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Dayna McLeod

Assistant Professor, Communication Studies
Assistant Professor, Theatre

Dayna McLeod
Charla Jones for the Toronto Star

My interests of artistic and theoretical research are in sexual identity construction, gender, feminism, anti-feminist backlash, homophobia, and media representations of sexuality, queer identity, and the female body as public property. I am also interested in copyright/copyleft and their implications on media production and remix/mashup culture.

Over the course of my career, my art practice has drawn from a school of disciplines that have shaped my current practice and production process. Durational and in-situ performance, spoken word, cabaret and art-house performance, remix, sampling, single channel and multi-channel video, costuming, fibre-arts, craft, sculpture, installation, theatre, graphic design, animation,collage, interactivity, social media engagement, digital design, photography, non-linear narrative and effect motion graphics have all become overlapping production components and processes to my art practice. These disciplines critically and creatively influence my research, critical analysis, writing and teaching.

Teaching activities


COMS 274 Communication Media: Intermedia I
COMS 284 Communication Media: Film and Video I
COMS 374 Communication Media: Intermedia II
COMS 493 Communication Media: Advanced Topics- Intermedia III

COMS 355 Media and New Technology
COMS 368 Media and Gender
COMS 421 Communicative Performances and Interventions

COMS 570 Media Production: Intermedia

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