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Szilvia Pápai, PhD

Associate Professor, Economics

Szilvia Pápai, PhD


PhD: Caltech

Research interests

Matching Theory, Axiomatic Resource Allocation, Coalition Formation 

Fields of specialization

Game Theory, Social Choice, Market Design

Professional experience

    •    Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of Finance, University of Notre Dame
    •    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
    •    Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Koc University

PhD Student Supervision

Pooya Ghasvareh (2019) - Bio Statistician/Researcher, Health Canada
Nickesha Ayoade  (2020) - Research Analyst, Professional Engineers Ontario
Dilek Sayedahmed (2021) - Senior Research Fellow, WISIR, University of Waterloo
Asefeh Salarinezhad (2021) - Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Economics, University of Ottawa
Rouzbeh Ghouchani (2021, co-supervised with Dipjyoti Majumdar) - Lecturer in EconomicsUniversity of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus
Muntasir Chaudhury (2023) - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, East West University, Dhaka
Manuel Lepage Lévesque (co-supervised with Ming Li) - ongoing
Yuxing Liang (co-supervised with Xintong Han) - ongoing
Md. Shahidul Islam - ongoing
Israa Hashem (co-supervised with Gabrielle Vasey) - ongoing

Recent Conference and Workshop Organization

  • CRM thematic workshop on Agents Behavior in Combinatorial Game Theory, November 2021 (online): co-organizer
  • Social Choice and Welfare conference, Mexico City, June 2022: program committee member
  • SAET conference, Sydney (Australia), July 2022: organizer of two sessions
  • SAET conference, Paris (France), July 2023: organizer of one session
  • SAET conference, Santiago (Chile), January 2024: organizer of two sessions
  • Social Choice and Welfare conference, Paris (France), July 2024: program committee member
  • Conference on Mechanism and Institution Design, Budapest (Hungary), July 2024

Recent Grants

SSHRC Insight Grant 2023-2026: "Segregation and Priority Treatment Policies in School Choice Design"


Recent Papers

"School Choice with Preference Rank Classes" with Nickesha Ayoade, Games and Economic Behavior, 2023, 137: 317-341.
"Serial Rules in a Multi-Unit Shapley-Scarf Market" with Péter Biró and Flip Klijn, Games and Economic Behavior, 2022, 136: 428-453.
"Preference Aggregation for Couples" with Rouzbeh Ghouchani, Social Choice and Welfare, 2022, 59: 889-923.
"Balanced Exchange in a Multi-Unit Shapley-Scarf Market" with Péter Biró and Flip Klijn
"Targeted Priority Reserve Policies" with Dilek Sayedahmed

Current Research Projects

"Matching with Consecutive Acceptance Intervals" with Asefeh Salarinezhad
"Matching with Minimal Priority Rights"
"Fairness Comparisons of Strategyproof and Efficient Matching Rules" with Pooya Ghasvareh
"Affirmative Action Policies in School Choice: Immediate versus Deferred Acceptance" with Muntasir Chaudhury
"Fair Maximum Matching Under Dichotomous Preferences" with Shahidul Islam

Short Contribution

"On the Future of Economic Design — The Personal Ruminations of a Matching Theorist" in The Future of Economic Design, Springer 2019

Recent Research Talks

SAET Conference, Santiago, Chile, January 2024
2nd UB workshop on Game Theory, University of Barcelona, November 2023
Kyushu University, Department of Informatics, November 2023
Kyoto University, KIER, November 2023
7th Spain-Japan Meeting on Economic Theory, Waseda University, October 2023 
University of Tokyo, Market Design Center, October 2023 - four lectures on "Axiomatic Approaches to Affirmative Action and Preferential Treatment Policies in Matching Design"
Hitotsubashi University, October 2023
University of Rochester, September 2023
SAET Conference, Paris, France, July 2023
Conference on Economic Design, Girona, Spain, 2023
Lausanne Matching and Market Design Workshop, University of Lausanne, June 2023
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, May 2023
Polytechnique Montréal, April 2023
University of Hawaii, February 2023
ISI Delhi (virtual), December 2022
Social Choice and Welfare conference, Mexico City, Mexico, June 2022 - Condorcet Lecture

Selected Publications

  • "School Choice with Preference Rank Classes," with Nickesha Ayoade, Games and Economic Behavior (2023) 137: 317-341.

  • "Exchange in a General Market with Indivisible Goods," Journal of Economic Theory (2007)132: 208-237

  • "Strategyproof Assignment by Hierarchical Exchange," Econometrica (2000) 68: 1403-1433

Editorial Positions

Associate Editor:
Games and Economic Behavior
Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design
Social Choice and Welfare


ECON 695: Economic Design
ECON 614: Game Theory
ECON 440/540: Market Design
ECON 464/564: Game Theory

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