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Andrea Falcon, PhD

  • Professor Emeritus, Philosophy

Research areas: Ancient Philosophy, Aristotle, Aristotelianism

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: Padua University, Italy 1995
Undergraduate Studies: University of Venice, Italy, laurea cum laude 1990.

I have been Professor Emeritus since January 2022. I am a recurring visiting Professor at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany, where I collaborate with TIDA (Text and Ideas of Aristotle's De anima). I am also lecturing at the University of Milan, Italy,

The primary foci of my research are two. The first is Aristotle, with a special focus on his theory and practice of scientific explanation. The second is the reception and fortune of his philosophical thought in antiquity and beyond. Below are my most significant publications to date. 

Authored books on Aristotle

The Architecture of the Science of Living Beings. Aristotle and Theophrastus on the Study of Animals and Plants (Cambridge University Pres, June 2024)

La natura secondo Aristotele. Guida alla lettura di Fisica II (Carocci editore July 2024)

Aristotle and the Science of Nature: Unity without Uniformity (Cambridge University Press 2005)

Corpi e movimenti. Il De caelo di Aristotele e la sua fortuna nel mondo antico (Bibliopolis 2001)

Co-authored books on Aristotle

(with Klaus Corcilius and Robert Roreitner), Aristotle on the Essence of Human Thought (Oxford University Press, December 2024)

Co-edited books on Aristotle

(together with David Lefebvre), The Cambridge Critical Guide to Aristotle's Generation of Animals (Cambridge University Press, 2017).

(together with Stasinos Stavrianeas), Aristotle on How Animals Move. The De incessu animalium: Greek Text, English Translation, and Interpretative essays. (Cambridge University Press 2021),

(together with Panos Dimas and Sean Kelsey), Aristotle's Generation and Corruption II: Introduction, Translation, and Interpretative Essays (Cambridge University PRess, 2022)

Authored books on the Aristotelian tradition

Aristotelismo (Einaudi 2017)

Xenarchus of Seleucia and Aristotelianism in the First Century BCE (Cambridge University Press 2011)

Edited books on the Aristotelian tradition

Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristotle in Antiquity (Brill 2016)

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