Specialization in History
A deeper understanding of the past.
Value of a specialization
A BA Specialization in History gives students the opportunity to consolidate 60 History credits towards their degree, as opposed to 42 credits for the major. Students gain a broad knowledge of the past and a range of analytical and communication skills, and take courses that collectively span the globe and range through thousands of years.
Special courses
The introductory HIST 200 is a first-year seminar that takes a deep dive into a historical subject. These small classes, each taught by one of the department’s professors, both explore the focused topic of the course and introduce students to historical skills: how historians make arguments, how they use historical evidence and other scholars’ writing, and how they communicate their ideas.
Several sections of HIST 200 are offered every term, each with a different topic. History Specialization students take courses at introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels and to explore the varied fields of history to fulfill breadth requirements. See the appropriate Program Guide for details.
Program guides for Specialization
If your year of entry is prior to fall 2015, please contact the department.
Consult the program requirements in the Undergraduate Calendar.