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Julio Colantoni

Dr. Maria-Carolina Cambre

  • Associate Professor, Education

Research areas: Qualitative Methods | Image Studies| Visual Sociology Critical Policy Studies|Curriculum Theory & Design| Semiotics

Contact information


“You write in order to change the world, knowing perfectly well that you probably can't, but also knowing that ... The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even but a millimeter the way people look at reality, then you can change it"
(James Baldwin 1979)


Interview / Media

Getting to Know You:

The Conversation:

IVSA Showcase Feature:

Sociologist of the month:

Dean's Awards Excellence:

4th Space interview:

Teaching activities


ESTU615  Introduction to Research Methods
ESTU642  Special topics: Critical Policy Issues  
ESTU644 Sociology of Education
ADIP549  Project Design
ESTU642 Special topics: Media, Pop Culture & Education
ESTU645 Curriculum Theory & Design

HUMA889 Doctoral Seminar: Representation/s Otherwise (Winter 2018/Winter 2019/ Fall 2020)
EDUC807 Doctoral Seminar:Qualitative Methods
EDUC809 Doctoral Seminar: Research Paradigms in the Social Sciences
SDBI WSDB498 Feminist Economics


2016 IHMJ316 Introduction to Visual Methods (Doctoral Seminar)  University of Jyväskylä, FI

2018 Introduction to the Visual Essay (Doctoral Seminar) Universidad de San Martin, Buenos Aires AR

2019 Introduction to the Visual Essay (Continuing Education Seminar) Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa MX

Other courses

Advertising and Social Institutions
Investigating Everyday Life: Qualitative Research
Classical Social Theory
Contemporary Social Theory

Society on the small screen: Mobile Cultures
Introduction to Sociology
Mass Media and Society

Visual Research Methods

Student Supervision

Forloine, M.    (2024) The politics of sex education: A comparative study

Molina, G.     (2024) Inclusion and Exclusion in Education: The case of adoption

Deveaux, E.   (2023) Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum of Canadian Digital Literacy Programs

Kiley, A.            (2023) Sexuality Curriculum in Quebec: Let’s Talk about Sex

Nazywalskyi, T. (2023) Love Shapes: Eros as a Teaching Posture in Quebec Secondary Schools

Li, X.                 (2023) University Student’s Experience of Abrupt Transition during Covid-19 pandemic

McKell, T.         (2022) Reflections on Change: The Quebec Anglophone Experience & the Revised History Curriculum
Marsillo, J (2022) Quebec's Language Laws: So Many Bills, Not Enough Sense
Jones, D.    (2021): Education and AI: Opportunities and apprehensions
Elimby, F.   (2021) : Meditation for transformation: The quest for teachers’ wellbeing
Hoffmann-Kuhnt, B. (2021) :Women & Homelessness: Vectors of Invisibility (EL Award)
Figueroa, T.        (2020)  Engaging digital literacies through the lenses of the hearing impaired
Aranibar, M. D.  (2020) Street Newspapers: An Educational Tool for Social Change (SSHRC)
Farley, Lauren     (2019) Examining the high rates of private school enrolment in Montreal
Abdel Ghani, M. (2019) Children Vloggers on YouTube: Empowerment or Exploitation?
Qingru Zeng        (2019) A Comparison of Literacies Discourses: WesternCountries and China
Ren, Andao          (2019) Rethinking Educational Traditions in China from a Gender Perspective
Jarman, Megan     (2019) Critical Discourse Analysis in Canadian Policy Education Research
Liu, Xiaoyi           (2018) Using Cultural Identity and Intersectionality Theory to Understand Barriers to Integration of Female Chinese International Students in Montreal
Favvas, Christina  (2018) Analyzing Quebec’s Policy on Educational Success
Kaiah Eaton          (2018) Lead Co-supervisor (Philosophy) Understanding Fanonian Humanism Through National Struggles
Parsons, Victoria  (2017) Inclusive education for students at-risk: The white spaces

Masters (In progress)

St. Hilaire,A.                 Critical Analysis ofthe Quebec Policy on Education

Doran, A.                      Some Truths Cannot be Quantified: TheEpistemic Harms of Mass School Closures

D’Avignon, M.G.            Critical approaches to visualaccountability

Brown, K.                      ProblematizingStudent Giftedness in Alberta Curriculum

Petrella,M.                    Alternative BookClubs as Student Driven Curriculum

Research Interests

RESEARCH AREAS: Sociology of Education; Semiotics; Visual Sociology; Qualitative Methods; Image Studies; Post-critical pedagogies; Media and Information
"the eye can't see what the brain doesn't know" J.Baldwin

Current & Recent Projects

(2025 SSHRC Connection Grant) Travelling images: Youth at the center of art exhibition practices in a transnational partnershipPrimary Investigator:Claudia Mitchell (McGill): Co-Applicants (Carolina Cambre, Shannon Walsh, April Madrona, CaseyBurkholder).
(2025) Visiting Fellowship Södertörn University, Sweden (Media & Communications Studies)
(2024 SSHRC) Co-applicant in $2,500,000 Partnership Grant: TRANSFORM (Engaging with youth for social change: Claudia Mitchell (McGill) PI)
(2022 SSHRC) Global Collective for Study Abroad Researchers & Administrators (GC-SARA)
(2021 SSHRC)  Emerging Educational Policies in Times of Crisis: Visual Accountability in Mexico and Canada.
(2020 Consulat général de France) Attractivité des chercheurs canadiens Digital Images: Filtering Faces
(2019 SSHRC FAS Explore) Developing Intercultural Communications through Visual Pedagogical Innovation
(2018 FRQ-SC)  Curated Identities: Selfies and Online Ambivalence
(2018 PCYIA)     Emerging Literacies in an Informatic Society
(2017 SSHRC)    Conference on Reframing Goffman
(2016 SSHRC)     Nomadic Pedagogies: More here:

My research program evolves under the rubrics of three broad but overlapping areas:

1. Polymedia literacies/Digital self-display

2. Community/pedagogy/policy  &

3. Image theory/visual methodologies.

"The Wind" (IVSA showcase)

Beginnings (1st prize)



Under Contract: Cambre, C. & Cano, R. THE SEMIOTICS OF VANDALISM: A SPATIAL AND SUBVERSIVE POLITICS OF CONTESTATION in the Advances in Semiotics series : Bloomsbury Pub UK

Publications (Recent)

Cambre,C. & Lavrence, C. (submitted Aug 2024) “The Algorithmic Eye” in Nathanson & Bratchford (Eds) TheAlgorithmic Turn in Visual Studies Palgrave-McMillan.

Lavrence, C. & Cambre C.(Forthcoming July 2025) “Selfies: Positioning the Face in Social Media” in HeidrunFriese, Marcus Nolden, Miriam Schreiter(Eds) The Handbook of Social Practices and Digital Everyday Worlds. SpringerNature.

Cambre, C., E. Barromi-Perlman, & D. Herman Jr.(2022) “Introduction:The nomadology of visual pedagogies” in Cambre,C., E. Barromi-Perlman, & D. Herman Jr. (Eds) (2022) Visual Pedagogies: Concepts, Cases & Practices (Brill | Sense Publishers, NL). Pp. 1-16

(2021)“Visual Sociology” Ch. 45 In Krešimir Purgar (Ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. Palgrave MacMillan. Pp.735-757.

Jarman, M. &Cambre, C. & (2021) “EvaluatingCritical Discourse Analysis in research: A Canadian Educational Policy Case” In(J.Crossman (UniSA and ICMS) and S. Bordia (ANU) Eds.) Edward ElgarHandbook of Qualitative Research Methodologies in workplace contexts. EE Publishing,Australia.

Abdul Ghani, M. & Cambre, C. (2020) “Ethan’s GoldenYouTube Play Button: The evolution of a child influencer” In (Warfield K, Cambre C, &Abidin C Eds) Mediated Interfaces: The Body onSocial Media. Bloomsbury Publishing. London, UK.

Cambre, C. (2019).Neither Visible nor Hidden:The Structuring of the Sensible Ch. 7 in A. S. Grønstad & Ø Vågnes (Eds.), Invisibilities.Palgrave MacMillan (Springer International Press).

Cambre, C. (Dec. 2019) Crisis of Literacies: How does the Orchid cite the Bee? in Knowings & Knots: Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation. In Loveless, N. (Ed.) University of Alberta Press, AB Canada.

Keynotes (Recent)

(2024,Mar 21) Burning the Mona Lisa: Insurgent Subjectivities and the PedagogicalEcologies of Protest. Opening Plenary at the GraduateStudents’ Society’s 22nd Annual Conference on Education for Peace andSocial Justice: Theory, Research and Praxis at McGill University, Montreal, CA.


(2023, May11), Discours inaugural | « Marcher, être témoin et colonialité » |Walking,witnessing and coloniality for Journée de lutte contre la violence genrée au Centred’artistes Vaste et Vague | La Campagne Moose Hide

(2022, Nov 17) “Molecular Revolutions in Subjectivation: The dynamics oftoppling monuments” at the Symposium on “Subjects of Violence” at theUniversity of Luxembourg,LUX. (Prof. Dr. Boris Traue& Dr. Judith TröndleiIn cooperation with the Working Group SubjectivationResearch in the German Sociological Association)

(2022, Mar 23)“Molecular Insurrections: An experiment in Visual Narrative Inquiry in Buenos Aires, Argentina” atthe Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)University of Manchester, UK. ( )

(2020, Jan 10) The Machinic Face: A schizo-selfie reading. The Guattari Research Group –Toronto. Victoria University College, at theUniversity of Toronto, CA.

(2020 Feb 26) “Bye-Bye Selfie, hello Plandid: The paradox of trying” Invited lecture at the School of Journalism & Communication, Seminar on Visual Culture. Carleton University, Ottawa CA.

(2019 Dec 1-16) “Pedagogy in a Decolonial Hue: Intercultural Communications through Visual Essays”. Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación, Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa, MX

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