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About the Academic Leadership Institute

The future of higher learning will be defined by the choices its leaders make today. This is why the Academic Leadership Institute at Concordia is devoted to cultivating a set of tools and resources for senior administrators to apply to leadership success.

Live the examined life

Academic life instills habits of observation, reflection, and critical analysis. The Institute aspires to apply these practices to a deeper understanding of what it means to be an academic leader, bringing the best of the academy to a unique set of challenges and opportunities.

The Institute’s mission to serve dually as research hub and executive training provider is grounded in the belief that the practical and theoretical combine to facilitate reflective, intentional university leadership. And we believe the nature of this leadership differs from that of other sectors.

Where theory meets practice

The lifeblood of the Institute is its understanding of academic leadership as a subject worthy of inquiry.

The assembly and promotion of academic leadership research is a core function of the Institute. A growing base of knowledge will increasingly inform tailored training initiatives to empower academic leaders in the expansion of their executive presence and skills.

Growing together

The Institute offers the opportunity for cooperation across disciplines and institutions. Senior leaders benefit from sharing experiences with outside counterparts working to navigate and define the same rapidly shifting contexts.

The Institute envisions a burgeoning community of practice, bolstered by immersion in leadership development activities, including our flagship case-based summer program.

The inaugural cohort will gain lifetime membership to the Institute as it fulfils its mission to serve current and future academic leaders.

Summer program

Our 4.5-day, case-based program is the cornerstone of our vision to reimagine higher learning by reimagining academic leadership. Our inaugural summer program was offered from:


July 2 – 6, 2019


Téo L. Blackburn
Manager, Academic Leadership and Inclusion
Office of the Provost and Vice-President, Academic
Tel: 514-848-2424, ext. 7704

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