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Paul Joyce, PhD

  • Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Research areas: Biochemistry, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular/Cell Biology.

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Ph.D. (Dalhousie University)

Research interests

Biochemistry, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular/Cell Biology.

Teaching activities


My primary teaching interest is in biochemistry. I regularly teach Biochemistry I (CHEM 271) and Biochemistry II (CHEM 375). Biochemistry I is an introductory course and covers the basics of biochemistry including enzymology, protein structure and metabolism. Biochemistry II covers more of the specific biochemical reactions involved in metabolic pathways. I also teach Discovering Biotechnology (CHEM 209) which is an introduction to the world of biotechnology for non-scientists. This course covers topics such as cloning and genetic engineering and includes discussions of the societal and ethical issues that are involved. In the past few years I have also taught advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Protein Targeting and Membrane Biochemistry (CHEM 476, CHEM 676).


Recent publications

    Gorr SU, Chen R, Abrahante JE, and Joyce PBM (2024) The oral pathogen Porphyromonas gingivalis gains tolerance to the antimicrobial peptide DGL13K by synonymous mutations in hagA PLOS ONE

Reid NE, Ngou JS and Joyce PBM (2019) Schizosaccharomyces pombe contains separate CC- and A-adding tRNA nucleotidyltransferases. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 508:785-790. 

Leibovitch M, Reid NE, Victoria J, Hanic-Joyce PJ and Joyce PBM (2019) Analysis of the pathogenic I326T variant of human tRNAnucleotidyltransferase reveals reduced catalytic activity and thermal stability in vitro linked to a conformational change Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom 1867: 616-626.

Leibovitch M, Hanic-Joyce PJ and Joyce PBM (2018) In vitro studies of disease-linked variants of human tRNAnucleotidyltransferase reveal decreased thermal stability and altered catalyticactivity Biochim Biophys Acta Proteins Proteom 1867:616-626. 

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