David B. Frost GIS Lab
September 2022
In-Person Access
Monday to Friday 10am-8pm
Saturday and Sunday 12noon to 5pm
- You can normally use a lab computer during the scheduled weekday times for other courses- just quietly enter the lab and use a computer closest to the door. That being said, in-person lab access is the professor's prerogative during their scheduled labs.
- If you ever want to check in with the lab attendant before heading to campus, you can call 514-848-2424 x5478 to ask any questions that you might have.
Remote Access
Granted under exceptional circumstances, usually with the agreement of your professor in a lab course. In such cases, remote access is only permitted when the lab is closed. If you connect to remotelab during opening hours, your access permission will be removed!
To apply for remote access, you must complete the form at this link. Please read all of the instructions carefully as support for remote connections is minimal.
After-hours Access
Granted under exceptional circumstances, usually with the agreement of your professor in a lab course. In such cases, you will have to apply to Campus Safety and Prevention Services for a Electronic Access Card (aka Prox Card). To begin the process, please complete the form at this link. Assuming that the department approves your request (via your professor), a security agent will contact you to take a photo and collect a fee of $23 (as at Sept 2022).
For any questions regarding with the operation of the GIS lab, please contact
Marco Burelli at 514-848-2424 x2060 or m.burelli@concordia.ca