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BA Honours in Italian

Program Requirements

Honours in Italian (60 credits)


credits chosen from:

ITAL 240 Intermediate Italian: Intensive Course (6.00)
ITAL 241 Intermediate Italian I (3.00)
ITAL 242 Intermediate Italian II (3.00)


credits chosen from:

ITAL 301 Advanced Grammar and Writing I (3.00)
ITAL 302 Advanced Grammar and Writing II (3.00)
ITAL 303 Introduction to Academic Writing in Italian (3.00)
ITAL 310 Survey of Italian Literature I (3.00)
ITAL 311 Survey of Italian Literature II (3.00)
ITAL 365 Italian Civilization: Italy from Dante to Today (3.00)

39credits in an approved sequence chosen from courses higher than ITAL 302, of which at least 12 credits must be at the 400 level


ITAL 490 Honours Essay Tutorial (3.00)


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their honours program advisor. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of at least 24 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Students with advanced placement must replace the 200‑level language courses with 300‑ or 400‑level courses offered within the same program.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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