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Dr. Tagny Duff, PhD

Associate Professor, Communication Studies

Dr. Tagny Duff, PhD

My background is in media art with a focus on video, performance, biological art, net art, social sculpture and installation. My research/creation interests focus on visual culture, viral media, interdisciplinarity, art/sci production and collaboration, post-studio art practice, and the relation between art, science and technology. Topics of interest include surveillance and biopolitics; queer(ing) culture and temporality; posthumanisms and changing perceptions of bodies; waste creation and ecology; scale, duration and spacetime; performance, liveness and documentation.


PhD, Humanities Doctoral Program, Concordia University

MFA, Open Media (With Distinction), Studio Arts, Concordia University

BFA, Intermedia, Studio Arts, Emily Carr University of Art and Design


Fall 2018: Coms 680/893 Aesthetics and Media (Thursdays 1:15-4pm) 
Fall 2018/Winter 2019: Coms 374 Intermedia Production 2 (Tuesdays 8:34-11:30) 
Winter 2019: Coms 423/523 Media Arts and Aesthetics ( Wed. 1:15-4pm)  

Current research projects

research-creation, media art, technoscience, biological arts, performance, art-sci

Principal Investigator
Shit! Speculations on the future of excrement and microbes as artistic and scientific media (2016-2017)
This research-creation project explores the clash of cultural and scientific perspectives and practices around cleanliness from "clean" energy to cultural hygiene practices. It asks: how might we imagine mutually beneficial human-microbial relations from different points of view in a world literally made from "shit"?
What might a world of microbial-human waste exchange in a post-fossil fuel era look like?
Principal Investigator
Viral BioreMEDIAtion (2011-2015)

This research-creation project explores and develops the concept of “bio-remediation” as the necessary interrelation betwee 500 Internal Server Error

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