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Tax credits & funding

Learn about provincial and federal tax credits and subsidies that are available to certain employers who hire Institute students for internships.

Provincial tax credits

Employers who hire students from the Institute for Co-operative Education at Concordia may be eligible for the provincial tax credit by claiming a percentage of a student's salary and training costs. Only companies that pay taxes are eligible for tax credits. To determine if you are eligible, employers are encouraged to inquire directly with Revenu Québec via their website or by calling 1-800-567-4692.

80% of employers receive funding that can cover up to 40% of a student's salary and training!

A week prior to the end of each internship, send the completed form to us at for review. We will return it to you in pdf format, signed by Institute Management. It is each employer’s responsibility to send the signed form to Revenue Quebec.

Please note: 

  • The Institute does not necessarily have the supervisor’s name and information in our system. It is up to each employer to include it on the form.
  • You can receive funding for a maximum of 420 hours per term, extendable to 840 hours for an 8-month internship. Please note that an 8-month internship can be accounted for either 1 or 2 distinct tax credit forms. The Tax Credit Form could be completed and sent in the last month of the first or the second internship.
  • The form is available only in French.

If you require additional assistance, please call us at (514) 848-2424 extension 3950. Our offices are open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

Federal support

CRA tax credit for students moving for work

Federal Student Work Placement Program (SWPP)

Through the Government of Canada’s Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), organizations within Canada that offer full-time internship opportunities between 12–16 weeks for eligible Canadian post-secondary students can receive wage subsidies:

  • up to 50% of the wage cost for the placement (up to a maximum of $5,000 per placement) per student, OR
  • up to 70% (up to a maximum of $7,000 per placement) for under-represented students including first-year students, women in STEAM, Indigenous students, persons with disabilities and new Canadians.


  • Must be a Canadian registered business or non-profit organization
  • Shall pay the student for the duration of the internship
  • Must comply with all federal, provincial, territorial laws and regulations on human rights, applicable labour standards as well as all occupational health and safety laws and regulations


  • Federal, provincial, territorial or municipal governments
  • Organizations that are extensions of a federal, provincial, territorial or municipal government, such as Crown corporations or public educational institutions
  • Companies in the financial sector

SWPP Funding Partners:

Contact the Institute for forms:

Funding for research and development

  • The Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives are intended to encourage businesses to conduct research and development in Canada. They offer 15–35% tax credits for eligible expenditures, which may include the salaries of Institute students. Canadian businesses of all sizes and in all sectors who complete research and development in Canada may be eligible. 
  • Mitacs helps to employ Canadian researchers from multiple programs with companies through funding opportunities.

Sustainability funding

  • The JMSB Sustainable Internship Program (SIP) offers funding for internships that demonstrate a sustainability component in the job description (whether sustainability is a mandate of the organization or not). The funding allows for a $6,000 stipend to each student for each term working full-time, which can be added to the salary or stipend provided by the employer. For more information, please contact
  • Project Learning Tree Canada offers up to 50% of income support based on the prevailing provincial minimum wage rate to any organization that will offer work experience opportunities to students in the green jobs sector. Work experiences must be from 8–16 weeks in duration and must take place within Canada. The job must be a Green Job from the Approved Jobs List and is a position which is primarily outdoors, with a resource management, conservation, and/or environmental education component.
  • UNAC Green Spaces is a youth employment program that places students interested in the Green Economy in organizations across the country to elevate their knowledge, passion, and experience working in sustainable development. It is a wage matching funding opportunity (wage subsidy of approximately 50%).
  • Biotalent Canada offers up to $13,500 in wage subsidies over six months to employers to hire a recent graduate from any discipline into a “green job.”

Funding for summer internships

  • Canada Summer Jobs helps non-profit organizations, public sector employers and small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to hire students (any program) for the summer.
  • The Young Canada Works program offers eligible employers between 25% to 75% of employment costs up to a maximum of $8,000 per internship (students from any program).
  • Fonds étudiant solidarité travail du Québec offers financial assistance to organizations who hire students during the summer, for educational and social employment in workplaces that would not normally have the necessary financial resources. Eligible employers: small businesses, cooperatives, non-profit organizations in the community sector and labour organizations.
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