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Andrea Falcon, PhD

Professor, Philosophy


Andrea Falcon, PhD

I am a specialist in Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition in antiquity and beyond. The focus of my research is Aristotle’s philosophy of nature. I am the author of "Aristotelismo" (Einaudi, 2017), “Aristotelianism in the First Century BCE: Xenarchus of Seleucia” (Cambridge University Press, 2011), “Aristotle and Aristotle and the Science of Nature. Unity without Uniformity" (Cambridge University Press, 2005), and "Corpi e Movimenti. Il De caelo di Aristotele e la sua tradizione nel mondo antico" (Bibliopolis, 2001). I edited the "Brill's Companion to the Reception of Aristotle in Antiquity" (Brill, 2016), co-edited (together with David Lefebvre) the "Cambridge Critical Guide to Aristotle's Generation of Animals" (Cambridge University Press, 2017), (togeher with Stasinos Stavrianeas) "Aristotle on How Animals Move. The De incessu animalium: Text, Translation, and Interpretative essays" (Cambridge University Press 2021), and (together with Pierdaniele Giaretta) "Ancient Logic, Language, and Metaphysics. Selected Essays by Mario Mignucci" (Routledge 2019).

I held visiting appointments at the University of California at Berkeley, Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh (twice), Virginia Tech, and Université Paris Diderot. In Winter 2008 I was a visiting member in the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton. I am an associate member of Laboratoire SPHERE:Sciences, Philosophie, Histoire URM 7219 (Paris). 


Ph.D: Padua University, Italy 1995
Undergraduate Studies: University of Venice, Italy, laurea cum laude 1990.

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