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Dr. Rafik Naccache, Concordia University

Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries

  • Associate Professor and CURC Tier II in Sustainable Multifunctional Nanomaterials, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Thesis supervision details

Supervised programs: Chemistry (MSc), Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (MSc, MASc), Chemistry (PhD)

Research areas: Nanoparticle synthesis, materials characterization, carbogenic quantum dots, metallic nanoparticles, plasmonics, sensors, imaging, nanothermometry, drug delivery

Contact information


PhD - Concordia University, 2008-2012
Postdoc - l'Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique - Centre EMT, 2012-2015

Awards and Distinctions
2021-2026 Concordia University Research Chair
2018 - Petro Canada Young Innovator
2012-2014 - NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow
2012 - Governor General Gold Medal Winner - Technology, Industry and the Environment

Teaching activities

Chem 205 - General Chemistry I

This is a general chemistry course for science and engineering students. Topics include quantitative tools (measurements, precision, and accuracy), substances (formulas/names, composition, solutions, electrolytes, and properties of gases), chemical reactions (precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction, and stoichiometry and analysis), properties of atoms (the quantum model, electron configurations, and periodic trends), and properties of molecules (orbitals and bonding, Lewis structures, and polarity).

Chem 206 - General Chemistry II

This course covers the principles of chemical reactivity from a fundamental and quantitative perspective. Topics include thermochemistry and driving forces, intermolecular forces, liquids and solubility, kinetics and reaction mechanisms, equilibrium and reaction outcomes, acid-base strengths and reactions, aqueous pH calculations, buffers, titrations, and solubility equilibria.

Chem 241 - Inorganic Chemistry I

The structure of the atom; the periodic table; properties of atoms, covalent bonding treatments including Lewis theory, valence shell electron pair repulsion theory of structure, valence bond and molecular orbital theory. Crystal field theory applied to the structure and properties of transition metal complexes. Bonding theories of metallic materials and semi-conductors. 

Chem 451/651 - Nanochemistry

This modular course covers the areas of production, characterization and applications of nanoscale structures and materials. Each module is taught by a different professor as well as guest lecturers. Topics may include (but are not limited to) size dependent properties, synthesis of organic and inorganic nanostructures, self-assembled structures, chemical patterning and functional nanopatterns, biomaterials. Nanometer scale fabrication techniques such as lithographic methods, nano-stamping and patterned self-assembly are discussed. Modern analysis techniques such as atomic force microscopy and electron microscopy, which are used to map and measure at the single molecule level, are introduced. Applications such as photonics, optical properties, biodetection and biosensors, micro- and nano-fluidics, nanoelectronics and nanomachines are presented.

Chem 495 - Modern Spectroscopy

This course demonstrates how quantum theory applies to the measurement of absorption and emission spectra of atoms and molecules. The course examines rotational, vibrational, and electronic spectroscopy as well as photoelectron and related spectroscopies, Lasers and laser spectroscopy.

Chem 452/650 - Nanomaterials Characterization

This course coversstate-of-the-art nanomaterials physical characterization techniques includingbut not limited to: dynamic light scattering, transmission and scanningelectronic microscopies (size and morphology), X-ray powder and electrondiffraction (crystallinity and phase identification), Fouriertransform/attenuated total reflectance infrared, Raman and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopies (surface chemical state and chemical composition), differentialscanning calorimetry and thermogravimetric analysis (polymorphism, moisturecontent and weight loss), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller analysis (surface area), nuclearmagnetic resonance (chemical bonding and nuclei interactions). 

Research activities

Research Interests

Our Research

Our research program is concerned with the study of the fundamental properties of fluorescent carbon dots everaging the knowledge gained to engineer nanomaterials and nanoconstructs that can be integrated in sensing, imaging and catalysis applications.

Carbon dots are a relatively new class of nanomaterials and are particularly interesting as they can be prepared from an abundance of sources and are regarded as having low chemical toxicity and high biocompatibility. They can be excited using multiple wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet to near-infrared with highly tunable emissions in the same range of wavelengths. Our research aims to investigate multiple avenues in the synthesis of carbon dots in order to devise methods of preparing highly monodisperse particles with narrow size distributions and specific optical signatures. 

Carbon Dots for Imaging and Sensing 

Due to their tunable optical properties, low cytotoxicity and good biocompatibility, carbon dots are highly suitable for bioimaging. One of our interests lies in the development of a bimodal imaging probe that can be used for both fluorescence and magnetic resonance imaging. Both of these techniques possess their individual merits and can be viewed as complementary diagnostic tools. In order to endow magnetic properties, paramagnetic gadolinium ions are doped into the dots. In addition, their fluorescent properties allow for sensing environmental changes such as temperature and pH, which can provide additional insights in a diagnostics setting. Each sensing modality is based on changes to the fluorescence signature. We have recently made significant strides in the development of dual fluorescent carbon dots that can simultaneously emit in multiple regions of the spectrum following excitation. We exploit these dual-fluorescent dots to sense both pH and temperature in complex biological systems. Such a ratiometric approach is superior to intensity-based measurements due to its concentration-independence. Results have shown that these CDs can be effective nanotools to glean information at the cellular level. 

Carbon Dots as Heterogeneous Catalysts

Global energy demands will grow to staggering numbers in the near years to come and will continue to increase as fossil fuel dependency continues to rise. This has accelerated the search to find alternative energy sources to replace conventional fossil fuels with biofuels, such as biodiesel. Presently, biodiesel is produced through the transesterification of vegetable oil using an alcohol, most commonly methanol, and a strong base such as potassium hydroxide. Although this method achieves high biodiesel conversion yields many challenges persist such as high production costs due to tedious purification processes and the inability to recover and reuse the catalyst ultimately leading to unsustainable practices. To address these drawbacks, carbon dots can be exploited as heterogenous nanocatalysts to efficiently catalyze the transesterification reaction. Our carbon dot systems are derived from cheap and easily accessible precursors such as citric acid and glycine. Using carbon dots as heterogenous transesterification catalysts can permit biodiesel production to become a more environmentally-friendly, cost-efficient and sustainable process that can meet future energy demands.

Carbon dots in Metal Sensing Applications

Overexposure to metals can induce adverse health and environmental effects, thus monitoring metal concentrations is crucial. While current detection techniques are highly sensitive, they come at elevated costs, which limit their global use. As such, cheap and accessible sensors, providing both sensitivity and selectivity, are in high demand. We aim to develop carbon dot sensors to selectivity detect heavy metal cations in water. We exploit carbon dot fluorescence to design these optical probes. Upon contact with metal ions in water, the fluorescence of the carbon dots is quenched. The change in their fluorescence intensity as a function of metal concentration can be used to quantitate metal ions in a solution. Although CDs have been extensively studied in this area, there remains a lack of understanding when it comes to the fundamental chemistry and mechanism of the metal-CD interactions. A better understanding of how these sensing systems work can also provide researchers with the tools necessary to design more sensitive and selective metal detecting NPs that can translate to concrete applications.

Carbon Dots as Anti-Microbials

We explore the microwave-assisted synthesis of chiral carbon dots generated from chiral amino acid precursors. This allows us to develop chiral specific anti-viral and anti-microbial applications. We study the underlying effects of the synthesis parameters on the chirality of carbon dots, as well as the impact on their optical signature. Chiral dots evidence different behaviour towards various bacterial strains, which is promising in the development of smart surfaces. Our work has intensified in this area and a strong focus has been placed on the mechanistic aspects of the carbon dot-pathogen interactions.

Publications, Conferences and Patents

Publications in Refereed Journals

74.Adeola, A., Fuoco, G., Adegoke, K. A., Oyebamiji, A. K., Paramo, L. and Naccache,R. (2025) Experimental, Machine-Learning, and Computational Studies of theSequestration of Pharmaceutical Mixtures Using Lignin-Derived MagneticActivated Carbon, ACS Sustainable Resouce Management, in press.

73.Adeola, A., Paramo, L., Fuoco, G. Naccache, R. (2025) Emerginghazardous chemicals and biological pollutants in Canadian aquatic systems andremediation approaches: A comprehensive status report, Science of the TotalEnvironment, 954:176267/1-20

72.Hamilton, H., Pains Duarte, M., Naccache, R. (2024) CornStover Lignin as a Solid Acid Catalyst for the Esterification of Oleic Acid,Particle and Particle System Characterization, 2400147/1-10.

71.Pains Duarte, M., Adeola, A., Fuoco, G., Jargaille, T., Naccache, R.(2024) Efficient Decaffeination with Recyclable Magnetic Microporous Carbon fromRenewable Sources: Kinetics and Isotherm Analysis, Environmental Research, 119446/1-12.

70.Pains Duarte, M., Naccache, R. (2024) Exploiting the Potential of CalcinedSodium Citrate as a Novel and Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for Biodiesel Synthesis.Catalysis Science and Technology, 14:3864-3877 (Cover article).

69.Chahal, S., Macarian, J. R., Bui, H. N. N., Smith, A., Larsson, H. C. E., Naccache,R., Tufenkji, N. (2024). A Comparison of Carbon Dot and CdTe Quantum DotToxicity in Drosophila Melanogaster. Environmental Science: Advances,3:912-924. Medeiros, T., Macina, A., de Mesquita, J. and Naccache R. (2024) Nitrogen-dopedcarbon dots in transesterification reactions for biodiesel synthesis, RSCApplied Interfaces, 1:86-97 (Cover article).

67.Lomboni, D. J., Ozgun, A, de Medeiros, T. V., Staines, W., Naccache, R.,Woulfe, J. and Variola, F. (2024) Electroconductive Collagen-Carbon Nanodotsnanocomposite elicits robust neurite outgrow, supports neurogenicdifferentiation and accelerates electrophysiological maturation of iPSCs inneural progenitor spheroids, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2301894 (Coverarticle).

66. Clermont-Paquette, A., Larocque, K.,Piekny A., Naccache, R. (2024). Shining a Light on Cells:Amine-Passivated Fluorescent Carbon Dots as Bioimaging Nanoprobes. MaterialsAdvances. 5:3662-3674 (Cover article).

65.Adeola, A., Cui, M. and Naccache, R. (2023) Acid Precipitation andMicrowave Treatments of Softwood Lignin for Rhodamine-B Sequestration,Environmental Technology and Innovations, 32:203419.

64.Adeola, A. O., Claremont- Paquette, A., Piekny, A. and Naccache R.(2023) Advances in the Design and Use of Carbon Dots for Analytical andBiomedical Applications, Nanotechnology, 35:012001 (Invited).

63.Maurizio, S., Claremont Paquette, A., Naccache, R. and Capobianco,J. A. (2023) Covert Information Storage using Temporal Emissions fromLanthanide-doped Nanoparticles, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Accepted.

62.Amato, G., Vargas perdomo, N., Zhang, N., Xie, X., Ji, J., Bolukbas, C.,Wen, Z., Naccache, R., Fang, Y., Rodriguez Burbano, D., Ivanesko, O. andCuccia, L. (2023) A Pedagogical Approach to Assemble and CharacterizePaper-based Triboelectric Nanogenerators, Journal of Chemical Education, 100:4917-4924.

61.Adeola, A. O., Pains Duarte, M. and Naccache R. (2023) Microwave-assistedsynthesis of carbon-based nanomaterials from biobased resources for watertreatment applications: emerging trends and prospects, 2: 1-29 (Invited).

60. Morand, G., Chevalier, P., Naccache,R., Tatoulian, M., Mantovani, D. (2023). Carbon Dots Releasefrom Biodegradable Coatings Deposited by Aerosol-Assisted Open-Air Plasma. KeyEngineering Materials. 967:71-77.

59.Claremont Paquette A., Mendoza D. A., Sadeghi A., Piekny A. and NaccacheR. (2023) Ratiometric sensing of glyphosate in water using dual fluorescentcarbon dots, Sensors, 23:52001-13 (Invited). Medeiros T., Macina A., Aguiar Bicalho H. and Naccache R. (2023) Engineeringthe Surface Chemistry and Morphology of Polymeric Carbon Nitrides TowardsGreener Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biodiesel Synthesis, Small, 2300541/1-11 (Invited).

57.Camilus N., Gao S., Mitti M., Macairan J. R., Naccache R. and MarticS. (2022) Selective Detection of Nitrotyrosine using Dual-Fluorescent CarbonDots, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,279:232555/1-8.

56.Duarte M. P., Silva R. C. F., de Medeiros T. P., Ardisson J. D., Cotta A.A. C., Naccache R. and de Carvalho Teixeira A. P. (2022) Carbon NanotubesDerived from Waste Cooking Oil for the Removal of Emerging Contaminants,New Journal of Chemistry, 46:11315-11328.

55.Macairan J. R., de Medeiros T., Gazzetto M., Yarur F., Cannizzo A. and NaccacheR. (2022) Elucidating the Mechanism of Dual-Fluorescence in Carbon Dots,Journal of Colloids and Interfaces, 606:67-76.

54.  Nieto-Zambrano S., Ramos-Ramirez, Morales T.,Boffito D. C., Naccache R., Gutiérrez Ortega N. L., Litter M. I.,Ciapaguta-Diaz S. and Barbosa-López A. L. (2021) ZnAl Hydrotalcites Modifiedwith Nanocomposites nZVI-PAA for Environmental Remediation, Journal ofMaterials Research and Technology, 14:2243-2256.

53. Chahal S., Macairan J. R., YousefiN., Tufenkji N. and Naccache R. (2021) Green synthesis of carbon dotsand their applications, RSC Advances, 11:25354-25363 (Invited).

52. Gouda A., Manioudakis J., NaccacheR., Soavi F. and Santato C. (2021) 3D Network of Sepia Melanin and N-, andS-Doped Graphitic Carbon Quantum Dots for Sustainable ElectrochemicalCapacitors, Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2100152/1-8.

51. de Medeiros T., de Oliveira PortoA., Aguiar Bicalho H., González J. C., Naccache R. and de CarvalhoTeixeira A. P. (2021) The effects of chemical and thermal exfoliation on thephysico-chemical and optical properties of carbon nitrides, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry C, 9:7622-7631.

50. Noun F., Jury E. A. and NaccacheR. (2021) Elucidating the Quenching Mechanism in Carbon Dot-MetalInteractions – Designing Sensitive and Selective Optical Probes, Sensors,21:1391/1-13.

49. deMedeiros T., Macina A. and Naccache R.(2020) Graphitic carbon nitrides:Efficient heterogeneous catalysts for biodiesel production, Nano Energy, 78:105306/1-9.

48.Victoria F., Manioudakis J., Zaroubi L., Findlay B. and Naccache R.(2020) Tuning Residual Chirality in Carbon Dots with Anti-MicrobialProperties, RSC Advances, 10:32202-32210.

47.Pappalardo J. S., Macairan J. R., Macina A., Pulhazan A., Quattrocchi V.,Marcotte I. and Naccache R. (2020) Effects ofPolydopamine-Passivation on the Optical Properties of Carbon Dots and itsPotential Use In Vivo, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22:16595-16605(Hot Article).

46.Noun F., Manioudakis J. and Naccache R. (2020) Towards UniformOptical Properties of Carbon Dots, Particle and Particle SystemCharacterization, 37:2000119/1-9 (Cover Article, Hot Topic Article).

45.Hofmann T., Lowry G. V., Ghoshal S., Tufenkji N., Brambilla D., Dutcher J.R., Gilbertson L. M., Giraldo J. P., Kinsella J. M., Landry M. P., Lovell W., NaccacheR., Paret M., Pedersen J. A., Unrine J. M., White J. C. and Wilkinson K. J.(2020) Technology Readiness and Overcoming Barriers to Sustainably ImplementNanotechnology-Enabled Plant Agriculture, Nature Food, 1:416-425 (Invited).

44.Dong J., Breitenborn H., Piccoli R., Bruhacs A., Besteiro L., Pei Y.,Caraffini D., Zhiming M. Wang, Govorov A., Naccache R., Vetrone F.,Razzari L. and Morandotti R. (2020) Terahertz Three-Dimensional Monitoringof Nanoparticle-Assisted Laser Tissue Soldering, Biomedical Optics Express,11:2254-2267.

43.Yarur F., Manioudakis J., Naccache R. and Majewski M. B. (2020) CarbonDot-Sensitized Photoanodes for Visible Light-Driven Organic Transformations,ACS Applied Nanomaterials, 3:2756- 2765.

42. MacairanJ. R., Zhang I., Clermont-Paquette A., Naccache R. and Maysinger D. (2019) Ratiometric pHSensing in Living Cells Using Carbon Dots, Particle and Particle SystemCharacterization, 7:1900430/1-7 (Cover Article).

41. BreitenbornH., Dong J., Piccoli R., Bruhacs A., Besteiro L., Skripka A., Wang Z., GovorovA., Razzari L., Vetrone F., Naccache R. and Morandotti R. (2019) Quantifying the PhotothermalConversion Efficiency of Plasmonic Nanoparticles by Means of Terahertz Radiation,APL Photonics, 4:126106 (Feature Article).

40. Macina A., de Medeiros T. and Naccache R. (2019) A carbon dot-catalyzed transesterification reaction for the productionof biodiesel, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7:23794-23802 (Invitedas a part of the Emerging Theme Investigator and Cover Article).

39. Liang Y., Macairan J. R., ManioudakisJ., Askari M. S., Forgione F. and NaccacheR. (2019) A Facile Aqueous-PhaseSynthesis of an Ultrasmall Bismuth Nanocatalyst for the Reduction of4-Nitrophenol, ACS Omega, 4:14955-14961.

38. de Medeiros T., Manioudakis J., Noun F., Macairan J. R., Victoria F. and Naccache R. (2019) Microwave-assisted Synthesis of Carbon Dots and their Applications,Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7:7175-7195 (Invited).

37. Yarur F., Macairan J. R. and NaccacheR. (2019) Ratiometric Detection ofHeavy Metal Ions Using Fluorescent Carbon Dots, Environmental Science:Nano, 6:1121-1130 (Top paper collection).

36. Manioudakis J., Victoria F.,Thompson C., Brown L., Movsum M., Lucifero R. and Naccache R. (2019) Effects ofNitrogen-Doping on the Photophysical Properties of Carbon Dots, Journal ofMaterials. Chemistry C., 7:853-862 (Back Cover Article).

35. Macairan J. R., Jaunky D. B., PieknyA. and Naccache R. (2019) Intracellular Ratiometric TemperatureSensing Using Fluorescent Carbon Dots, Nanoscale Advances, 1:105-113 (CoverArticle).

34. Naccache R., Mazhorova A. Clerici M., KhorashadL.K., Govorov A., Razzari L, Vetrone V., Morandotti R. (2017) Terahertz Thermometry: CombiningHyperspectral Imaging and Temperature Mapping at Terahertz Frequencies,Laser and Photonics Reviews, 1600342:1-9.

33. Jalani, G., Naccache, R., Rosenzweig, D. H.,Lerouge, S., Haglund, L., Vetrone, F. and Cerruti, M. (2016) NIR-triggered, instantaneous, on-demanddelivery of biomacromolecules using photocleavable hydrogel-coated upconvertingnanoparticles, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138:1078-1083.

32. Jalani, G., Naccache, R., Rosenzweig, D. H.,Lerouge, S., Haglund, L., Vetrone, F. and Cerruti, M. (2015) Non-invasive monitoring of hydrogeldegradation using LiYF4:Yb3 /Tm3 NIR-to-NIRupconverting nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 7:11255-11262.

31. Cheng, T., Ortiz, R. F.,Vedantham, K., Naccache, R.,Vetrone, F., Marks, R. S. and Steele T. W. J. (2015) Tunable chemical release from polyester thin film by photocatalyticzinc oxide and doped LiYF4 upconverting nanoparticles,Biomacromolecules, 16:364-373.

30. Naccache, R., Yu, Q. and Capobianco, J. A. (2015) TheFluoride Host: Nucleation, Growth and Upconversion of Lanthanide-DopedNanoparticles,Advanced Optical Materials, 3:482-509.

29. Yu, Q., Rodriguez, E. M., Naccache, R., Forgione, P., Lamoureux,G., Sanz-Rodriguez, F., Scheglmann, D. and Capobianco, J. A. (2014) Chemical Modification of Temoporfin – ASecond Generation Photosensitizer Activated Using Upconverting Nanoparticlesfor Singlet Oxygen Generation, Chemical Communications, 50:12150-12153.

28. Arnold,A.A., Terskikh, V., Li, Q.Y., Naccache,R., Marcotte, I., Capobianco, J. A. (2013) Structure of NaYF4 UpconvertingNanoparticles: A Multinuclear Solid-State NMR and DFT Computational Study,Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117:25733-25741.

27. Haro-González,P., Del Rosal, B., Maestro, L. M., Martín Rodríguez, E., Naccache, R., Capobianco, J. A., Dholakia, K., Solé, J. G., Jaque,D. (2013) Optical Trapping of NaYF4:Er3 ,Yb3 UpconvertingFluorescent Nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 5:12192-12199.

26. Naccache, R., Chevallier, P., Lagueux, J., Faucher, L., Gossuin, Y.,Laurent, S., vander Elst, L., Chilian, C., Capobianco, J. A. and Fortin, M. A.(2013) High Relaxivities and Strong Vascular Signal Enhancement for NaGdF4Nanoparticles Designed for Dual MR/Optical Imaging, Advanced HealthcareMaterials, 2:1478-1488 (Cover article).

25. Mahalingam,V., Hazra, C., Naccache, R., Vetrone,F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2013) Enhancing The color Purity of The Green UpconversionEmission From Er3 /Yb3 -Doped GdVO4 Nanocrystalsvia Tuning of The Sensitizer concentration, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,1:6536-6540 (Cover Article).

24. Naccache, R., Vetrone, F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2013) Lanthanide-DopedUpconverting Nanoparticles: Harvesting Light for Solar Cells, ChemSusChem,6:1308-1311 (InvitedArticle).

23. Naccache, R., Rodríguez, E. M., Bogdan, N., Sanz-Rodríguez, F., Iglesias de la Cruz, M.C., Juarranz de la Fuente, A., Vetrone, F., Jaque, D., García Solé, J. and Capobianco, J. A. (2012) HighResolution Fluorescence Imaging of Cancer Using Lanthanide Ion-DopedNanocrystals, Cancers, 4: 1067-1105 (Invited Review).

22.  Teng,X., Zhu, Y. H., Wei, W., Wang, S. C., Huang, J. F., Naccache, R., Hu, W. B., Tok, A. I. Y., Han, Y., Zhang, Q. C., Fan,Q. L., Huang, W., Capobianco, J. A. and Huang, L. (2012) Lanthanide-Doped NaxScF3 xNanocrystals: Crystal Structure Evolution and Multicolor Tuning, Journal of theAmerican Chemical Society, 112: 8340-8343.

21. Mahalingam, V., Naccache,R., Vetrone, F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2011) Enhancing upconverted whitelight in Tm3 /Yb3 / Ho3 -Doped GdVO4Nanocrystals via Incorporation of Li Ions, Optics Express, 20: 111-119.

20. Wong, H.-T., Vetrone, F., Naccache,R., Lai Wa Chan, H., Hao J. and Capobianco, J. A. (2011) Water DispersibleUltra-Small Multifunctional KGdF4:Tm3 , Yb3 Nanoparticles with Near-Infrared to Near-Infrared Upconversion, Journal ofMaterials Chemistry, 21: 16589-16596.

19. Passuello, T., Piccinelli, F.,Pedroni, M., Bettinelli, M., Mangiarini, F., Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Capobianco, J. A. and Speghini, A.(2011) White Light Upconversion of Nanocrystalline Er/Tm/Yb Doped Tetragonal Gd4O3F6,Optical Materials, 33: 643-646.

18. Mahalingam, V., Naccache,R., Vetrone, F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2011) Preferential Suppression ofHigh-Energy Upconverted Emissions of Tm3 by Dy3 ions inTm3 /Dy3 /Yb3 -Doped LiYF4 ColloidalNanocrystals, Chemical Communications, 47: 3481-3483.

17. Martinez Maestro, L., MartínRodriguez, E., Sanz Rodríguez, F., Iglesias-de la Cruz, M. C., Juarranz de laFuente, A., Naccache, R., Vetrone,F., Jaque, D., Capobianco J. A. and García Solé, J. (2010) CdSe Quantum Dots forTwo-Photon Fluorescence Thermal Imaging, Nano Letters, 10: 5109-5115.

16. Martinez Maestro, L., MartínRodriguez, E., Vetrone, F., Naccache, R.,Loro Ramirez, H., Jaque, D., Capobianco J. A. and García Solé, J. (2010)Nanoparticles for Highly Efficient Multiphoton Fluorescence Bioimaging, OpticsExpress, 18: 23544-23553.

15. Vetrone, F., Naccache, R., Zamarrón, A., Juarranz de la Fuente, A.,Sanz-Rodríguez, F., Martinez Maestro, L., Martin Rodriguez, E., Jaque, D.,García Solé, J. and Capobianco J. A. (2010) Temperature Sensing at TheNanoscale Using Fluorescent Nanothermometers, ACS Nano, 4: 3254-3258.

14. Vetrone, F., Naccache, R., Juarranz de la Fuente, A., Sanz-Rodríguez, F.,Blazquez-Castro, A., Martin Rodriguez, E., Jaque, D., García Solé, J. andCapobianco, J. A. (2010) Intracellular Imaging of HeLa Cells byNon-Functionalized NaYF4:Er3 , Yb3 Upconverting Nanoparticles, Nanoscale, 2: 495-498.

13. Vetrone, F., Naccache,R., Mahalingam, V., Morgan, C. G. and Capobianco, J. A. (2010) LuminescenceResonance Energy Transfer from an Upconverting Nanoparticle to a FluorescentPhycobiliprotein, Nanoscale, 2:1185-1189 – (Invited Article).

12. Mangiarini, F., Naccache, R., Speghini, A., Bettinelli,M., Vetrone, F., and Capobianco, J. A. (2010) Upconversion in Er3 -DopedGd2O3 Nanocrystals Prepared By Propellant Synthesis andFlame Spray Pyrolysis, Materials Research Bulletin, 45: 927-932.

11. Mahalingam, V., Naccache,R., Vetrone, F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2009) Sensitized Ce3 andGd3 Ultraviolet Emissions via Tm3 in Colloidal LiYF4Nanocrystals, Chemistry – A EuropeanJournal, 15:9660-9663.

10.Vetrone, F., Naccache, R.,Mahalingam, V., Morgan, C. G., and Capobianco, J. A. (2009) TheActive-Core/Active-Shell Approach: A Strategy to Enhance the UpconversionLuminescence in Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles, Advanced Functional Materials, 19: 2924-2929 (Cover article).

9. Mahalingam, V., Vetrone, F., Naccache, R., Speghini, A. and Capobianco, J. A. (2009) ColloidalTm3 /Yb3 -Doped LiYF4 Nanocrystals: MultipleLuminescence Spanning the UV to NIR Regions via Low Energy Excitation, Advanced Materials, 21: 4025-4028 (Cover article).

8.Mahalingam, V., Vetrone, F., Naccache,R., Speghini, A. and Capobianco, J. A. (2009) Structural and Optical Investigationof Colloidal Ln3 /Yb3 Co-doped KY3F10Nanocrystals, Journal of MaterialChemistry, 19: 3149-3152 (Cover article).

7. Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Mahalingam,V., Cuccia, L. A. and Capobianco, J. A. (2009) Controlled Synthesis and Water Dispersibilityof Hexagonal Phase NaGdF4:Ho3 /Yb3 Nanoparticles,Chemistry of Materials, 21: 717-723.

6. Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Capobianco,J. A., Speghini, A. and Bettinelli, M. (2008) Cross-Relaxation and Upconversion Processes in Pr3 Singly Dopedand Pr3 /Yb3 Codoped Nanocrystalline Gd3Ga5O12:The Sensitizer/Activator Relationship, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 112: 7750-7756.

5. Pandozzi,F., Vetrone, F., Boyer, J. C., Naccache,R., Capobianco, J. A., Speghini, A. and Bettinelli, M. (2005) A SpectroscopicAnalysis of Blue and Ultraviolet Upconverted Emissions from Gd3Ga5O12: Tm3 , Yb3 Nanocrystals, Journal of Physical ChemistryB, 109: 17400-17405.

4. Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Boyer, J.C., Capobianco, J. A., Speghini, A. and Bettinelli, M. (2004) Visible Upconversion Emission of Pr3 Doped Gadolinium Gallium Garnet Nanocrystals, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 4: 1025-1031.

3. Naccache R., Vetrone, F., Boyer, J. C.,Capobianco, J. A., Speghini, A. Bettinelli, M., and Righini, G. C. (2004) Upconversion Luminescence of a Calcium SodiumAluminosilicate Glass Doped with Erbium, Materials Letters. 58: 2207-2212.

2. Polizzi, S., Bucella,S., Speghini, A., Vetrone, F., Naccache,R., Boyer, J. C. and Capobianco, J. A.(2004) Nanostructured Lanthanide-DopedLu2O3 Obtained by Propellant Synthesis, Chemistry of Materials 16: 1330-1335.

1. Naccache, R.,Vetrone, F., Capobianco, J. A., Speghini, A., and Bettinelli, M. (2002) A Studyof The Energy Transfer Self-Absorption of an Er3 Doped Silicate Glass,Trends in Optics and Photonics(Advanced Solid-State Lasers) 68:307-309.

Conference Presentations

85. Naccache R. (2024) Sustainable Green Quantum Dots inCatalytic and Photovoltaic Applications, ECS Prime, Honolulu, USA (Oral, Invited).

84. Naccache R. (2024) EcoNano: Revolutionizing Energy andEnvironmental Solutions with Sustainable Nanomaterials, E-MRS, Warsaw, Poland(Oral, Invited).

83. Naccache R. (2024) Driving Renewable Energy SolutionsWith Sustainable Nanomaterials, 32nd International MaterialsResearch Congress, Cancun, Mexico (Oral, Invited).

82. Naccache R. (2024) Harnessing Sustainable Nanomaterials:Empowering Biosensing and Environmental Innovations, 7th edition of theInternational Conference on Materials & Environmental Science Saidia,Morocco (Oral, Invited, Keynote).

81. Naccache R. (2023) SustainableNanomaterials: Driving Imaging, Sensing and Clean Energy Applications, CUBCAPSProfessor Symposium, Montreal, Quebec (Oral, Invited).

80. Naccache R. (2023) WithApologies to Archimedes of Syracuse, CIC Montreal Student Chapter (Oral, Invited) Montreal, Quebec (Oral, Invited).

79. Naccache R. (2023) TheRole of Green Quantum Dots in the Development of Sustainable Environmental andEnergy Applications, Seminar on the Advances of Nano-dimensional Materials andPhenomenon for Modern Electro-optical Technologies (SANaMPhMET), Calais, France(Oral, Invited).

78. Naccache R. (2023) CarbonNanomaterials and Applications, 1st IOCD North/South Collaborative Workshop onRenewable Energy, Cancun, Mexico (Oral, Invited).

77. Naccache R. (2023)Sustainable Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Applications, 31stInternational Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico (Oral, Invited).

75. Naccache R. (2023) DrivingInnovation in Sensing and Clean Energy: Exploring the Potential of SustainableNanomaterials, The American University of Cairo, Cairo, Egypt (Oral, Invited).

74. Naccache R. (2023) SustainableNanomaterials as Drivers for Application Development in Sensing and CleanEnergy Applications, 6th edition of the International Conference on Materials& Environmental Science, Saidia, Morocco (Oral, Invited, Plenary)

73. Naccache R. (2023)Sustainable Carbon Nanomaterials in Green Energy Applications, 47thInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL, United States (Oral, Invited).

72. Naccache R. (2022)Carbon Quantum Dots - A Sustainable Nanoplatform in Sensing and EnergyApplications, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, United States (Oral, Invited).

71. Naccache R. (2022)Carbon Dots – Unlocking Optical Properties for Applications in Imaging, Sensingand Energy, 242nd ECS Meeting, Atlanta, GA (Oral, Invited).

70. Naccache R. (2022)Carbon Dots: A Sustainable Brighter Future with Nanomaterials, 15thInternational Conference on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles andNanomaterials, Montreal, QC (Oral).

69. Naccache R. (2022)Carbon Nanomaterials – Unlocking the Surface Properties for Applications inImaging, Sensing and Catalysis, Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition,Calgary, Canada (Oral).

68. Naccache R. (2022)Carbon Nanomaterials in Clean Energy Applications, 46th InternationalConference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, Daytona, FL,United States (Oral, Invited).

67. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots – Novel and Sustainable Heterogeneous Catalysts forthe Production of Biodiesel, PacifiChem, Honolulu, United States (Oral, Invited).

66. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots - Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Bioimaging andBiosensing Applications, Fall MRS Meeting, Boston, United States (Oral, Invited).

65. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots - Novel Bioimaging and Biosensing Probes, CCEC,Montreal, Canada (Oral, Invited).

64. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots – from Imaging to Green Energy Applications, 239thECS Meeting, Montreal, QC (Oral, Invited).

63. Naccache R. (2021) Carbondots – Imaging, Sensing and Beyond, Canadian Biomaterials Society Quebec CityStudent Chapter, QC (Oral, Invited).

62. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots in biosensing applications,Nanotecnología Aplicada en Ciencias de la Salud, Bogotá, Colombia (Oral, Invited).

61. Naccache R. (2021) Carbon Dots - Towards Multifunctional Materials, 45thInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL, United States (Oral, Invited).

60. Naccache R. (2020) Carbon Dots – Novel and SustainableHeterogeneous Catalysts for the Production of Biodiesel, PacifiChem 2020,Honolulu, United States (Oral, Invited) – postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

59. Naccache R. (2020) Carbon Nanomaterials in EnergyHarvesting and Catalysis, SPBMat, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil (Oral, Invited) – postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

58. Naccache R. (2020) Molecules to Nanoparticles – CarbonDots and Their Applications, University of Roasrio Nanomaterials for BiomedicalApplications Summer School, Bogotá, Colombia (Oral, Invited).

57. Naccache R. (2020) Carbon Nanomaterials in EnvironmentalApplications, 15th International Conference on the EnvironmentalEffects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Montréal, QC (Oral, Invited) – postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

56. Naccache R. (2020) Carbon Dots – From Imaging to GreenEnergy Applications, 237th ECS Meeting, Montreal, QC (oral, Invited) – postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

55. Naccache R. (2020) Survival Skills for Scientists, 11thWorld Biomaterials Congress, Glasgow, Scotland (oral, Invited) – postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic.

54. Naccache R. (2020) Carbon Dots - Towards Multifunctional Materials, 44thInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL, United States (Oral, Invited). 

53. Naccache R. (2019) Carbon Dots – Sensing to Catalysis, Université Sherbrooke,Sherbrooke, QC, Canada (Oral, Invited).


52. Naccache R. (2019) Fluorescent Carbon Dots and their Applications, 19thCanadian Semiconductor Science and Technology Conference, Saskatoon, SK, Canada(Oral, Invited). 

51. Naccache R. (2019) Tailoring the SurfaceChemistry – Unlocking the Potential for Carbon Dots, 7th InternationalSymposium on Surfaces and Interfaces of Biomaterials, Québec City, QC, Canada (Keynote,Invited). 

50. Naccache R. (2019) X-ray PhotoelectronSpectroscopy - A powerful tool for surfaces and interfaces, 7th InternationalSymposium on Surfaces and Interfaces of Biomaterials, Québec City, QC, Canada (Tutorial,Invited). 

49. Naccache R. (2019) Carbon Dots in Sensing Applications, 63rd InternationalConference on Analytical Sciences and Spectroscopy, Montréal, QC, Canada (Oral,Invited). 

48. Macairan J. R. and Naccache R. (2019) Intracellular Imaging and Thermal Sensing Using FluorescentCarbon Dots, 235th ECS Meeting, Dallas, Tx, United States (Oral). 

47. Naccache R. (2019) Carbon Dots - A Nanoplatform for Fluorescence-Based Applications,35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, Québec City, QC,Canada (Keynote, Invited). 

46. Variola F., Matsuura N., Omelon S. and Naccache R. (2019) Mentoring Young Scientists: Developing Survival Skills in Science,35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, Québec City, QC,Canada (Tutorial, Invited). 

45.Naccache R. (2019)Fluorescent Carbon Dots and their Applications, Université du Québec àMontréal, Montréal, QC, Canada (Oral, Invited). 

44. Naccache R. (2019) Carbon Dots as a Nanoplatform for Imaging Applications, TrentUniversity, Peterborough, ON, Canada (Oral, Invited). 

43. Macairan J. R., Yarur F., Victoria F., Noun F. and Naccache R. (2019) Multifunctional Carbon Dots for Sensing Applications, 43rdInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL, United States (Oral, Invited). 

42. Noun F., Yarur F., Macairan J. R. and Naccache R. (2018) Heavy Metal Sensing Using Fluorescent CarbonDots, XXVII International Materials Research Congress,Cancun, Mexico (Oral).

41. Manioudakis J., Macairan J. R. and NaccacheR. (2018) Carbon Dots: Synthesis and Optical Properties, XXVIIInternational Materials Research Congress, Cancun, Mexico (Oral, Invited).

40. Naccache R. (2018) A Carbon Dot Nanoplatform for Fluorescence-Based Applications,The 12th International Conference on Ceramic Materials and Components forEnergy and Environmental Applications, Singapore (Oral, Invited).

39. Noun F., Macairan, J. R., Victoria F., Manioudakis J., De Medeiros T.and Naccache R. (2018) Carbon DotNanomaterials: Synthesis and Applications, International Conference on Energy,Materials and Photonics, Montreal, QC, Canada (Oral, Invited).

38. Macairan, J. R. and Naccache R.(2018) Carbon Dot Imaging probes, 101st Canadian Society forChemistry Conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada (Oral).

37. Naccache R. (2018) CarbonDot Nanomaterials and Their Applications, 2e colloque CQMF, Montreal, QC,Canada (Oral, Invited).

36. Naccache R. (2017)Fluorescent Carbon Dots in Sensing and Imaging Applications, 42ndInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL (Oral, Invited).

35. Naccache R. (2017) CarbonDots: Working towards a Brighter Future, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA (Oral, Invited).

34. Victoria F., Jesu Raj J. G., Vetrone F, Naccache R. (2017) Carbon Dots: From Synthesis to Application, 41stInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL (Oral, Invited).

33. Naccache R., Mazhorova A.,Clerici M., Breitenborn H., Khorashad L., Govorov A., Razzari L., Vetrone F.,Morandotti R. (2016) Nanoparticles as “Contrast Agents” in ImagingApplications, 9th International Conference on High Temperature Ceramic MatrixComposites (HTCMC-9) & Global Forum on Advanced Materials and Technologiesfor Sustainable Development (GFMAT), Toronto, Canada (Oral, Invited).

32. Naccache R., Mazhorova A.,Clerici M., Markov A., Khorashad L., Govorov A., Razzari L., Vetrone F.,Morandotti R. (2016) Imaging and Temperature Sensing using SubmillimeterRadiation, CAP 2016, Ottawa, Canada (Oral, Invited).

31. Naccache R., Mazhorova A.,Clerici M., Markov A., Khorashad L., Govorov A., Razzari L., Vetrone F.,Morandotti R. (2016) Contact-Free Terahertz Thermometry in Solid, Liquid andBiological Model Systems, CIMTEC, Perugia, Italy (Oral, Invited).

30. Naccache R., Mazhorova,A., Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2016) Heating,Thermal Mapping and Temperature-Sensing in the Terahertz Regime, 40thInternational Conference and Exposition on Advanced Ceramics and Composites,Daytona, FL (Oral, Invited).

29. Naccache R.,Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2014)Plasmonic Heating and Temperature-Sensing in the Terahertz Regime - Thermometryand Imaging, CLEO 2014, San Jose, CA (Oral).

28. Naccache R.,Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2014)Terahertz Thermometry and Imaging in Plasmonically Heated Aqueous Environments,Plasma Quebec 2014, Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

27. Naccache R.,Mazhorova, A., Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2014)Plasmonic Heating and Temperature Sensing in the Terahertz Regime, PhotonicsNorth, Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

26. Naccache, R.,Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R.  (2014) Detection of Plasmonic Induced HeatingUsing Terahertz Radiation, 38th International Conference and Expo on AdvancedCeramics and Composites (ICACC), Daytona, FL (Oral, Invited).

25. Naccache, R.,Clerici, M., Razzari, R., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2013) THz Radiationin Gold Nanorods-Based Photothermal Therapy, Africa MRS, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia(Oral, Invited).

24. Benayas,A.,   Quintanilla, M., Naccache, R., and Vetrone, F. (2013) Deeper Bio-nanothermometry:Thulium-doped Nanoparticles as a Multifunctional Platform for Thermal Sensing,Materials Science & Technology (MS&T), Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

23. Naccache, R., Clerici, M., Vetrone, F. and Morandotti, R. (2013)Interaction of Terahertz Radiation with Plasmonic Nanostructures, MaterialsScience & Technology (MS&T), Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

22. Naccache, R., Clerici, M., Vetrone, F.and Morandotti, R. (2013) Interaction of Terahertz Radiation with PlasmonicNanostructures, Materials Science & Technology (MS&T), Montreal, Quebec(Oral).

21. Iglesias de la Cruz, M. C.,  Johnston, A.,Martínez Maestro, L., Naccache, R.,Martín Rodriguez, E., Bogdan, N., Sanz Rodriguez, F., Juarranz de la Fuente,A., Vetrone, F., Jaque, D., Capobianco J. A. and García Solé, J. (2011)Fluorescent Imaging of Cancer Cells by Multiphoton Excited Up-ConvertingNanoparticles, International Conference on Luminescence (ICL 2011), Ann Arbour, MI (Oral).

20. Wong, H. T., Naccache,R., Chan, H. L. W., Vetrone, F., Hao J. H. and Capobianco, J. A. (2011)Upconverting Lanthanide Nanoparticles for Biological Applications: RelationshipBetween Phase, Size, and Luminescence Intensity, International Conference onLuminescence (ICL 2011), AnnArbour, MI (Oral).

19. Martín Rodriguez, E., Naccache,R., Capobianco, J. A. and Vetrone, F. (2011) Upconverting Lanthanide-DopedNanoparticles as Multi-Functional Bioprobes, 94th Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition,Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

18. Naccache, R.,Vetrone, F. and Capobianco, J. A. (2011) Synthesis and SurfaceFunctionalization of Lanthanide-Doped Upconverting Nanoparticles for Use inTargeting and Therapeutics, 94thCanadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition, Montreal, Quebec (Oral).

17. Naccache, R.,Martinez Maestro, L., Martín Rodriguez, E., Jaque, D., García Solé, J.,Capobianco J. A. and Vetrone, F.* (2011) Lanthanide-DopedUpconverting Nanoparticles: From Synthesis to Applications in Biology, ImagineNano, 2011, Bilbao, Spain(Oral).

16. Vetrone, F., Naccache,R. and Capobianco, J. A. (2010) Development of Novel UpconvertingNanoparticles: Strategies for their Implementation in Biology and Medicine, Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle-basedMaterials: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application, PACIFICHEM 2010, Honolulu, HI (Oral).

15. Vetrone, F., Naccache,R., Zamarrón, A., Juarranz de la Fuente, A., Martinez Maestro, L., MartínRodriguez, E., Jaque, García Solé, J. and Capobianco, J. A. (2010) Developmentof Novel Upconversion Nanoparticles and Strategies for their Implementation inBiology and Medicine, 17thInternational Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids(DPC '10), Argonne, IL (Oral).

14. Clas,S.-D., Naccache, R., Dalton, C.(2007) Raman Spectroscopy: A Powerful Tool in Preformulation, Federation ofAnalytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies 34th Meeting (FACSS), Memphis,TN (Oral).

13. Clas, S.-D., Naccache, R., Khougaz, K., Dalton, C.,Yu, H., Maxwell,K., Kwong, E., Thibert, R. (2005) TheImportance of Materials Science in Early Development, Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toronto, Ontario (Oral).

12. Clas, S.-D., Dalton, C., Naccache, R., Khougaz, K., Yu, H.,Antonecchia, A., Maxwell, K., Kwong, E., Thibert, R. (2004) The Importance ofCharacterizing the Crystal Form of the Drug Substance During Drug Development, GTCBio, San Diego, CA  (Oral).

11. Clas,S.-D., Dalton, C., Naccache, R.,Khougaz, K., Yu, H., Singh, J., Antonecchia, A. (2004)  A Recent Case Study of  Polymorphic Drug System, 35thCourse: Diversity Amidst Similarity: A Multidisciplinary Approach toPolymorphs, Solvates and Phase Relationships, International School of Crystallography – a NATO ASI and Euro Summer School,DG XII, EC, Bruxelles, Erice, Italy  (Oral).

10. Clas, S.-D., Naccache, R., Antonecchia, A., Bazin, C., Maxwell, K. (2004) Salt Dissociation: Impact on FormulationDevelopment, 5th International Symposiumon Polymorphism & Crystallization, New Orleans, LA (Oral).

9. Pandozzi, F., Naccache,R., Boyer, J. C., Vetrone, F., Capobianco, J. A., Speghini, A., Bettinelli,M. (2004) NIR-to-BlueUpconversion in Gd3Ga5O12:Tm3 , Yb3 Nanocrystals, 2nd National Conference on Nanoscience andNanotechnology: The Molecular Approach, Bologna, Italy (Oral).

8.Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Boyer, J. C., Capobianco, J. A.,Speghini, A., Bettinelli, M. (2003) VisibleUpconversion of Pr3 Doped Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG)Nanoparticles, Syntheses and Methodologies in InorganicChemistry - Trends in Nanoscience (SAMIC), Bressanone, Italy (Oral).

7.Naccache, R., Vetrone, F., Boyer, J. C., Capobianco, J. A.,Speghini, A., Bettinelli, M. (2003) OpticalProperties of Praseodymium Doped Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) Nanocrystals, The 6th Annual Concordia Annual Chemistry and Biochemistry GraduateResearch Conference, Montreal, Quebec (Poster).

6. Clas, S.-D.,Dalton, C., Crocker, L., Naccache, R.,Khougaz, K., Mourani, R., Singh, J., Lackmann, R., Antonecchia, A., Winters, C.(2003) The Importance of Characterisation of Crystal Forms During DrugDevelopment, Scientific Updates,Chester, UK (Oral).

5.Clas, S.-D., Naccache, R.,Maxwell, K. Bazin, C. (2002) Evaluation of the Parameters AffectingDisproportionation of a Salt, ThirdInternational Workshop on the Physical Characterization of PharmaceuticalSolids, Thame, UK (Oral).

4.Naccache, R., Capobianco, J. A., Vetrone, F., Bettinelli, M., Speghini, A. (2002) Energy Transfer Self-Absorption andUpconversion in a Silicate Glass, 4thAnnual Chemistry and Biochemistry Graduate Research Conference, Montreal,Quebec (Poster, Best Poster Award)).

3.Naccache, R., Capobianco, J. A., Vetrone, F., Bettinelli, M., Speghini, A., Righini, G. C. (2001) A Study of the Energy TransferSelf-Absorption of an Er3 doped Silicate Glass, Advanced Solid-State Lasers, QuebecCity, Quebec (Poster).                        

2.Naccache, R., Capobianco, J. A., Vetrone, F., Bettinelli, M., Speghini, A., Righini, G. C.  (2001)Theeffect of Lead Oxide on the Optical Spectroscopy of Pr3 dopedglasses, 35th Annual IDWConference, Montreal, Quebec (Poster, BestPoster Award).

1. Khougaz,K., Kwong, E., Ma, M., Naccache, R.,Clas, S.-D. (2000) Salt selection for a PDEIV candidate, 2nd International Early DevelopmentMeeting, Philadelphia, PA (Oral).


7. Lomboni D. J., Naccache R. andVariola F. Hydrogel-Carbon Nanodots Nanocomposite for In Vitro and In VivoApplications, U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 63/595,585, November 2023.

6. de Medeiros T., Macina A. and NaccacheR. Polymeric Carbon Nitrides and Method of Producing Biodiesel, U.S.Provisional Patent Application No. 63/466,083, May 2023.

5. Pains Duarte M and Naccache R.Calcined Sodium Citrate Catalyst and Methods of Producing Biodiesel, U.S.Provisional Patent Application No. 63/454,266, April 2023.

4. Breitenborn H., Dong J., Piccoli R., Morandotti R., Razzari  L., NaccacheR., Vetrone F. Method and Systemfor Determination of Photothermal Properties of Nanoparticles by Terahertz Radiation,US Patent 11,360,022.

3. Manioudakis J. and Naccache R. Dialys-EZ Modular DialysisSystem, Declaration of Invention, August 2018.

2.Chen, Q., Fujimori, S., Janey, J., Limanto, J., Naccache, R., Nolting, A., Song, Z., Strotman, N., Tan, L. andWeisel, M. (2009) Processfor preparing [phenylhydroxy-alpha-methylhexahydrocyclopenta[f]indazolyl]ethylphenyl derivatives. PCT Int. Appl. 33 pp.

1. Clas, S.-D., Naccache, R., Yu, H., Murry, J., andVariankaval, N. (2005) Preparation of polymorphic forms of thephosphodiesterase-4 inhibitorN-cyclopropyl-1-{3-[(1-oxidopyridin-3-yl)ethynyl]phenyl}-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-1,8-naphthyridine-3-carboxamide.PCT Int. Appl. 51 pp.

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