This catalogue aims to include as many of the antiquities amassed by the Diniacopoulos Family as possible. The core of this collection is formed by the objects owned by the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec and those dispersed in 1999-2000, but additional artifacts will be added when identified.

The catalogue has two main areas of data. There are short entries that offer the basic information about each artifact: name of the object, its culture, material, period, and catalogue number (within the Diniacopoulos numbering system). A thumbnail image is also provided with these short entries. Clicking on the image or name of the artifacts brings up a long catalogue entry. In addition to general information about each object, these longer entries present a full description of them, their dimensions, and any pertinent comparanda and/or bibliography. Additional images, where available, are also included here.
In some cases, data is vague or incomplete. Anyone able to provide clarification is invited to contact the editors, Jane Francis and George W.M. Harrison.