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BA/BSc Honours in Actuarial Mathematics

Program Requirements

Honours in Actuarial Mathematics (66 credits)




MAST 218 Multivariable Calculus I (3.00)
MAST 219 Multivariable Calculus II (3.00)
MATH 251 Linear Algebra I (3.00)
MATH 252 Linear Algebra II (3.00)
MATH 364 Analysis I (3.00)
STAT 249 Probability I (3.00)
STAT 250 Statistics (3.00)
STAT 280 Introduction to Statistical Programming (3.00)




ACTU 256 Mathematics of Finance (3.00)
ACTU 257 Actuarial Mathematics I (3.00)
ACTU 357 Actuarial Mathematics II (3.00)
ACTU 457 Risk Theory (3.00)
ACTU 458 Credibility Theory (3.00)
ACTU 459 Loss Distributions (3.00)
MACF 301 Introduction to Quantitative Finance (3.00)
STAT 349 Probability II (3.00)
STAT 360 Linear Models (3.00)
STAT 460 Time Series and Forecasting (3.00)
STAT 461 Statistical Simulation (3.00)


credits chosen from:


ACTU 286 Actuarial Mathematics Lab I (1.00)
ACTU 386 Actuarial Mathematics Lab II (2.00)
ACTU 486 Actuarial Mathematics Lab III (2.00)
MAST 334 Numerical Analysis (3.00)
MATH 365 Analysis II (3.00)
STAT 287 Statistics Lab I (1.00)
STAT 380 Statistical Learning (3.00)

Note: MATH 365 is recommended for students interested in pursuing a graduate degree in Actuarial Mathematics or a related discipline.



ACTU 493 Honours Project in Actuarial Mathematics (6.00)


  • Students interested in entering an honours program should consult their departmental honours advisor or undergraduate program director. Normally, students may apply for this change following the completion of 30 Concordia University credits. These credits should include program-related courses.
  • Students admitted to an honours program require an overall GPA of at least 3.30, and at least 3.50 in their program of specialization with no more than one grade below B‑. Students must find a supervisor for their project and register for the appropriate Project Course.
  • Students must meet the University regulations concerning the honours degree.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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