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Dr. Jill Didur, PhD

Associate Dean and Professor, English

Dr. Jill Didur, PhD

Jill Didur is Co-Director of the Speculative Life Research Cluster and Professor in English at Concordia University, Montreal. She is co-editor of Global Ecologies and the Environmental Humanities:Postcolonial Approaches and author of Unsettling Partition: Literature, Gender, Memory. She is completing a co-edited volume with Nalini Mohabir, (Post)Colonial Ports: Place and NonPlace in the Ecotone (forthcoming, 2024).

Didur is also the Director of the Critical Anthropocene Research Group (CARG),  a collaboration with faculty in Geography Planning and the Environment and English that investigates the cultural, historical and political roots of human-induced climate change with an emphasis on its origins in the hi 500 Internal Server Error

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