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Harold Chorney, PhD

  • Professor, Political Science

Research areas: Political Economy; Urbanization; Globalization; Macroeconomics

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Harold Chorney's research is focused on the Return of Keynesian oriented public policy which he has predicted for some time and issues of public finance. He also focuses on recent developments in metropolises in the context of globalization. The return of Keynes is clear in the massive stimulus programs being launched by the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, Japan and China. Even conservative Canada has announced a small stimulus plan.
His book  Rediscovering Keynes: The Deficit Papers will be published  by Athabaska University Press.

His urban research grows out of his book City of Dreams:Social Theory and the Urban Experience published by Nelson.He is working on a new edition of this work. He is also active in research on linguistic duality and economic advantage. His research for Canadian Heritage and the Government of Canada  on linguistic duality and economic advantage was published as part of a collection edited by Albert Breton.


PhD (University of Toronto)

Research interests

Political Economy; Urbanization; Globalization; Macroeconomics

Teaching activities

POLI 349    Political and Social Theory in the City
POLI 363    Issues in Canadian Public Policy
POLI 463    Government and Business in Canada
POLI 610    Economic Policy After Keynes

Selected publications

The Deficit Papers: Rediscovering Keynesian economics, Essays in Public Finance and Public Policy, Edmonton, Athabaska University Press, forthcoming 2011.

Bilingualism in Employee Recruitment and the Role of the Symbolic Analyst in Leading Export Oriented Firms in Albert Breton New Canadian Perspectives:Economic Approaches to Languages and Bilingualism, pp.185-223,Ottawa, Canadian Heritage, 1998.

Tax Stabilization in Ontario: Report to the Ontario Fair Tax Commission:Toronto: Queen's Printer, 1993.120 pp.

City of Dreams: Social Theory and the Urban Experience, Scarborough, Toronto, Nelson, Thomson, 1990 230 pp.

Toward a Humanist Political Economy, with Phillip Hansen, Montréal, New York: Black Rose Press, 1990, 214 pp.

The Deficit and Debt Management: An Alternative to Monetarism, Ottawa: CCPA, 1989, 98 pp.

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