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Dr. Christopher Steele, PhD

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Dr. Christopher Steele, PhD
David Ward

Research Interests

Training-related neuroplasticity
Electrophysiological bases of motor control
Cerebellar function, structure, and connectivity
White matter connectional architecture
Quantitative assessment of white matter disconnection (stroke, AD)
Quantitative and physiologically-specific MRI
Functional dynamics of the brain
Image segmentation and registration

Research Methods

Systems-level cognitive neuroscience
Image processing development (Python)
Functional and structural MRI
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
Multimodal imaging and image analysis
Longitudinal training designs

Teaching activities

PSYC 456 - Functional Neuroanatomy

PSYC 363 - Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception

Educational Seminars and Workshops

  • Max Planck School of Cognition 2020: Introduction to dMRI

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