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BFA Major in Art Education - Visual Arts

Program Requirements

Major in Art Education - Visual Arts (66 credits)




ARTE 220 Foundations of Art Education (3.00)
ARTE 230 Practicum: Observation and Analysis of Children’s Learning (3.00)
ARTE 320 Multidisciplinary Approaches to Art and Teaching (3.00)
ARTE 330 Introduction to Community Art Education (3.00)
ARTE 340 Art Education for Adolescents and Adults (3.00)
ARTE 432 Community Art Education: Theory and Practice (3.00)
ARTE 434 Professional Practice for Art Educators (3.00)


credits of Studio Art courses chosen from:

CERA 230 Ceramics I (6.00)
FBRS 240 Fibre Structures I (6.00)
FBRS 260 Textile Printing and Dyeing I (6.00)
PTNG 200 Painting I (6.00)
SCUL 211 Sculpture as Decolonial Practices (3.00)
SCUL 212 Sculpture and Material Practices (3.00)

6credits of Studio Art electives


ARTE 398 Special Topics in Art Education (3.00)



DRAW 200 Drawing I (6.00)


credits chosen from:

ARTE 352 Light‑Based Media (3.00)
ARTE 354 Time‑Based Media (3.00)
ARTE 398 Special Topics in Art Education (3.00)
ARTE 498 Special Topics in Inter‑Related Media and Technologies (3.00)

6credits of Art History electives
6credits of Studio Art or Art History electives


EDUC 210 Psychology of Education (6.00)


  • This program does not lead to teacher certification.
  • Electives permit a wider choice in courses in preparation for graduate study in areas such as art therapy, museum education, recreation, and arts administration.
  • Students are responsible for fulfilling their particular degree requirements; hence, the sequences above must be read in conjunction with Section 81.20 Degree Requirements.

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