default)
  • Light
  • Other
Top opacity
  • 0%  - 100%
Bottom opacity
  • 0%  - 100%
Photo credit  

Appears in white text in the bottom right hand corner

Background video Use only with permission from UCS Web Team

The location of the video file* 


The location of a static image (still) file*

Loop video Checked by default
Show Pause/Play Unchecked by default
If a video is longer than 5 seconds, it is recommended to enable the pause/play button
*Both MP4 and images files are necessary for a video background to work properly

Field name Description
  • Free Crop
  • Square (1:1)
To remove the photo from the component
! Shows the location of the image in the DAM

Field name Description
Other colours Web colour palette
Title colour
  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
Subtitle colour
  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
Button (1) colour
  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Gold
  • Magenta
  • Lime
Button (2) colour
  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
  • Yellow
  • Gold
  • Magenta
  • Lime
Overlay colour
  • White
  • Light grey
  • Medium grey
  • Dark grey
  • Very dark grey
  • Black
  • Burgundy
  • Magenta
  • Orange
  • Mauve
  • Dark blue
  • Blue
  • Turquoise
  • Green
Other vertical align settings  
  • 0% - 80%
  • Clear
  • 0% - 80%
  • Clear
Additional info  
CSS class


UTM source  
High quality Force the quality of the background image to be set to high. This is not recommended because it will slow down the page load.
Deprecated title style


Script tab DO NOT USE - reserved for the UCS Web Team


  • Ensure you select the correct heading level for the title (H1 or H2)
  • Chose photos that have a strong point of focus. 
  • Always check the mobile display of your hero. This can be done by shrinking your browser window.
  • If the text is hard to read, either change to a less busy image, add text contrast or add an overlay. 



It is important to set the correct Heading level for the Title field (found in the Text settings tab). The default is H1, the other option is H2.

  • H1
    • for a hero at the top of the page directly beneath the Concordia header
    • only one H1 per page
  • H2
    • for a hero that is not at the top of a page
    • can have more than one H2 on a page

Buttons and hyperlinks

  • Write descriptive calls to action.

Colour combinations

  • When using a solid background CUBE colour use white text.
  • When using a solid background CUBE tint use black text.


  • Hero images are decorative background images and do not use alt text. 


  • If a background video is on a loop, or is longer than 5 seconds, enable the pause/play button

A cube colour uses white text

A cube tint uses black text


  • Use BoldCondensed all caps for the top hero H1
  • Set the image position before you crop
  • Adjust the text area width if your text wraps strangely 
  • Check your page for mobile display
  • Work with your comms advisor (and web team) to determine best approach for sharing timely information

Dos for selecting images

Key elements:

  • Simplicity
  • A centred composition
  • Symmetry
  • The rule of thirds
  • Hero overlaid text will be legible
  • The eye is drawn to one point of focus in the photo


  • Stack heroes
  • Use multiple heroes to visually break up the page
  • Use heroes for announcements across multiple pages
  • Use call to actions in a top hero that divert people from reading important information on the page
  • Have more than one H1 on the page
  • Add line breaks to your text if it wraps strangely; adjust the text area width instead
  • Use the hero to layout a page of body text

Don'ts for selecting images

Key elements:

  • Images are so busy that the overlaid text is difficult to read
  • The eye jumps all over different parts of the photo without being able to settle on one element
  • Image is cropped too close to the subjects face and there is no room for text


Heros are covered in the Heroes and Cards training sessions. This training is reserved for units whose websites use this component.

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