Norman Nawrocki
- Part-time Faculty, School of Community and Public Affairs
- À temps partiel, School of Community and Public Affairs
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NORMAN NAWROCKI has been teaching in SCPA since 2005, in the Department of Theatre since 2018, and in the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications 'Culture in the Schools' provincial program since 2003. He has lectured and facilitated workshops about social issues and the arts at universities and colleges across Canada and in the USA since 1993. A multi-disciplinary performer since 1985, he has given thousands of shows of his own socially engaged theatre, music and poetry across North America, Europe and Hong Kong. He's also written seventeen books of poetry, short stories, novellas and a novel, a few dozen theatre musicals and solo cabarets, and released over 70 albums of music. He is co-artistic director of the Montreal International Anarchist Theatre Festival. A community organizer in Vancouver and Montreal since the 1970s, his research focus is how grassroots movements for social justice can incorporate the arts in their work.
Select Publications
VANCOUVERED OUT, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2024, 130 pages, novella
ISABELLE WALKS WITH ANGELS, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2023, 84 pages, novella/art
RED SQUARED MONTREAL, Black Rose Books, Montreal/New York/London, 2023, 207 pages, fictional chronicle
CAZZAROLA! L’ANARCHIA, I ROM, L’AMORE, L’ITALIA, Editrice Il Sirente, Rome, 2018, 300 pages, novel
POSSIBLES, Musique et arts pour résister à la déshumanisation, Universitié de Montréal, 2018,
THE LEGEND OF THE RAT KING, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2016, 72 pages, short fiction
AGITATE!Anarchist rants, raps, poems, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2015, 80 pages, poems
NO GODS! NOMASTERS!, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2015, 76 pages, poems
SUBVERSIONS, Vol 3, Anarchist Writers Bloc, Montreal, 2014,208 pages, short story
DEJEUNER POUR ANARCHISTES, Sabotart, Montréal, 2014, 104 pages, poems
CAZZAROLA! Anarchy, Romani, Love, Italy, PM Press, Oakland, 2013, 328 pages, novel
RED: QUEBEC STUDENT STRIKE & SOCIAL REVOLT POEMS, LesPages Noires, Montreal, 2013, 104 pages, poems
NIGHTCAP FOR NIHILISTS, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2012, 80 pages, poems
SUBVERSIONS Vol 2, Anarchist Writers Bloc, Montreal, 2012, 260 pages, short story
ARENA THREE, Anarchists in Music, PM Press, Oakland, 2012,150 pages, essay
ORGANIZE!, PM Press, Oakland, 2012, 250 pages, essay
AFFIRMING COLLABORATION, Community and Activist Art inQuebec & Elsewhere, Engrenage Noir/Levier, Montreal, 2011, 750 pages, Foreward
SUBVERSIONS, Anarchist Writers Bloc, Montreal, 2011, 120pages, short story
DINNER FOR DISSIDENTS, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2009, 80pages, poems
LUNCH FOR INSURGENTS, Les Pages Noires, Montreal, 2009, 80pages, poems
L'ANARCHICOE IL DIAVOLO, Editrice il Sirente Società Cooperativa, Rome, 2007,300 pages, short stories/journal
UN ECORCHEVIF COMME TANT D’AUTRES, Sabotart Edition, Montreal, 2007,
98 pages, Preface
BREAKFAST FOR ANARCHISTS, Editions No Bar Code, Montréal,2007, 80 pages, poems
L’ANARCHISTEET LE DIABLE, Lux Editeurs, Montréal, 2006, 300 pag es, short stories/journal
REBEL MUSICS, anthology, Black Rose Books, 2003, 255 pages,one essay
THE ANARCHIST & THE DEVIL do Cabaret, Black Rose Books,Montréal/New York/London,2002, 207 pages, short stories/journal
RESIST! anthology, Fernwood Publishing, Halifax, 2001, 191 pages, short story