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Minor in Science Journalism

Program Requirements

Minor in Science Journalism (24 credits)




JOUR 206 Introduction to Reporting (3.00)
JOUR 207 Introduction to Multimedia (3.00)
JOUR 340 Communicating Science with Society (3.00)
JOUR 402 Specialist Reporting (3.00)


credits chosen from:


JOUR 205 Principles of Journalistic Thought and Practice (3.00)
JOUR 208 Intermediate Reporting (3.00)
JOUR 209 Intermediate Multimedia (3.00)
JOUR 215 Contemporary News Media (3.00)
JOUR 216 Law and Ethics in Journalism (3.00)
JOUR 298 Special Topics in Journalism (3.00)
JOUR 302 Reporting and Research Methods for Journalism (3.00)
JOUR 325 Social Media and Mobile Reporting (3.00)
JOUR 451 Independent Study (3.00)
COMS 360 Mass Media (3.00)
COMS 361 Propaganda (3.00)
ENGL 391 Studies in Health Humanities and Literature (3.00)
LOYC 340 Culture and Communication (3.00)

Note: With permission of the program director, up to six of the 12 elective credits can be taken in alternative courses, if these courses meet the goals of the program.


  • This minor is intended for students enrolled in a BSc program. Students registered in a science-related program or another discipline are eligible with permission of the Department.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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