J.F. Marc des Jardins, PhD
- Associate Professor, Religions and Cultures
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Sign in to editResearch areas: Tibetan and Chinese religions; Tibetan Bon religion, philosophy, practices and history; Tibetan Tantric Buddhism and popular cults; Tibetan and Chinese Tantric ritual studies; Chinese Daoism and Popular Cults along the Sino-Tibetan frontiers; History of China, Tibet and Central Asia.
Contact information
J.F. Marc des Jardins joined Concordia in 2005 as Assistant Professor after completing a postdoctoral degree on Conflict Resolutions at the Institute of Asian Research at The University of British Columbia. He teaches courses on the various Buddhist traditions (Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese and South Asian) as well as Chinese Popular Cults, Daoism and Tibetan religions. His research focuses on the Tibetan Bön religion and local societies and he has been actively engaged in field-based research along the Sino-Tibetan borderlands since 1991. Dr. des Jardins combines anthropological field methods with textual analysis and historiography. He has recently published a monograph entitled Le sûtra de la Mahâmâyûrî: rituel et politique dans la Chine des Tang (618-907) (Presse de l'Université Laval 2011) which is a study and translation of a key Chinese Buddhist grimoire important in the history of esoterism in Buddhism. In this work, he illustrates how Chinese indigenous cultural and political traditions were highly compatible with the Buddhist ritual traditions of Medieval India.
In 2011, Dr. des Jardins was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor, and is currently working on different translation and research projects on the indigenous Bön Research which seeks to promote and support scientific research on indigenous Tibetan cultural and social traditions.
PhD (McGill University)
Research interests
Tibetan Bön, (its history, practices, beliefs, scriptures and religious lineages)
Tibetan Religions and Society
Chinese Daoism and popular cults along the Sino-Tibetan frontiers
Western China history, societies and religious minorities
Courses taught
UNDERGRADUATE COURSES(selection) all taught at Concordia University unless stated
RELI 226Introduction to Buddhism
RELI 349 Religionsof China and Japan
RELI 350 TheravadaBuddhism
RELI 364 MahayanaBuddhism
RELI 385 Women andBuddhism
RELI 398J ChineseBuddhism
RELI 398F Religionand politics in China
RELI 398R ChineseReligions
RELI 398P TibetanReligions
RELI 398Z Religionsof Japan
HIST 378 History of China; from antiquity to theend of the Tang dynasty (The University of British Columbia)
HIST 3350 China in the Twentieth Century: Reformsand Revolutions (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)
RELI 616R The GreatPerfection in Tibetan Buddhism
RELI 498/616TChan/Zen Buddhism
RELI 617 Religionsof Tibet: Advance topics
RELI 630/498 Daoismand Chinese Popular Religions: Advanced topics
RELI616P/498H Advanced Topics in Mahayana Buddhism
RELI 616BMeditation practice in East Asia
RELI616K Readings of Mahayana texts : The Yogacara Samdhinirmocana sutra andits
commentaries (Chinese and Tibetan)
RELI498D/616Z Seminar on Tibetan Bön Religion
RELI498E 616W Scriptures of the Numinous : Readings of Daoist Scriptures
Selected publications
Selected Publications
La religion ancienne du Tibet, le Bön. Montréal: Editions Namparaz. (forthcoming 2017)
The Treatises on Sutra, Tantra and Mind Accordingto the Bon School. Jean-LucAchard, J.F. Marc des Jardins and Kurt Keutzer, translators. WisdomPublications. The Tibetan Classics Library. (Forthcoming 2017)
“A Tibetan Bonpopriest’s grimoire: an example of a collection of magical recipes for daily useby a minority religion specialists” Manuscript Culture. Vol. 9. Centreof the Study of Manuscript Cultures. Universität Hamburg. (Forthcoming 2017).
“The heritage of a Bonpomaster: preliminary examinations of Tshul khrims mchog rgyal’s records ofempowerments and masters.” The Journal of the International Association forBon Research. Vol. 2. Charles Ramble and J.F. Marc des Jardins (editors).(Forthcoming2017)
“About the Zhangzhungmaster sTag la me ‘bar, was he a Tājik?” Journal of Tibetology. Vol.11.2016.
“Notes on the history ofBon and the Ye shes monastery in Nyag rong, Sichuan,” The Journal of theInternational Association for Bon Research, no. 1, December 2013, pp.55-76.
As editor in chief. TheJournal of the International Association for Bon Research, no. 1, December2013, 343 pages.
“The records of Tshulkhrims mchog rgyal on the Black Phur pa cycle of the Tibetan Bon pos”, Revue d’EtudesTibétaines, no. 23, Avril 2012, pp. 169-203.
Le sūtra de la Mahāmāyūrī : rituel et politiquedans la Chine des Tang (618-907). (The sūtra of Mahāmāyūrī : ritual et politics in Tang China (618-907)Presses de l’Université Laval (PUL), Québec, Canada. (2011)
“Bon Institutions inContemporary Tibetan Territories and the Dynamics of Religious Authority”, Eastand West, volume 59: 1-4,2010, dedicated to the memory of Professor D. L. Snellgrove.
“Tibetan Religionsin British Columbia,” in Asian Religions in BritishColumbia, Daniel Overmyerand Larry de Vries, (Eds.) Vancouver: The University of British Columbia Press.(2010)
“Rites of the Deity Tamdrin(Rta mgrin) in Contemporary Bön: Transforming Poison and Eliminating NoxiousSpirits with Burning Stones.” Tibetan rituals, José Cabezon, (Ed.) Oxford UniversityPublications, Chap. 8: 187-205. (2009)
“Chine Répressiond’état; “Business as usual”, À Babord: revue social etpolitique, No 27 - déc.2008 / jan. 2009.
« La difficilerelation Chine-Tibet », Journal Alternatives, Volume 14 - No. 08 – Mai jeudi 1er mai2008.
Recent graduate seminars and reading courses
Scripts of the Numinous: Religous Taoist Texts (2010-11)
Chan/Zen Buddhism (2009-10)