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Prof Jung Kwon (John) Oh, PhD

Full Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Prof Jung Kwon (John) Oh, PhD


NSERC PDF Carnegie Mellon University (2005-2006)
PhD University of Toronto (2004)
MSc Hanyang University, Seoul Korea (1992)
BSc Hanyang University, Seoul Korea (1989)

Research interests

The design and processing of degradable and dynamic polymeric nanoscale materials for biomedical and materials science applications

Awards and recognition

Dean's Award for Excellence in Scholarship-Mid-Career/Concordia University (2016)
CRC Award (renewal) (2016-2021)
Emerging Materials Researcher, Materials Chemistry Symposium, CSC (2016)
CNC-IUPAC Travel Award (2013)
CRC Award, NSERC Canada (2011 - 2016)
PCI Outstanding Paper Award (2nd place), 37th International Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coatings Symposium, LA (2010)
World-top 1% most cited paper, ISI Thomson (2009)
Postdoctoral Fellowship Award, NSERC Canada (2004 - 2005)


Editorial board of Asian Journal of Materials Chemistry (2015- )
Editor for the section of "Biomaterials" in "Materials"
Editorial board of International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry (2013- )
A guest editor for Materials entitled "Advances in Nanoscale Biomaterials" (2012)
Editorial board of Dataset Papers for Nanotechnology (2012)
Editorial board of Polymers (2009- )


CHEM 221 - Introductory Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 427/627 Advanced Topics-Polymer Chemistry and Nanotechnology

Research activities

Organic and polymer chemistry, polymer synthesis and characterization, Materials, biomedical applications, drug delivery, self-healing, energy harvesting and storage  


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