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Shannon Hebblethwaite, PhD

  • Professor, Applied Human Sciences

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Dr. Hebblethwaite's research centres around the complexities and nuances of the experience of leisure for marginalized peoples, including older people, first time mothers, and persons living with disabilities. More specifically, her research explores the social and political systems and institutions that shape, facilitate, and hinder inclusion and social engagement, specifically in the contexts of family relationships, digital technologies, social policy, and interage (intergenerational) relations. Taking a critical and community-engaged approach, her work disrupts traditional narratives and discourses, challenges ageist assumptions, and encourages a more intersectional approach to understanding the impact that leisure has on wellbeing.


PhD Family Relations & Applied Nutrition, University of Guelph
MA  Recreation and Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo
BA  Recreation and Leisure Studies (Therapeutic Recreation), University of Waterloo
BA  Psychology, University of Guelph

Research interests

Inclusion and social participation
Critical age studies
Qualitative and community-engaged research
Intergenerational family leisure
The intersections of leisure & public policy in the transition to motherhood
The experiences of information & communication technologies (ICTs) & ageing
Older people's engagement with the community nonprofit sector


Recent publications

Yuen, F., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2023). Human connections: Intergenerational engagement, intentionality, and third places. Leisure/Loisir.

Khalili-Mahani, N., Peterson, B., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2023). Lessons from a COVID-era controlled trial of online learning and socializing with older participants: Benefits of applying consolidated standards of reporting trials. Human Computer Interaction International.  


Turcotte, S., Filiatrault, J., Shea, C., Ansaldo, A., Bier, N., Grenier, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Ladjadj, F., Lamontagne, M., Levasseur, M., Raymond, E., & Viscogliosi, C. (2023). Codesign and implementation of a toolkit supporting community organizations’ intergenerational practices: An action research protocol. Canadian Journal of Action Research. 23(1).


Petersen, B., Khalili-Mahani, N., Murphy, C., Sawchuk, K., Phillips, N., Li, K Z. H., Hebblethwaite, S. (2023). The association between information and communication technologies, loneliness and social connectedness: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1-16.


Trussell, D. E., Hebblethwaite, S., Xing, T. M. K., Paterson, S., & Evans, M. (2023). Negotiating intensive mothering and the gendered politics of active leisure among first time mothers in Canada. Leisure/Loisir.


DeBroux Leduc, R., Bier, N., Couture, M., Ansaldo, A. I., Belleville, S., Ben Gaied, N., Belchior, P., Chesneau, S., Fonseca, R., Hebblethwaite, S., Jarema, G., Lacerda, A., Rousseau, J., Van de Velde, C., et Filiatrault, J. (2023). Social isolation of older adults living in a neighbourhood of Montreal: A qualitative descriptive study of the perspectives of older adults and community stakeholders. Canadian Journal on Aging.


Hebblethwaite, S., Young, L., & *Martin Rubio, T. (2022). Pandemic precarity: Aging and social engagement. In B. Lashua, C. W. Johnson, & D. Parry (eds.), Leisure in the time of Coronavirus: A rapid response. London, UK: Routledge.


Hebblethwaite, S. (2021). Negotiating the ideology of intensive grandparenthood in family leisure. In D. E. Trussell & R. Jeanes (eds.), Families, Sport, Leisure, and Social Justice. London, UK: Routledge.


Thombs, B. D., Kwakkenbos, L., Levis, B., Bourgeault, A., Henry, R. S., Levis, A. W., Harb, S., Tao, L., Carrier, M. E., Bustamante, L., Duchek, D., Dyas, L., El-Baalbaki, G., Ellis, K., Rice, D. B., Wurz, A., Nordlund, J., Gagarine, M., Turner, K. A., Ostbo, N., Culos-Reed, N., Hebblethwaite, S., Patten, S., Bartlett, S. J., Varga, J., Mouthon, L., Markham, S., Martin, M. S., Benedetti, A., & the SPIN-CHAT Patient Advisory Team and Program Facilitators on behalf of the Scleroderma Patient-centred Intervention Network Investigators. (2021). Effects of a multi-faceted education and support program on anxiety symptoms among people with systemic sclerosis with at least mild anxiety during COVID-19: A two-arm parallel partially nested randomised control trial. The Lancet Rheumatology.


Fortune, D., Timm-Bottos, J., Aubin, G., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2021). The art hive as a “frame of belonging” for older adults. Leisure/Loisir,


Wu, L., Kwakkenbos, L., Henry, R. S., Tao, L., Harb, S., Bourgeault, A., Carrier, M. E., Levis, B., Sun, Y., Bhandari, P. M., Carboni-Jimenez, A., Gagarine, M., He, C., Krishnan, A., Negeri, Z. F., Neupane, D., Mouthon, L., Bartlett, S. J., Benedetti, A., Thombs, B. D., Culos-Reed, N., El-Baalbaki, G., Hebblethwaite, S., Patten, S., Varga, J., Bustamante, L., Duchek, D., Ellis, K., Rice, D., Dyas, L., Fortune, C., Gietzen, A., Guillot, G., Lewis, N., Nielsen, K., Sauve, M., Welling, J. (2020). Validation of the COVID-19 Fears Questionnaire for Chronic Medical Conditions: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network COVID-19 Cohort Study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 139(December 2020), 1-8.


Hebblethwaite, S., Young, L., & Martin Rubio, T. (2020). Pandemic precarity: Aging and social engagement. Leisure Sciences, 42, online.


Thombs, B. Kwakkenbos, L., Carrier,M-E., Bourgeault, A., Tao, L., Harb, S., Gagarine, M., Rice, D., Bustamante, L., Ellis, K., Duchek, D., Wu, Y., Bhandari, P.M., Neupane, D., Carboni-Jiménez, A., Henry, R., Krishnan, A., Sun, Y., Levis, B., He, C., Turner, K., Benedetti, A., Culos-Reed, N., El-Baalbaki, G., Hebblethwaite, S., Bartlett, S., Dyas, L., Patten, S., & Varga, J.  (2020). Protocol for a Partially Nested Randomised Controlled Trial to Evaluate the Effectiveness of the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network COVID-19 Home-isolation Activities Together (SPIN-CHAT) Program to Reduce Anxiety among At-Risk Scleroderma Patients. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 135, (2020), 1-11.


Hebblethwaite, S. (2019). Leisure’s role in resisting and reinforcing discourses of active aging. In M. Durocher, N. T. Lamontagne, & C. Lafontaine (eds.), A Year of Aging. Montreal, QC: Aging, Communication Technology.


Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Trussell, D. E., Evans, M.E., & Xing, T. M. (2019). I am more than a mom: Stories of parental leave during the transition to motherhood in Canada. Social Policy & Administration, 53, 401-415. doi:10.1111/spol.12472


Hebblethwaite, S. (2018). Opportunities and challenges for therapeutic recreation in a digital world. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(2), ix-xii. https://0-doi-org./10.18666/TRJ-2018-V52-I2-9017


Hebblethwaite, S. (2018). The evolution of therapeutic recreation in a digital world. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 52(1), ix-xii.


Hebblethwaite, S. (2017). The (in)visibility of older adults in family leisure research: A call for expanded conceptualizations of family. Leisure Sciences, 39(5), 415-425.


Trussell, D. E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Xing, T., & Evans, M. (2017). Negotiating the complexities and risks of an interdisciplinary research team. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16, 1-10.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2017). The (in)visibility of older adults in digital leisure cultures. In

S. Carnicelli, D. McGillivray & G. McPherson (eds.), Digital Leisure Cultures: Critical

Perspectives (pp. 94-106). London: Routledge.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Grandparents’ reflections on family leisure: “It keeps a family

together”. Journal of Leisure Research, Special Issue on Leisure in Later Life, 48(1), 69-


Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Understanding ambivalence in family leisure among

three-generation families: “It’s all part of the package”. In H. Schnzel & N. Carr (eds.),

Children, Families, and Leisure. London: Rutledge.

Ivan, L., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Grannies on the net: Grandmothers’ experiences of

Facebook in family communication. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public

Relations, 18(1), 11-25.

Paterson, S., Trussell, D., Hebblethwaite, S., Evans, M., & Xing, T. (2016). Playing with

motherhood: The politics of leisure and the transition to motherhood in Montreal and

Toronto. Canadian Review of Social Policy, 74, 109-144.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). Grandparents’ reflections on family leisure: “It keeps a family

together”. Journal of Leisure Research, Special Issue on Leisure in Later Life, 48(1), 69-


Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). Understanding ambivalence in family leisure among

three-generation families: “It’s all part of the package”. Annals of Leisure Research

Special Issue: Children, Families and Leisure, 18(3), 359-376. Guest Editors Heike

Schanzel & Neil Carr.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). Commentary: The professionalization of therapeutic recreation

in Quebec, Canada. World Leisure Journal Special Issue: Global Therapeutic

Recreation: Should the United States Therapeutic Recreation Profession and the United

States National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) be Replicated in

Other Nations? 57(1), 19-24.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Curley, L. (2015). Exploring the role of community recreation in stroke

recovery using participatory action research and photovoice. Therapeutic Recreation

Journal, 49(1), 1-17.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2014). “Grannie’s got to go fishing": Meanings and experiences of family leisure for three-generation families in rural and urban settings. World Leisure Journal, 56(1), 42-61.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2013). "I think that it could work, but...": Tensions between the theory and practice of person-centered and relationship-centered care. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 47(1), 13-34.

Hebblethwaite, S., Curley, L. (2011). Enhancing recreation therapy practice through participatory action research. Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Research Annual, 8.

Hebblethwaite, S., Doyle, J. (2011). Social programs for survivors of TBI and stroke:  Evaluation of a community-based social recreation program.  Therapeutic Recreation Ontario Research Annual, 8.

Hebblethwaite, S. & Singleton, J.F. (2011).  Intergenerational programming.  In N.J. Stumbo & K.M. Kensinger (Eds.), Leisure Education and Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation Services.  State College, PA: Venture.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Norris, J. E.  (2011).  Expressions of generativity through family leisure: Experiences of grandparents and adult grandchildren.  Family Relations, 60(1), 121-133.

Hebblethwaite, S. & Norris, J. E. (2010).  “You don’t want to hurt his feelings”: Family leisure as a context for intergenerational ambivalence.  Journal of Leisure Research, 42(3), 489- 508.

Morden, P. A., Hebblethwaite, S., & Hopp, R.  (Eds.) (2008).  Book of Abstracts of the12th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research.  Montreal, QC:  Canadian Association of Leisure Studies.

Pratt, M. W., Norris, J. E., Cressman, K., Lawford, H., & Hebblethwaite, S.  (2008).  Parents’ stories of grandparenting concerns in the three-generational family: Generativity, optimism and forgiveness.  Journal of Personality, 76(3), 581-604. 

Pratt, M. W., Norris, J. E., & Hebblethwaite, S., & Arnold, M. L.  (2008).  Intergenerational transmission of values:  Family generativity and adolescents’narratives of parent and grandparent value teaching.  Journal of Personality,76(2), 171-198. 

Norris, J.E, Pratt, M.W. & Hebblethwaite, S.  (2006).  Social cognition.  In J.E. Birren (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Gerontology.  Toronto, ON:  Academic Press.

Hebblethwaite, S. & Pedlar, A.  (2005).  Community Integration for Older Adults With Mental Health Issues:  Implications for Therapeutic Recreation.  Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 39(4), 264-276.

Teaching activities


AHSC 382
Qualitative Research Methods for Practitioners

AHSC 281

Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

AHSC 319
Older adulthood: Issues and Interventions

Participation activities

Select conference presentations

Mooradian, J., Trussell, D. E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., & Larios, L. (2023). A critical exploration of neoliberalism and women’s physically active leisure experiences during thtransition to motherhood. Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. Ottawa, ON.


Hebblethwaite, S., Paterson, S., Trussell, D., Mooradian, J., & Larios, L. (2023). Memory making and motherhood: Using artifact stories in narrative research to explore the nexus of leisure and public policy. The Academy of Leisure Sciences. New Orleans, LA.


Hebblethwaite, S., & Ivan, L. (2022). Grandmothers’ negotiations of intergenerational and technological ambivalence. European Network of Age Studies/North American Network of Age Studies (online).


Yuen, F., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2022). Intergenerational engagement in a child care centre: Critical reflections on relationality and intentionality in third places. European Network of Age Studies/North American Network of Age Studies (online).


Khalili-Mahani, N., Sawchuk, K., Elbaz, S., Hebblethwaite, S., & Timm-Bottos, J. (2022). A social-media study of the older adults coping with the COVID-19 stress by information and communication technologies. Human Computer Interaction International (online).


Khalili-Mahani, N., Sawchuk, K., Elbaz, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Timm-Bottos, J. (2022). A social-media study of the older adults coping with the COVID-19 stress by information and communication technologies. HCI International 2022 Conference. Online.


Filiatrault, J., Shea, C., Turcotte, S., Ansaldo, A.I., Bier, N., Grenier, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Ladjadj, F., Lamontagne, M.-È., Levasseur, M., Raymond, É., & Viscogliosi, C. (May 2022). After two generations of research, what’s known about intergenerational activities? Poster presented at Congrès de l’Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes, Whistler, BC,


Joy, M., & Hebblethwaite, S. (Oct. 2021). Non-profit organizations and COVID-19 : Understanding, mapping, and enhancing community care for older adults in an age-friendly Montreal. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Online conference.


Hebblethwaite, S. (October 2019). Negotiating the ideology of the “good grandparent” in family leisure. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Moncton, NB.


Hebblethwaite, S., Yuen, F., & Fortune, D. (June 2019). “I think we’re all just learning from each other”: Experiences of an intergenerational daycare program. Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association Conference. Quebec City, QC.


Ritondo, T., & Hebblethwaite, S. (June 2019). Prenatal and postnatal leisure: Understanding the perceptions of public leisure service providers. Canadian Association of Leisure Studies – Congress 2019 of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Vancouver, BC.


Hebblethwaite, S. (May 2019). Negotiating an evolving digital world: Grandmothers’ leisure experiences. Trent Aging 2019: European and North American Networks of Aging Studies.Peterborough, ON.


Ritondo, T., & Hebblethwaite, S. (April 2019). Prenatal and postnatal leisure: Understanding the perceptions of public leisure service providers. Graduate Association of Leisure Studies, University of Waterloo. Waterloo, ON.


Hebblethwaite, S. (October 2018). Agency and ambivalence in grandmothers’ digitally mediated everyday lives. Ageing, the Digital, and Everyday Life. Brunel University. London, UK.


Hebblethwaite, S., Besanger, K., Sawchuk, K., & Lafontaine, C.  (October 2018). Research to action: Confronting exclusions in municipal policy consultations. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Vancouver, BC.


Sawchuk, K., Lafontaine, C., Besanger, K., & Hebblethwaite, S. (October 2018). The illusion of inclusion: Challenging the digital ‘option’ in public consultations. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Vancouver, BC.


Hebblethwaite, S. (May 2018). “Hashtag and all that stuff”: Opportunities and challenges in grandmothers’ digitally mediated leisure. Canadian Association on Leisure Studies. Regina, SK.


Trussell, D. E., Xing, T., Hebblethwaite, S., Paterson, S., & Evans, M. (May 2018). Playing with motherhood? A critical analysis of parent and child physical activity programs.Canadian Association on Leisure Studies. Regina, SK.


Hebblethwaite, S. (Februrary, 2018). Grannies on the net: Understanding well-being, aging, and digital technologies. PERFORM Colloquium. Montreal, QC.


Hebblethwaite, S., Evans, M., Paterson, S., Trussell, D. E., & Xing, T. (2017). Making memories: The power of artifacts in narrating the transition to motherhood. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research (pp. 118-120). University of Waterloo, Kitchener, ON, Canada.


Paterson, S., Evans, M., Hebblethwaite, S., Trussell, D. E., & Xing, T. (2017). “I think I’m in survival mode right now”: Transition to motherhood and parental leave policy in Ontario and Quebec. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada. 

Trussell, D. E., Hebblethwaite, S., Hodge, C., Shannon, C., & Sharaievska, I. (2017). A panel on family leisure: Critical reflections on future scholarship. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research (pp. 306-307). University of Waterloo, Kitchener, ON, Canada.


Levine, M. A., Pronovost, G., LeBlanc, M., Garneau, J., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2017). French-English plenary: Two solitudes? English- and French-speaking research communities in leisure studies. Proceedings of the 15th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research. University of Waterloo, Kitchener, ON, Canada.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Leisure and digital media in grandparent-grandchild

relationships: “I get to see that sweet little face!”. Age 3.0. Montreal, QC.

Ivan, L., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Older people’s use of Facebook: A netnographic

research of an online community. 3rd International Sociological Association Forum,

Vienna, AT.

Hebblethwaite, S., Paterson, S., Trussell, D. E., Xing, T., & Evans, M. (2016). The

contested ‘state’ of leisure and public policy in the transition to motherhood. Centre for

Research on Family Relations. Edinburgh, UK.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). Upgrading your toolkit: Incorporating research into

therapeutic recreation practice. Joint conference of the Canadian Therapeutic

Recreation Association and Therapeutic Recreation Ontario.

Fortune, D., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2016). TR internships: Learning from the experience

of students. Joint conference of the Canadian Therapeutic Recreation Association and

Therapeutic Recreation Ontario.

Xing, T. M. K., Trussell, D. E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., & Evans, M. (2015).

Interrogating the right to leisure: Exploring the implications of public policy in the

transition to motherhood. ANZALS 12th Biennial Conference. University of South

Australia, Australia.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). Making TR count: Using research to your advantage in

practice. Webinar for Therapeutic Recreation Ontario.

Hebblethwaite, S., Paterson, S., Trussell, D. E., Evans, M., & Xing, T. M. K. (2015).

Reflexivity and communication on an interdisciplinary research team: The role of

collaborative autoethnography. Qualitative Research in Communication. Bucharest,


Ivan, L., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). The use of social media in family

communication among grandmothers and grandchildren. Qualitative Research in

Communication. Bucharest, Romania.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Ivan, L. (2015). Grannie’s on Facebook: Using online research

methods (netnography) to study family leisure. Leisure Studies Association Annual

Conference, Bournemouth, UK.

Trussell, D. E., Paterson, S., Hebblethwaite, S., Xing, T. M. K., & Evans, M. (2015).

Can we walk the walk? Negotiating the complexities and risks of an interdisciplinary

team in family research. Annual Conference of the Leisure Studies Association.

Bournemouth, UK.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2015). The (in)visibility of older adults on social media: Grannie’s on

Facebook? Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.

Paterson, S., Trussell, D. E., Hebblethwaite, S., Evans, M., & Xing, T. M. K. (2015).

Leveling the playing field but neglecting play? The state and the politics of leisure in the

transition to motherhood in Ontario and Quebec. Conference of the Canadian Political

Science Association. Ottawa, ON.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Ivan, L. (2015). Grannies on the net: Facilitating intergenerational

communication through Facebook. International Association of Gerontology and

Geriatrics: Irish Ageing Studies Review, 6(1), 271-272.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2014). Understanding ambivalence in family leisure among

three-generation families. World Leisure Congress, Mobile Bay, Alabama.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2014). Re-visioning leisure education using PAR and arts-based

methods. World Leisure Congress, Mobile Bay, Alabama.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2013). Collective memory in photographs with stroke survivors. Paper presented at the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Victoria, BC.

Curley, L., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2012). 'If you don't have a purpose for it, it's not worth doing': The role of community-based therapeutic recreation in stroke recovery. Poster presented at the 2012 Stroke Collaborative of teh Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Toronto, ON.

Dieser, R.B., Hebblethwaite, S., Jones, D., Kumuri, F., Meyer, C., & Stavola Daly, F. (2012). Perspectives on NCTRC certification.  Panel presentation for the World Leisure Commission on Access and Inclustion presented by at the World Leisure Congress, Rimini, Italy.

Hebblethwaite, S. (2012). A tale of two settings: Three-generation family leisure in rural and urban contexts. Paper presented at the World Leisure Congress, Rimini, Italy.

Rose, H.A., & Hebblethwaite, S. (2012). It's not cool being in choir: Generational stake in a choral context. Paper presented at the World Leisure Congress, Rimini, Italy.

Singleton, J.F., Hebblethwaite, S., Trunzo, D., & Stavola, F. (2012). Empowering capacity. Panel presentation for the World Leisure Commission on Access and Inclusion presented at the World Leisure Congress, Rimini, Italy.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Curley, L. (June 2011). Yes I can!  Enhancing TR practice and empowering clients through research.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of Therapeutic Recreation Ontario, Toronto, ON.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Doyle, J. (June 2011).  Taking hold of our future:  Evaluating programs for stroke survivors.  Paper presented at the annual meeting of Therapeutic Recreation Ontario, Toronto, ON.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Curley, L. (May 2011).  I finally feel like I have a voice:  Using participatory action research and Photo Voice to empower recreation practitioners.  Paper presented at the 13th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, St. Catharines, ON.

Hebblethwaite, S. (December 2010). Do we mean what we say?  Comparing person-centered care and relationship-centered care in theory and practice.  Paper presented at the Annual Education & Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Montreal, QC.

Hebblethwaite, S., & Curley, L. (October 2010).  Empowering stroke survivors through action research.  Paper presented at the 16th Qualitative Health Research Conference. Vancouver, BC.

Hebblethwaite, S. (February 2010). Understanding relationship-centred care:  Implications for practice and policy. Paper presented at the Multidisciplinary Workshop on Research on Aging: Policy Implications. Montreal, QC: Concordia University Aging Research Network.

Hebblethwaite, S. (October 2009). Research (the dreaded word) and its role interprofessionally. Workshop presented to the Ontario Stroke Recreation Therapy Network, London, ON

Hebblethwaite, S. (July 2009). Commitment to connections: Exploring the meaning of leisure in grandparent-grandchild relationships. Poster presented at the 19th World Congress of the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Paris, France

Hebblethwaite, S. (June 2009). More than just words? Understanding relationship-centred care in TR practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Therapeutic Recreation Ontario, Waterloo, ON

Hebblethwaite, S. (April 2009). Don’t forget about us: Including families in Intergenerational programming. Workshop presented at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal Forget-Me-Not Interactive Workshop, Montreal, QC

Hebblethwaite, S. (November 2008). The family that plays together, stays together?  Understanding the implications from leisure research. Paper presented at theConcordia University Multidisciplinary Workshop on Population Ageing, Montreal, QC

Hebblethwaite, S. (November 2008). More than a simple checklist: Enhancing your evaluation skills. Workshop presented at the Quebec Association of Activity Professionals Annual Workshop, Montreal, QC

Hebblethwaite, S. (October 2008). “You don’t want to hurt his feelings”: Family leisure among grandparents and adult grandchildren. Paper presented at the World Leisure Congress, Quebec City, QC

Hebblethwaite, S. (May 2008). “I love him. Sometimes it’s just hard to like him I guess.”: Using the ambivalence model to understand intergenerational family leisure. Paper presented at the 12th Canadian Congress on Leisure Research, Montreal, QC

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