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Minor in Human Rights Studies

Program Requirements

Minor in Human Rights Studies (24 credits)




PHIL 241 Philosophy of Human Rights (3.00)
POLI 214 Human Rights: An Overview (3.00)


credits chosen from:


ANTH 380 Contemporary Issues in Human Rights (3.00)
ENGL 369 African-American Literature (3.00)
ENGL 380 Indigenous Literatures (3.00)
ENGL 382 Literature of Migration and Diaspora (3.00)
ENGL 383 African Literatures (3.00)
ENGL 387 South Asian Literature (3.00)
FPST 321 First Peoples and Justice (3.00)
GEOG 407 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment (3.00)
HIST 315 Rights and Freedoms in Canadian Society (3.00)
HIST 359 The History and Sociology of Genocide to 1945 (3.00)
HIST 360 The History and Sociology of Genocide from 1945 to the Present (3.00)
HIST 477 Advanced Study in the History of Human Rights and Justice (3.00)
JOUR 442 International Journalism (3.00)
LOYC 240 Global Environmental Issues and Ecological Justice (3.00)
PHIL 232 Introduction to Ethics (3.00)
PHIL 342 Political Philosophy (3.00)
PHIL 343 Philosophy of Law: General Jurisprudence (3.00)
PHIL 345 Legal Philosophy: Legal Rights and Duties (3.00)
POLI 208 Global Environmental Issues and Ecological Justice (3.00)
POLI 301 Social Movements and Protest Politics (3.00)
POLI 324 Parliament and the Charter (3.00)
POLI 328 Public Policy and the Politics of Equality (3.00)
POLI 388 Human Rights and International Justice (3.00)
POLI 389 Religion and Politics (3.00)
POLI 407 Parliamentary Bills of Rights (3.00)
RELI 310 Self and Other: Identity and Ethical Development (3.00)
RELI 312 Justice and Social Conflict in a Globalized World (3.00)
SOCI 367 The History and Sociology of Genocide from 1945 to the Present (3.00)
SOCI 380 Contemporary Issues in Human Rights (3.00)
THEO 343 Religion and Politics (3.00)
WSDB 381 Indigenous Women and Feminisms (3.00)
WSDB 385 Introduction to Trans Studies (3.00)
WSDB 386 Framing the Prostitute (3.00)
WSDB 390 Feminist Perspectives on Peace (3.00)

Note: The following courses are cross-listed:

 HIST 360 and  SOCI 367 

 LOYC 240and  POLI 208 

 POLI 389and  THEO 343‌ 

 ANTH 380and  SOCI 380 


  • Several of the courses listed in this program are cross-listed. In cases where cross-listed courses appear, either version of the course may be applied towards the program requirements. Students may not, however, take both versions of a cross-listed course for credit.
  • Students are responsible for satisfying their particular degree requirements.

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