Dr. Mickael L.D. Deroche, PhD
Pronouns: He/Him
Thesis supervisor Accepting inquiries
- Associate Professor, Psychology
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Supervised programs: Psychology (MA), Psychology (PhD)
Research areas: hearing, cognition, language, development, emotion, auditory prostheses, cochlear implants, stuttering, neurosciences
Contact information
Mickael is originally from France, trained as an engineer in acoustics, with a strong interest in music and speech perception. He completed his PhD in 2010 from Cardiff University (Wales) working on the cocktail party problem. After two postdoctoral positions in University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins (USA) working with cochlear implant users, he moved to Montreal in 2015 as a Research Associate in different research environments (SCSD and Otolaryngology at McGill, Psychology at UdM, CRBLM, BRAMS, CIRMMT) and broadened his interests to other clinical populations. As of 2019, he works in the Psychology Department of Concordia University. His laboratory focuses on hearing, language, and cognition. His research covers audiological topics with hearing-impaired individuals and cognitive work on communication difficulties, and it touches upon both ends of the lifespan. The methods include behavioral protocols (e.g. psychoacoustics) and neuro/physiological techniques (tDCS, pupillometry, skin conductance and heart rate measurements, EEG, fMRI, fNIRS).
Teaching activities
Fundamentals of Sensation and Perception: PSYC 363
This course introduces the physiological and psychological mechanisms of Perception. Thorough treatment is given to questions of how information about the world is acquired through visual and auditory systems, and other modalities, that together is used with stored information to create an on-going mental representation of the world. Topics such as pitch perception, color vision, perception of movement, size and space perception, illusions, and perception of distance are covered.
Programming in Psychology: PSYC 725
This course covers basic and more advanced skills in programming in the context of experimental psychology and neuroscience. It focuses mainly on Python and R, as these two environments are open source and increasingly used by researchers and data science professionals. We review basic programming concepts and apply them directly to various forms of experimental designs using the PsychoPy building platform, from audio/visual stimuli presentation, subject responses, and interface with neurophysiological measurements. Data manipulation, analysis, and visualization are covered in R. Emphasis is placed on hands-on learning, developing the tools that students would eventually need in their academic endeavors. The goal is to shape a new generation of scientists that no longer rely on proprietary softwares, including for statistics.
Statistical analysis 2: PSYC 316
This course is designed to advance students' understanding of hypothesis testing and statistical inferences. From general linear models to mixed effects models, we highlight the limits of null-hypothesis significance testing and explore alternatives (Bayesian approaches, confidence intervals, effect size, meta-analyses). Students learn how to use programs such as JASP (https://jasp-stats.org/) and R (https://www.r-project.org/).
Research activities
My research is primarily about hearing, speech and music, and cognitive sciences, using a combination of behavioral work (psychoacoustics) and neurophysiological techniques (body sensors or brain imaging).
My general goal is to help individuals with sensory loss, taking a multi-disciplinary approach. Current projects include:1) the neuroplasticity of the brain stimulated by cochlear implants; 2) the cognitive load experienced when listening, understanding, and memorizing; 3) vocal production and control; 4) the challenges of cocktail-party environments; 5) decoding emotion in sounds; 6) bilingualism, musicianship, and prosody.
Our research is funded by:
- the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada: NSERC Discovery
- les Fonds de Recherche du Quebec en Nature et Technologie: FRQNT Research Support for New Academics
- Concordia University Horizon program for post-doctoral fellows
- the Center for Research on Brain, Language, and Music: Research Incubator Awards
- the Misophonia Research Fund
- the Oberkotter Foundation
- MITACS programs in partnership with cochlear implant manufactures
Participation activities
Conferences (since 2019)
118. Savard, M.-A., Deroche, M., and Coffey, E. (2025). “Exploring the neural correlates of attention modulation in misophonia using fMRI”, Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Brisbane, Australia.
117. Savard, M.-A., Deroche, M., and Coffey, E. (2025). “Attention modulates sound-generated negative emotions and their neural correlates: insight from misophonia”, Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA.
116. Neumann, C., Carriere, J., and Deroche, M. (2025). “Hearing beyond words: vocal emotion recognition in cochlear implant users”, Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA.
115. Adams, R. and Deroche, M. (2025). “Beyond masking release: differences in voice pitch and spatial location freeing up cognitive resources?”, Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Boston, MA.
114. Carriere, J., Neumann, C., and Deroche, M. (2025). “Hearing beyond words: vocal emotion recognition in cochlear implant users”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
113. Medvick, L., Ghassami, P., and Deroche, M. (2025). “Mind the gap: semantic similarity in phonemic restoration”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
112. Calinescu, C., and Deroche, M. (2025). “Segregation of competing voices by their fundamental frequency relies on apical cochlear regions”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
111. Sohi, R., Caza, A., and Deroche, M. (2025). “On the move: exploring fNIRS data fidelity during motion”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
110. Coupal, P. and Deroche, M. (2025). “What can you tell in the blink of an eye?”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
109. Xu, M., Deroche, M., Dalla Bella, S., and Falk, S.(2025). “Interaction langage-motricité : dynamique cognitive-motrice du traitement de la parole pendant la marche”, 72ndannual conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association, McGill, QC.
108. Xu, M., Deroche, M., Dalla Bella, S., and Falk, S. (2025). “Cognitive and motor dynamics of speech processing during walking”, Cognitive Science Society, San Francisco, CA.
107. Truong, A., Limb, A., Jiradejvong, P., Deroche, M., and Limb, C.J. (2025). “Development of a rapid pitch discrimination test for cochlear implant users: response time window determination”, at the 52nd Annual meeting of the American Auditory Society conference, Scottsdale, AZ.
106. Gilbert, M.L., Lewis, R.M., Kim, E.K., Deroche, M., and Limb, C. J. (2025). “Musical consonance-dissonance clinical application”, Annual meeting of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Boston, MA.
105. Deroche, M. (2025). “Pupillométrie et l’effort d’écoute chez les porteurs d’implant cochléaire”, Invited speaker at the Journée Etudiante en Audiologie organized by Ecole d’orthophonie et d’audiologie de l’Université de Montréal, QC.
104. Deroche,M. (2024). “Neuroimaging at the service of cochlear implant research”, Invited speaker at the CRAM Seminar Series organized by the department of Psychology at McGill, Montreal, QC.
103. Deroche, M. (2024). “Table ronde des cliniciens et cliniciennes sur les déficiences auditives”, Invited speaker at the Tables Rondes 2024 organized by the CIUSSS, Montreal, QC.
102. Deroche,M. (2024). “Comment favoriser la communication fonctionnellechez les personnes ayant une déficience sensorielle ou un trouble du langage ?”, Invited speaker at the Institut universitaire sur la réadaptationen déficience physique de Montréal (IURDPM) organized by the CCSMTL,Montreal, QC.
101. Deroche, M. (2024). “Brain plasticity in the case of cochlear implants”, Invited speaker at the Vision Restoration Summer School organized by the Vision Health Research Network, Saint-Paulin, QC.
100. Neumann, C., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Physiological measures of vocal emotion processing”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
99. Xu, M., Maslow, E.,Zagala, A., Deroche, M., Dalla Bella, S., and Falk, S. (2024). “Probing embodied cognition and cognitive-motor interference during walking while listening to words”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
98. Raymond-Marshall, L., Marchand-Knight, J., and Deroche, M. (2024). “But you don’t look like a tenor! Voice classification accuracy by trans and cis listeners”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal,QC.
97. Carriere, J., Gardner, M., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Auditory learning and the representation of cognitive maps”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
96. Caza, A., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Will your fNIRS be for here or to go?”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
95. Adams, R. and Deroche, M. (2024). “Harmonic cancellation at the service of short-term memory”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
94. Iuliano, R., Khoury, K., Montagnese, J., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024).“Falling through the cracks of auditory masking”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
93. Coupal, P. and Deroche, M. (2024).“What can you really tell in the blink of an eye?”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
92. Medvick, L. and Deroche, M. (2024).“Can you finish the end of my…?”, McGill Neuropsyc Day, Montreal, QC.
91. Xu, M., Maslow, E.,Zagala, A., Deroche, M., Dalla Bella, S., and Falk, S. (2024). “Probing embodied cognition and cognitive-motor interference during walking while listening to words”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
90. Raymond-Marshall, L., Marchand-Knight, J., and Deroche, M. (2024). “But you don’t look like a tenor! Voice classification accuracy by trans and cis listeners”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
89. Carriere, J., Gardner, M., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Auditory learning and the representation of cognitive maps”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
88. Caza, A., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Will your fNIRS be for here or to go?”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
87. Adams, R. and Deroche, M. (2024). “Harmonic cancellation at the service of short-term memory”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
86. Iuliano, R.,Khoury, K., Montagnese, J., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024).“Falling through the cracks of auditory masking”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
85. Coupal, P. and Deroche, M. (2024).“What can you really tell in the blink of an eye?”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
84. Medvick, L. and Deroche, M. (2024).“Can you finish the end of my…?”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
83. Neumann, C., and Deroche, M. (2024).“Physiological measures of vocal emotion processing”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
82. Xu, M., Maslow, E., Zagala, A., Deroche, M., Dalla Bella, S., and Falk, S. (2024). “Probing embodied cognition and cognitive-motor interference during walking while listening to words”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
81. Raymond-Marshall, L., Marchand-Knight, J., and Deroche, M. (2024). “But you don’t look like a tenor! Voice classification accuracy by trans and cis listeners”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
80. Carriere, J., Gardner, M., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Auditory learning and the representation of cognitive maps”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
79. Caza, A., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Will your fNIRS be for here or to go?”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
78. Adams, R. and Deroche, M. (2024). “Harmonic cancellation at the service of short-term memory”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
77. Iuliano, R., Khoury, K., Montagnese, J., Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2024).“Falling through the cracks of auditory masking”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
76. Coupal, P. and Deroche, M. (2024).“What can you really tell in the blink of an eye?”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
75. Medvick, L. and Deroche, M. (2024).“Can you finish the end of my…?”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
74. Marchand, J.K., and Deroche, M. (2024).“Gender-expansive listeners invite us to reconsider voice categorization as a simple matter of pitch and timbre”, 186th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Ottawa, ON.
73. Gilbert, M.L., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., and Limb, C. J. (2024). “CT-based mapping at initial activation: a longitudinal study of music and speech perception”, 17thInternational Conference on Cochlear Implants and other implantable technologies, Gran Canaria, Spain.
72. Savard, M.-A., Hansen, H., El Chami, R., Deroche, M., and Coffey, E. (2024). “Selective attention towards and away from trigger sounds in misophonia: a fMRI study”, Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), Toronto, ON.
71. Marchand, J.K., and Deroche, M. (2023). “When pitch, timbre, and appearance don’t match, how to categorize a voice?”, CIRMMT Symposium, Montreal, QC.
70. Deroche, M. (2023). “Neuroimaging in children with cochlear implants to understand their developmental trajectory”, Invited speaker at NeuroQAM, le centre de recherche en neurosciences cognitives de l'Université du Québec à Montréal , Montreal, QC. Recording of the talk available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2EzkZVBTRQ
69. Marchand, J.K., and Deroche, M. (2023). “The interaction of pitch, timbre, and visual bias in voice evaluation by cis and trans listeners”, Pan American Vocology Association Symposium, Miami, Florida.
68. Alemi, R., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Motor processing in children with cochlear implants using functional near-infrared spectroscopy”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
67. Gracco, V., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Manning, J., Deroche, M., and Koirala, N. (2023). “The neural characteristics of good and poor reading skill in children with cochlear implants”, CI 2023 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.
66. Gracco, V., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Manning, J., Koirala, N., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Functional neuroimaging of brain activity of young children with cochlear implants”, CI 2023 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.
65. Gilbert, M.L., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., and Limb, C. J. (2023). “CT-based mapping at initial activation: a longitudinal study of music and speech perception”,20th Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA.
64. Alemi, R., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Manning,J., Hanna, L., Towler, W., Wilson, C., Bien, A., Miller, S., Schafer, E., Gemignani, J., Koirala, N., Gracco, V., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Using fNIRS to examine motor processing in children with cochlear implants”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal,QC.
63. Lew, E., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Language changes viability of pitch but not timing cues in short-term recall”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
62. Savard, M.-A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Physiological responses to trigger and control sounds in misophonia: the role of attentional modulation”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal,QC.
61. Deroche, M. (2023). “Engage rehabilitation centers in cochlear implant research”, Invited speaker at the Centre de Readaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay, CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-Montreal, QC.
60. Savard, M.-A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Attention to music modulates physiological reactions to trigger sounds in misophonia”, 24th Annual Neuropsychology Day at McGill, Montreal, QC.
59. Neumann, C., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Physiological measures of vocal emotion processing”, 24thAnnual Neuropsychology Day at McGill, Montreal, QC.
58. Marchand, J. K. and Deroche, M. (2023). “Issues in trans voice: pitch in voice classification by cis and trans listeners”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
57. Lew, E., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Language changes viability of pitch but not timing cues in short-term recall”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
56. Savard, M.-A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “The effect of voluntary attentional control on pupil reactions to sounds in people with and without misophonia”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
55. Marchand, J.K., and Deroche, M. (2023). “The interaction of pitch, timbre, and visual bias in voice categorization by cis and trans listeners”, Timbre 2023, the third International conference on Timbre, Thessaloniki, Greece.
54. Marchand, J.K., Tsabary, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Where can we sing?”, INDI Research Day, Montreal, QC.
53. Deroche, M. (2023). “Use of EEG and fNIRS to predict language outcomes in children with cochlear implants”, Invited speaker at the Workshop “The Future of Hearing Implants”, Hannover, Germany.
52. Gilbert, M.L., Kim, E.K., Deroche, M., and Limb, C.J. (2023). “Novel musical consonance-dissonance task in normal hearing and cochlear implant users”, Annual meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
51. Savard, M.-A., Deroche, M., and Coffey, E. (2023). “The effect of voluntary attentional control on emotional reactions to sound in people with and without misophonia”, Annual convention of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. .
50. Savard, M.-A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Effet des processus cognitifs sur les réponses émotionnelles d’individus atteints de misophonie”, 90e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montreal, QC.
49. Gilbert, M.L., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., and Limb, C.J. (2023). “Longitudinal crossover study of music and speech perception of CI cohort utilizing flat panel CT-based mapping at initial activation”, Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Dallas, TX.
48. Savard, M.-A., Deroche, M., and Coffey, E., (2022). “Understanding why sounds may push our buttons: combining psychoacoustic tools with brain imaging towards effective interventions”, Misophonia Research Fund Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
47. Marchand, J.K. and Deroche, M. (2022). “Issues in trans voice: hearing physical appearance”, Out Loud: The Queer Voices in Research Symposium, Montreal, QC.
46. Koirala, N., Deroche, M., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Muthuraman, M., and Gracco, V. (2022). “Neuroimaging resting state markers in children who have cochlear implants and disparate language outcomes” CI 2022 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, Washington, DC.
45. Deroche, M. (2022). “Helping make music accessible to cochlear implant users”, Invited speaker at Le son du future / Le futur du son conference from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, Schulich School of Music, Montreal, QC.
44. Marchand, J.K., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2022). “The Fach system under attack: taking physical appearance out of the equation”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
43. Lew, E., Hallot, S., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Deroche, M. (2022). “A Frenchman and an Englishman walk into a noisy bar: bilingual listening abilities in the cocktail party”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
42. Savard, M.-A., Sares, A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Did I hear chewing? How identification of misophonic triggers influences affective responses”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
41. Neumann, C., Sares, A., Chelini, E., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Oh no! We’re going to Disneyland: how musicians and bilinguals use emotional cues differently”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
40. Marchand, J.K., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Visual biases in evaluation of singers’ and speakers’ voice types by cis and trans listeners”, Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Portland, OR.
39. Lew, E., Hallot, S., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Bilingual listening abilities in the cocktail party”, Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
38. Savard, M.-A., Sares, A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Misophonia in noise: identification of trigger sounds influences affective responses”, Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
37. Neumann, C., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2022). “The roles of bilingualism and musicianship in the use of semantic and prosodic cues in spoken sentences”, Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL.
36. Mo, J., Jiam, N.T., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., and Limb, C.J. (2022). “The impact of frequency equalization on musical sound quality perception in cochlear implant users”, 45th meeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, San Jose, CA.
35. Lew, E., Hallot, S., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Bilingualism and the cocktail party effect”, Webinar of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Fall Speaker Series, Montreal, QC.
34. Savard, M.-A., Sares, A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Misophonics’ affective response to trigger-sounds deteriorates when triggers become identifiable”, Webinar of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Fall Speaker Series, Montreal, QC.
33. Neumann, C., Chelini, E., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “The roles of bilingualism and musicianship in resisting semantic or prosodic interference when recognizing vocal emotions”, Webinar of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Fall Speaker Series, Montreal, QC.
32. Marchand, J. K., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Visual biases in evaluation of speakers’ and singers’ vocal range by cis and trans listeners”, Webinar of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Fall Speaker Series, Montreal, QC.
31. Sares, A., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Short-term recall of words is affected by their pitch and timing”, Oticon Medical R&T Young Investigators Virtual Symposium, fully virtual, worldwide.
30. Deroche, M., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Hanna, L., Towler, W., Bien, A., Wilson, C., Manning, J., Goldbeck, M., Taylor, J., Hendrix, M., Gemignani, J., and Gracco, V. (2021). “Cortical response to a checkerboard, revealed through EEG and fNIRS, in children wearing cochlear implants”, 19th Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, fully virtual, worldwide.
29. Savard, M.-A., Sares, A., Coffey, E., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Effects of temporal degradation on misophonic reactions to sounds”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
28. Neumann, C., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “The use of semantic and prosodic cues among bilingual and monolingual adults”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
27. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Integration of auditory feedback in daily conversation: what cochlear implant users experience”, CRBLM’s scientific day, fully virtual.
26. Neumann, S., Wolfe, J., Deroche, M., and Gracco, V., Hanna, L., Towler, W., Bien, A., Wilson, C. (2021). “High density EEG to evaluate brain activity in children who have cochlear implants and disparate language outcomes”, CI2021 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
25. Wolfe, J., Deroche, M., Neumann, S., and Gracco, V. (2021). “Functional near-infrared spectroscopy to evaluate brain activity in children who have cochlear implants and disparate language outcomes”, CI2021 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
24. Wolfe, J., Deroche, M., Neumann, S., and Gracco, V. (2021). “The impact of language and demographic factors on speech recognition of children with cochlear implants”, CI2021Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
23. Paquette, S., Deroche, M., Goffi-Gomez, M., Hoshino, A., and Lehmann, A. (2021). “Predicting emotion perception abilities for cochlear implant users”, CI2021 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
22. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Assessing the impact of pitch variability on listening effort for cochlear implant users using a recall task and pupillometry”, CI2021 Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
21. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “Monitoring of vocal cords by cochlear implant users”, CI2021Symposium organized by the American Cochlear Implant Alliance, fully virtual, worldwide.
20. Sares, A., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “The role of pitch and timing in short-term recall of words”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
19. Neumann, C., Sares, A., and Deroche, M. (2021). “To decode emotions, bilinguals listen to prosody when monolinguals focus on semantics”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
18. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2020 - cancelled). “Assessing the impact of pitch for cochlear implant users using a recall task and pupillometry”, 16th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and other Implantable Technologies, Orlando, FL.
17. Deroche, M. (2020 - postponed). “Exploration of brain plasticity in children with cochlear implants using electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy”, Invited speaker at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music, and Sound Research (BRAMS), Montreal, QC.
16. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2020). “Control of voice pitch under cochlear implant stimulation”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
15. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2020). “Assessing the impact of pitch on listening effort for cochlear implant users using a recall task and pupillometry”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
14. Sares, A., Deroche, M., Ohashi, H., Shiller, D., and Gracco, V. (2020). “Brain networks involved in a tempo-changing metronome synchronization task”, Annual Conference of the Centre for Research in Human Development, Montreal, QC.
13. Wolfe, J., Gracco, V., Deroche, M., Neumann, S., Musgrave, E., Ding, L., Yuan, H. (2019). “Role of cortical auditory evoked response assessment in pre- and post- cochlear implantation management”,16th International Conference on EEG CAER, New York City, NY.
12. Deroche, M.L.D. (2019). “Technological devices in the service of auditory dysfunctions and cognition”, Invited speaker at the Seminar Series from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology, Schulich School of Music, Montreal, QC.
11. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “The role of pitch in easing the cognitive load experienced by cochlear implant users”, 14th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Bucharest, Romania.
10. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “The effect of altered auditory feedback over voice pitch control of cochlear implant users”, 14th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Bucharest, Romania.
09. Van de Vorst, R. Nasir, S., Deroche, M., and Gracco, V. (2019). “Behavioral and neurological correlates of spoken and sung utterances in adults who stutter”, CRBLM’s scientific day, Montreal, QC.
08. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “Vocal production is affected by listening through cochlear implants”, Invited speaker at an internal meeting “Lunch and learn” organized by MED-EL’s Research Laboratory, Durham, NC.
07. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “The impact of pitch cues on listening effort in a word recall task for normally-hearing and cochlear-implanted listeners”, 18thConference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA.
06. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “Voice pitch control in cochlear implant users”, 18thConference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses, Lake Tahoe, CA.
05. Deroche, M. (2019). “Children with cochlear implants adapt to, and yet suffer from, pitch degradation induced by their devices”, Invited speaker at the Eriksholm Research Center, Snekkersten, Denmark.
04. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “Assessing cognitive load in normal hearing and cochlear implant users using a word recall task and pupillometry”, CHSCOM Cognitive Hearing Science for Communication conference, Linköping, Sweden.
03. Zhang, Y., Malaval, F., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2019). “Assessing cognitive load using a recall task and pupillometry”, 42ndmeeting of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
02. Deroche, M. (2019). “How to overcome current limitations in cochlear implant technology?” Invited speaker at the ENT Basic Science Grand Rounds, McGill Univ. Health Center, Montreal, QC.
01. Deroche, M. (2019). “The role of pitch in hearing health: communication disorders in cochlear implant users” Invited speaker at the Psych. Dept. of Concordia University, Montreal, QC.
53. Gilbert, M.L., Limb,C.J., Kim, E.K., Deroche, M., and Lewis, R.M. (2025). “Perception of extreme musical dissonance in cochlear implant users using a novel listening task”, Frontiers in Audiology and Otology 3:1554784.
doi: 10.3389/fauot.2025.1554784
52. Koirala, N., Manning, J.,Neumann, S., Anderson, C., Deroche, M., Wolfe, J., Pugh, K., Landi, N., Muthuraman, M.,and Gracco, V. (2025). “The neural characteristics influencing literacy outcome in children with cochlear implants”, Brain Communications fcaf086.
doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaf086
51. Zhang, Y., Sares, A., Delage, A., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Pupillometry reveals effects of pitch manipulation within and across words on listening effort and short-term memory”,Scientific Reports 14, 22595.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-73320-z
50. Deroche, M., Wolfe, J., Neumann, S., Manning, J., Hanna, L.,Towler, W., Wilson, C., Bien, A., Miller, S., Schafer, E., Gemignani, J.,Alemi, R., Muthuraman, M., Koirala, N., and Gracco, V. (2024). “Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy”, Brain Communications fcae175.
doi: 10.1093/braincomms/fcae175
49. Lew, E.,Sares, A., Gilbert, A., Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Differences between French and English in the use of suprasegmental cues for the short-term recall of word lists”, J. Speech Lang. Hear. Res. 67(10):3748-3761.
doi: 10.1044/2024_JSLHR-23-00655
48. Lew, E.,Hallot, S., Byers-Heinlein, K., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Navigating the bilingual cocktail party: a critical role for listeners’ L1 in the linguistic aspect of informational masking”, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 1-9.
doi: 10.1017/S1366728924000944
47. Esber, G., Usypchuk, A., Saini, S., Deroche, M., Iordanova, M., and Schoenbaum, G. (2024). “OFC neurons do not represent the negative value of a conditioned inhibitor,” Neurobiology of Learning and Memory 207:107869.
doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2023.107869
46. Alemi, R., Wolfe, J.,Neumann, S., Manning, J., Towler, W., Koirala, N., Gracco, V., and Deroche,M. (2023). “Audiovisual integration in children with cochlear implants revealed through EEG and fNIRS”, Brain Research Bulletin 205, 110817.
45. Neumann, C., Sares, A., Chelini,E., and Deroche, M. (2024). “Roles of bilingualism and musicianship in resisting semantic or prosodic interference while recognizing emotion in sentences”, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 27(3): 419-433.
doi: 10.1017/S1366728923000573
44. Sares, A.G., Gilbert, A.C.,Zhang, Y., Iordanov, M., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2023). “Grouping by time and pitch facilitates free but not cued recall for word lists in normally-hearing listeners”, Trends in Hearing 27,1-17.
doi: 10.1177/23312165231181757
43. Koirala, N., Deroche,M.L.D., Wolfe, J.,Neumann, S., Bien, A.G., Doan, D., Goldbeck, M., Muthuraman, M., and Gracco, V.L. (2023). “Dynamic networks differentiate the language ability of children with cochlear implants”, Frontiers in Neuroscience 17:1141886.
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2023.1141886
42. Alemi, R., Wolfe, J.,Neumann, S., Manning, J., Hanna, L., Towler, W., Wilson, C., Bien, A., Miller,S., Schafer, E., Gemignani, J., Koirala, N., Gracco, V., and Deroche,M. (2024). “Motor processing in children with cochlear implants as assessed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy”, Perceptual and Motor Skills 131, 74-105.
doi: 10.1177/00315125231213167
41. Marchand Knight, J.,Sares, A.G., and Deroche, M.L.D. (2023). “Visual biases in evaluation of speakers’ and singers’ voice type by cisand trans listeners”, Frontiers in Psychology – Gender, Sex, and Sexualities. 14:1046672.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1046672
40. Deroche,M., Wolfe, J.,Neumann, S., Manning, J., Towler, W., Alemi, R., Bien, A., Koirala, N., Hanna,L., Henry, L., and Gracco, V.L. (2023). “Auditory evoked response to an oddball paradigm in children wearing cochlear implants”, Clinical Neurophysiology 149,133-145.
doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2023.02.179
39. Zhang, Y., Malaval, F., Lehmann,A., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Luminance effects on pupil dilation in speech-in-noise recognition”, PLoS One 17(12):e0278506.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0278506
38. Paquette, S., Deroche, M., Goffi-Gomez, M.V., Hoshino, A.C.H., and Lehmann, A. (2022). “Predicting emotion perception abilities for cochlear implant users”, Int. Journal of Audiology 62 (10), 946-954.
37. Mo, J., Jiam, N.T., Deroche,M., Jiradejvong,P., and Limb, C.J. (2022). “Effect of frequency response manipulations on musical sound quality for cochlear implant users”, Trends in Hearing 26, 1-18.
36. Savard, M.-A., Sares,A.G., Coffey, E.B.J., and Deroche, M. (2022). “Specificity of affective responses in Misophonia depends on trigger identification”, Frontiers in Neuroscience 16: 879583.
35. Lin, Y.-S., Wu, C.-M., Limb, C.J., Lu, H.-P., Feng, I.J., Peng, S.-C., Deroche, M., Chatterjee, M. (2022). “Voice emotion recognition by Mandarin-speaking pediatric cochlear implant users in Taiwan”, Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology. 7, 250-258.
doi: 10.1002/lio2.732
34. Gilbert, M. L., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., Barrett, K. C., and Limb, C. J. (2022). “Cochlear implant compression optimization for musical sound quality in MED-EL users”, Ear and Hearing 43(3): 862-873.
doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001145
33. Wolfe, J., Deroche,M., Neumann, S.,Hanna, L., Towler, W., Wilson, C., Bien, A., Miller, S., Schafer, E., andGracco, V. (2021). “Factors associated with speech recognition performance in school-aged children with cochlear implants and early auditory-verbal intervention”, J. Am. Ac. Audiology. 32,433-444.
doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1730413
32. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A.,and Deroche,M. (2021). “Changes in spoken and sung productions following adaptation to pitch-shifted auditory feedback”, Journal of Voice 37(3),466.e1 – 466.e15
doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2021.02.016
31. Zhang, Y., Lehmann, A.,and Deroche, M. (2021). “Disentangling listening effort and memory load beyond behavioral evidence: pupillary response to listening effort during a concurrent memory task”, PLoSOne 16(3): e0233251.
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233251
30. Alemi, R., Lehmann, A., and Deroche, M. (2020). “Adaptation to pitch-altered feedback is independent of one’s own voice pitch sensitivity”, Scientific Reports. 10: art.16860.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-73932-1
29. Barrett, K. C.,Chatterjee, M., Caldwell, M., Deroche, M., Jiradejvong, P., Kulkarni, A.M., and Limb, C. J. (2020). “Perception of child-directed versus adult-directed emotional speech in pediatric cochlear implant users”, Ear and Hearing. 41, 1372-1382.
doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000862
28. Sares, A. G., Deroche, M., Ohashi,H., Shiller, D. M., and Gracco, V. L. (2020). “Neural correlates of vocal pitch compensation in individuals who stutter”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 14: art.18.
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00018.
27. Deroche,M., Lu, H.-P., Lin, Y.-S., Chatterjee, M.,and Peng, S.-C. (2019). “Processing of acoustic information in lexical tone production and perception by pediatric cochlear implant recipients,” Frontiers in Neuroscience. 13: 639.
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2019.00639.
26. Sares, A. G., Deroche,M., Shiller, D. M., and Gracco, V. L. (2019). “Adults who stutter and metronome synchronization: evidence for a non-speech timing deficit”, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1449(1): 56-69.
doi: 10.1111/nyas.14117
25. Deroche,M., and Gracco,V. L. (2019). “Segregation of voices with single or double fundamental frequencies,” J.Acoust. Soc. Am. 145, 847-857.
doi: 10.1121/1.5090107
24. Deroche,M., Felezeu, M., Paquette, S., Zeitouni,A., and Lehmann, A. (2019). “Neurophysiological differences in emotional processing by cochlear implant users, extending beyond the realm of speech”, Ear and Hearing 40(5), 1197-1209.
doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000000701
23. Deroche,M., Lu, H.-P., Kulkarni, A. M., Caldwell,M., Barrett, K. C., Peng, S.-C., Limb, C. J., Lin, Y.-S., and Chatterjee, M. (2019). “A tonal-language benefit for pitch in normally-hearing and cochlear-implanted children”, Scientific Reports, 9, article 109.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36393-1
22. Jiam, N. T., Deroche,M., Jiradejvong, P., and Limb, C. J. (2019).“A randomized controlled crossover study of the impact of online music training on pitch and timbre perception in cochlear implant users”, J. Assoc. Research in Otolaryngology 20(3), 247-262.
doi: 10.1007/s10162-018-00704-0
21. Sares, A. G., Deroche, M., Shiller,D. M., and Gracco, V. L. (2018). “Timing variability of sensorimotor integration during vocalization in individuals who stutter”, Scientific Reports, 8(1),article 16340.
doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-34517-1
20. Deroche, M., Nguyen,D., and Gracco, V. L. (2017). “Modulation of speech motor learning with transcranial direct current stimulation of the inferior parietal lobe,” Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 11:35.
doi: 10.3389/fnint.2017.00035
19. Deroche, M., Limb,C. J., Chatterjee, M., and Gracco, V. L. (2017).“Similar abilities of musicians and non-musicians to segregate voices by fundamental frequency,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142, 1739-1755.
doi: 10.1121/1.5005496
18. Leclère, T., Lavandier, M., and Deroche,M. (2017). “The intelligibility of speech in a harmonic masker varying in fundamental frequency contour, broadband temporal envelope, and spatial location,” Hearing Research 350, 1-10.
doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2017.03.012
17. Jiam, N. T., Caldwell, M., Deroche, M., Chatterjee, M., and Limb,C. J. (2017). “Voice emotion perception and production in cochlear implant users”, Hearing Research 352, 30-39.
doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2017.01.006
16. Deroche, M.,Culling, J. F., Lavandier, M., and Gracco, V. L. (2017). “Reverberation limits the release from informational masking obtained in the harmonic and binaural domains,” Attention, Perception and Psychophysics,79, 363-379.
doi: 10.3758/s13414-016-1207-3
15. Peng, S.-C., Lu, H.-P., Lu, N., Lin,Y.-S., Deroche, M., and Chatterjee,M. (2017). “Processing of acoustic cues in lexical-tone identification by pediatric cochlear-implant recipients,” J. Speech Lang. Hear. Res.60, 1223-1235.
doi: 10.1044/2016_JSLHR-S-16-0048
14. Iordanova, M. D., Deroche,M., Esber, G., Sadacca, B., Schoenbaum, G. (2016). “Neural correlates of two different types of extinction learning in the amygdala central nucleus,” Nature Communication 7:12330.
doi: 10.1038/ncomms12330
13. Deroche, M., Kulkarni, A. M., Christensen, J. A., Limb, C. J., and Chatterjee, M. (2016). “Deficits in the sensitivity to pitch sweeps by school-aged children wearing cochlear implants”, Frontiers in Neuroscience 10:73.
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00073.
12. He, A., Deroche, M., Doong, J., Jiradejvong,P., and Limb, C. J. (2016).“Mandarin tone identification in cochlear implant users using exaggerated pitch contours,” Otology and Neurotology 37, 324-331.
doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000980
11. Chatterjee, M.,Zion, D. J., Deroche, M., Burianek,B. A., Limb, C. J., Goren, A. P., Kulkarni, A. M., and Christensen, J. A. (2015). “Voice emotion recognition by cochlear-implanted children and their normally-hearing peers”, Hearing Research 322,151-162.
doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2014.10.003
10. Deroche, M., Lu, H.-P., Limb, C. J., Lin, Y.-S., and Chatterjee, M. (2014). “Deficits in the pitch sensitivity of cochlear-implanted children speaking English or Mandarin,” Frontiers in Neuroscience 8:282.
doi: 10.3389/fnins.2014.00282.
09. Deroche, M., Culling, J. F., and Chatterjee, M.(2014). “Phase effects in masking by harmonic complexes: Detection of bands of speech-shaped noise,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136,2726-2736.
doi: 10.1121/1.4896457
08. Deroche, M., Culling, J. F., Chatterjee, M.,and Limb, C. J. (2014). “Roles of target and masker fundamental frequency in voice segregation,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 136, 1225-1236.
doi: 10.1121/1.4890649
07. Deroche, M., Culling, J. F., Chatterjee, M.,and Limb, C. J. (2014). “Speech recognition against harmonic and inharmonic complexes: spectral dips and periodicity”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135, 2873-2884.
doi: 10.1121/1.4870056
06. Ross, D. A., Deroche, M., and Palmeri, T. J. (2014). “Not just the norm: Exemplar-based models also predict face aftereffects”. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 21, 47-70.
doi: 10.3758/s13423-013-0449-5
05. Deroche, M. and Culling, J. F. (2013). “Voice segregation by difference in fundamental frequency: Effect of masker type”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134,EL465-470.
doi: 10.1121/1.4826152
04. Deroche, M., Culling, J. F., and Chatterjee, M.(2013). “Phase effects in masking by harmonic complexes: Speech recognition”, Hearing Research 306, 54-62.
doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2013.09.008
03. Deroche, M., Zion, D. J., Schurman, J. R., andChatterjee, M. (2012). “Sensitivity of school-aged children to pitch-related cues”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131,2938-2947.
doi: 10.1121/1.3692230
02. Deroche, M. and Culling, J. F. (2011). “Narrow noise band detection in a complex masker: Masking level difference due to harmonicity”, Hearing Research 282,225-235.
doi: 10.1016/j.heares.2011.07.005
01. Deroche, M. and Culling, J. F. (2011). “Voice segregation by difference in fundamental frequency: Evidence for harmonic cancellation”, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 130, 2855-2865.
doi: 10.1121/1.3643812