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Nayrouz Abu Hatoum

  • Associate Professor, Sociology and Anthropology

Research areas: visual anthropology; urban ethnography; visual art and politics; liberation; sovereignty; settler-colonialism; resistance; the everyday; Palestine; South West Asia; queer politics.

Contact information


Office Hours
Thursdays 12:30-14:30.
I can also meet by appointment.


Nayrouz Abu Hatoum is an associate professor in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at Concordia University. She was the Ibrahim Abu-Lughod postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University for 2018/2019. Her research explores visual politics in Palestine and focuses on alternative imaginations, peoples' place-making and dwelling practices in contexts of settler-colonialism. Currently, she is working on her ethnographic project that examines the politics of visual arts and artists role in expanding Palestinians' imagination. Abu Hatoum is a founding member of Insaniyyat- Society of Palestinian Anthropologists. In addition to English, she is fluent in Arabic and Hebrew.

Research activities

Funding & Grants

Fonds de Recherchedu Québec - Société et Culture (FRQSC), Nouveaux Chercheurs, Quebec

2021-2025: “The Art of Visual Politics: Tracing, Making and Imagining Palestine” 



Equal authorship with Anna Shah Hoque
2024. “Bringing Soil, Breaking Bread: Archival Praxis in Visual Storytelling of Palestine in Exile.” Journal of Palestine Studies 53, no. 3: 18–35.

2021. “Decolonizing [in the] Future: Scenes of Palestinian Temporality.” Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 103, no. 4: 1397–412.

2021. “For ‘a No-State yet to Come’: Palestinian Urban Place-Making in Kufr Aqab, Jerusalem.” Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 (1): 85–108.

2019. “Unsettling Visual Politics: Militarized Borders in the Work of Palestinian Artist Raeda Saadeh.” American Quarterly 71 (4): 1059–67.

2018. “Reclaiming Jerusalem: Palestinians’ Informalized Place‐Making.” City & Society 30 (November).

2017. “Framing Visual Politics: Photography of the Wall in Palestine.” Visual Anthropology Review 33 (1): 18–27.

Book Chapters

“Chapter 18: ‘The Wall Came to Me’: Resisting Everyday Settler-Colonial Spatial Violence.” In Handbook on Gender and Cities, edited by Linda Peake, Anindita Datta, and Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin, 192–201, 2024. 

Equal authorship with Hadeel Assali
“Becoming Al-Mulatham/a: Fedayee Art, Abu Oubaida, and Palestinian TikTok.” In Producing Palestine: The Creative Production of Palestine Through Contemporary Media, edited by Helga Tawil-Souri and Dina Matar, 51–62. London: I.B. Tauris, 2024.

Equal authorship with Hadeel Assali
“Attending to the Fugitive: Resistance Videos from Gaza.” In Gaza on Screen,edited by Nadia Yaqub, 136–56. Durham: Duke University Press, 2023.

Equal authorship with Ghaida Moussa
"Becoming Through Others: Western Queer Self-Fashioning and Solidarity with Queer Palestine." In Queering Urban Justice: Queer of Colour Formations in Toronto,  edited by Jin Haritaworn, Ghaida Moussa, and Syrus Marcus Ware, with Río Rodríguez, 169-186. University of Toronto Press, 2018.

“Trajectories of Crossings.” In Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Space and Resistance, edited by Ghadeer Malek and Ghaida Moussa, 138–50. Inanna Publications, 2014.

Book Reviews

“Archival Imagination and the Photographic History of Palestine. Review of Imaging and Imagining Palestine: Photography, Modernity and the Biblical Lens, 1918–1948, by Karène Sanchez Summerer, Sary Zananiri, and Salim Tamari.” Jerusalem Quarterly, no. 91 (Autumn 2022).

Palestinian Citizens of Israel: Power, Resistance and the Struggle for Space, by Sharri Plonski. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017. Journal of Palestine Studies 49(3), 2020.

Enclosure: Palestinian Landscapes in a Historical Mirror, by Fields, Gary, Oakland: University of California Press. 2017. Journal of Palestine Studies,  47, no. 3 (2017): 117-119. 

Dwelling in Conflict: Negev Landscapes and the Boundaries of Belonging, by Emily McKee. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. Journal of Palestine Studies 45, no. 4 (2016): 83–84.

Arab Spring: Uprisings, Powers, Interventions Ed. by Kjetil Fosshagen. Anthropologica 57, no. 1 (2015): 262–63.


Teaching activities


Popular Culture in the Middle East- ANTH/SOCI 322
Honours Essay Seminar- ANTH495
Decolonizing Anthropology Seminar- ANTH 601

Field Research- ANTH 315
History of Anthropological Thought- ANTH 301
Urban Regions - SOCI/ANTH 355
Visual Anthropology - ANTH 377

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