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Stefan Bronner

  • Assistant Professor & Coordinator of the German Program, Classics, Modern Languages and Linguistics

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Tue & Thu 5:30 - 6:30


Vom taumelnden Ich zum wahren Übermenschen. Das abgründige Subjekt in Christian Krachts Romanen Faserland, 1979 und Ich werde hier sein im Sonnen-schein und im Schatten.

My doctoral thesis is the first monograph about the highly discussed con­tempo­rary Swiss author Christian Kracht. It negotiates subjectivity and the question of representation in his novels from the perspective of subject philosophy. Apart from issues of construction and dis­solution of real­ity, the disserta­tion explores new concepts of subjectivity, which I trace back to Romanti­cist reflections, including those of Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis. Throughout the analysis, I draw from in­ternational lit­erature, film, and philoso­phy, including D.H. Lawrence’s Women in Love, David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive, and the an­cient Chinese phi­losophical work I Ching. Overall, the study identifies an ethical and spiritual turn in contemporary German lit­era­ture. The manuscript has been published by Francke in 2012. 

Die Gewalt der Zeichen – Terrorismus als symbolisches Phänomen Co-Edited Volume with Hans-Joachim Schott

The volume focusses on the symbolic power of terrorism, including contributions to such topics as the RAF and 9/11. The volume includes an introduction to theresearch area of terrorism, and also offers a new ethical approach to the topic

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