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Convention de Stage

The Convention de Stage is required for students to do an internship with French companies. The rules surrounding a convention de stage are governed by French law and not Concordia policy or Canadian law. The Dean of Students Office assists students who are interested in pursuing a convention de stage.

Your employer will fill out the highlighted areas of the document and then it is returned to us, signed by the company and by yourself. 

Send the document, signed by the company and yourself, as well as your student ID number to

If you have any issues regarding the convention de stage, please contact Campus France:

You must give us at least one week's notice to sign the document.

We can only sign documents if you are a currently registered student, or ONE semester after you last took courses.

If the company is not using Concordia’s convention de stage document, we will need to review their contract, as we will most likely not be able to sign. There can be nothing in the document that gives the University any tasks that we are not actually doing, or any information that is not accurate (for example: that the stage is being done as part of your curriculum at Concordia University).

A stage in France can be no longer than 6 months.

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