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Information tables

Saturday, February 15, 2025 – 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Engineering, Computer Science and Visual Arts Integrated Complex (EV Building) – 1515 Ste‑Catherine St. W.
John Molson Building (MB Building) – 1450 Guy St.
Richard J. Renaud Science Complex (SP Building) – 7141 Sherbrooke St. W.

Drop by an information table to speak with professors, staff and current students about programs and services.

Arts and Science

Programs and services Campus Location
Admissions and advising - graduate  Loyola and
SP Building, table 319
MB Building, 5th floor
Admissions – undergraduate (all programs) Loyola and
SP Building, table 317
EV Building, 5th floor
Advising - undergraduate  Loyola and
SP Building, table 318
MB Building, table 202
Arts and Science Student Life SGW MB Building, table 218
Institute for Co-operative Education
(with paid internships)
Loyola and
SP Building, table 305
MB Building, table 207
Applied Human Sciences Loyola SP Building, table 324
Biology Loyola SP Building, table 315
Chemistry and Biochemistry Loyola SP Building, table 310
Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics SGW MB Building, table 206
Communication Studies Loyola SP Building, table 322
Economics SGW MB Building, table 219
Education SGW MB Building, table 214
English SGW MB Building, table 208
Études françaises SGW MB Building, table 211
Geography, Planning and Environment Loyola and
SP Building, table 313
MB Building, table 216
Health, Kinesiology and Applied Physiology Loyola SP Building, table 325
History SGW MB Building, table 209
Irish Studies SGW MB Building, table 210
Journalism Loyola SP Building, table 323
Liberal Arts College SGW MB Building, table 212
Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability Loyola and
SP Building, table 316
MB Building, table 215
Mathematics and Statistics SGW MB Building, table 221
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Loyola and
SP Building, table 311
EV Building, table 112
Philosophy SGW MB Building, table 201
Physics Loyola SP Building, table 312
Political Science SGW MB Building, table 217
Psychology Loyola SP Building, table 300
Religions and Cultures SGW MB Building, table 203
School of Community and Public Affairs
SGW MB Building, table 220
Science College Loyola SP Building, table 314
Sociology and Anthropology SGW MB Building, table 213
Theological Studies SGW MB Building, table 205
Women's Studies and Sexuality Studies SGW MB Building, table 204

Fine Arts

Programs and services Campus Location
Admssions - graduate SGW MB Building, 5th floor
Admissions – undergraduate (all programs)
SGW and
EV Building lobby, 5th floor
SP Building, table 317
Tours SGW EV Building, table 142
Art Volt SGW EV Building second floor, table 162
Art Education SGW EV Building second floor, table 161
Art History SGW EV Building second floor, table 169
Contemporary Dance SGW EV Building second floor, table 165
Creative Arts Therapies SGW EV Building second floor, table 168
Design and Computation Arts SGW EV Building second floor, table 163
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema SGW EV Building second floor, table 160
Music SGW EV Building second floor, table 164
Studio Arts SGW EV Building second floor, table 167
Theatre SGW EV Building second floor, table 166

Gina Cody School of Engineering and Computer Science


Programs and services Campus Location
Admissions – graduate SGW EV Building lobby, table 111
MB Building, 5th floor
Admissions – undergraduate (all programs)
SGW and
EV Building, 5th floor
SP Building, table 317
Tours SGW EV Building basement, table 002
Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering                  SGW EV Building lobby, table 105
Chemical and Materials Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 113
Computer Science and Software Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 107
Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 106
Electrical and Computer Engineering  SGW EV Building lobby, table 104
Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 101
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology SGW and
EV Building lobby, table 112
SP Building, table 311

The student experience

Programs and services Campus Location
Concordia Society of Civil Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 108
Concordia University Building Engineering Society (CUBES) SGW EV Building lobby, table 110
Engineering and Computer Science Association (ECA) SGW EV Building lobby, table 116
HackConcordia SGW EV Building lobby, table 119
Institute for Co-operative Education (with paid internships) SGW EV Building lobby, table 114
Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers SGW EV Building lobby, table 103
Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers SGW EV Building lobby, table 102
Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) SGW EV Building lobby, table 117
Software Engineering and Computer Science Society SGW EV Building lobby, table 109
Space Concordia SGW EV Building lobby, table 118
Troitsky Bridge Building Competition SGW EV Building lobby, table 121
Women in Engineering SGW EV Building lobby, table 120

John Molson School of Business


Programs and services Campus Location
Admissions – undergraduate (all programs)
SGW and
EV Building, 5th floor 
SP Building, table 317
Tours SGW MB Building third floor, table 250
Accountancy SGW MB Building third floor, table 245
Business Technology Management SGW MB Building third floor, table 248
Finance SGW MB Building third floor, table 244
International Business SGW MB Building third floor, table 247
Management and Human Resource Management SGW MB Building third floor, table 243
Marketing SGW MB Building third floor, table 246
Supply Chain Operations Management SGW MB Building third floor, table 249

The student experience

Programs and services Campus Location
Career Management Services SGW MB Building third floor, table 241
Institute for Co-operative Education
(Paid internships)
SGW MB Building third floor, table 242
Student associations and committees SGW MB Building third floor, table 251
Welcome to the John Molson School of Business SGW MB Building third floor, table 240

For everyone

Programs and services Campus Location
Admissions – undergraduate (all programs) SGW and
EV Building, 5th floor
SP Building, table 317
4TH SPACE SGW LB Building, LB-103
Centre pour étudiant·es francophones SGW and
EV Building, table 128
SP Building, table 309
CJLO campus radio Loyola SP Building, table 306
Concordia Student Union Off-campus Housing and
Job Resource Centre (HOJO)
SGW EV Building, table 140
Continuing Education SGW EV Building, table 137
District 3 SGW EV Building, table 135
eConcordia — online credit courses SGW EV Building, table 132
Experiential Learning SGW EV Building, table 115
Financial Aid and Awards SGW EV Building, table 129
Health, wellness, counselling and accessibility SGW and
EV Building, table 126
SP Building, table 307
Homeroom SGW and
EV Building, table 124
SP Building, table 321
Institute for Co-operative Education
(with paid internships)
Loyola and
SP Building, table 305
EV Building, table 114
MB Building, table 207, 242
International Students Office SGW EV Building, table 127
Library  SGW and
EV Building, table 138
SP Building, table 303 
NouLa Black Student Centre SGW EV Building, table 134
Otsenhákta Student Centre SGW EV Building, table 131
Recreation and Athletics SGW 
EV Building, Le Gym
Residence Life SGW and
EV Building, table 141
SP Building, table 302
Réussir en français SGW and
EV Building, table 133
SP Building, table 308
School of Health Loyola SP Building, table 304
SHIFT Centre for Social Transformation SGW LB Building, LB-145
Student Services at Loyola Loyola SP Building, table 321
Student Success Centre SGW EV Building, table 124
Study Abroad SGW EV Building, table 136
Tours — Loyola Campus Loyola SP Building, table 301
Tours — Sir George Williams Campus SGW MB Building, room 1.210
Tuition Information SGW and
EV Building, table 130
SP Building, table 320
What can I do with my major?  SGW EV Building, table 125

Graduate students

Programs and services Campus Location
School of Graduate Studies SGW MB Building 5th floor
Arts and Science SGW and
MB Building 5th floor
SP Building, table 319
Fine Arts SGW MB Building 5th floor
Gina Cody School of Engineering and
Computer Science
SGW MB Building 5th floor
EV Building lobby, table 111
John Molson School of Business SGW MB Building 5th floor
Professional development SGW MB Building 5th floor
Graduate Student Ambassadors SGW MB Building 5th floor
Volt Age SGW MB Building 5th floor

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