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BSc Honours in Biology

Program Requirements

Honours in Biology (72 credits)



BIOL 225 Form and Function of Organisms (3.00)
BIOL 226 Biodiversity and Ecology (3.00)
BIOL 261 Molecular and General Genetics (3.00)
BIOL 266 Cell Biology (3.00)
BIOL 367 Molecular Biology (3.00)
BIOL 490 Independent Study (6.00)
CHEM 221 Introductory Organic Chemistry I (3.00)
CHEM 271 Biochemistry I (3.00)

Note: Students entering the program with Cegep Organic Chemistry must replace CHEM 221 with an equivalent number of credits in Biology program electives.

credits chosen from:

BIOL 322 Biostatistics (3.00)
CHEM 212 Analytical Chemistry for Biology and Environmental and Sustainability Science (3.00)


credits chosen from:

BIOL 227 Laboratory Studies in Biodiversity (3.00)
BIOL 330 Vertebrate Biology (3.00)
BIOL 337 Invertebrate Biology (3.00)
BIOL 340 Plant Biology (3.00)
BIOL 364 Cell Physiology (3.00)
BIOL 366 Mechanisms of Development (3.00)
BIOL 371 Microbiology (3.00)
BIOL 382 Comparative Animal Physiology (3.00)
BIOL 385 Entomology (3.00)


credits chosen from Biology courses at the 300 and/or 400 level, with a minimum of nine credits at the 400 level, or courses selected from the Chemistry Courses for Biology Programs list

Note: To satisfy the Biology lab requirement, students must take at least nine credits from Biology courses with lab components: BIOL 227, BIOL 330, BIOL 337, BIOL 340, BIOL 368, BIOL 382, BIOL 450, and BIOL 466.


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their departmental honours advisor. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Admission, retention, and graduation in an honours program requires that the student has a cumulative and last assessment GPA of at least 3.30 with no grade below C.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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