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Alexandre Champagne, PhD

Thesis supervisor Unavailable

  • Professor, Physics

Research areas: Quantum Materials, Graphene, Nanoelectronics, Experimental Physics

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Post-doctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology 
Ph.D. Physics, Cornell University 
B.Sc. Physics, McGill University 

Research interests

Experimental nano-scale and mesoscopic physics
Quantum NEMS, Electron transport, heat transport and mechanics in graphene, carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires.

Selected publications

A. C. McRae, G. Wei, and A. R. Champagne, Graphene Quantum Strain Transistors, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 054019 (2019). URL link

A.C. McRae, V. Tayari, J. M. Porter, and A R. Champagne, Giant electron-hole transport asymmetry in ultra-short quantum transistors, Nature Communications 8, 15491 (2017). URL link

V. Tayari, A. C. McRae, S. Yigen, J. O. Island, J. M. Porter, and A. R. Champagne, "Tailoring 10-nm scale Suspended Graphene Junctions and Quantum Dots", Nano Letters 15, 114 (2015). URL link

S. Yigen, and A. R. Champagne, Wiedemann-Franz Relation and Thermal-transistor Effect in Suspended Graphene, Nano Letters 14, 289 (2014). URL link

S. Yigen, V. Tayari, J. O. Island, J. M. Porter, and A. R. Champagne, Electronic Thermal Conductivity Measurements in Intrinsic Graphene, Physical Review B 87, 241411(R) (2013). URL link

J. O. Island, V. Tayari, A. C. McRae, and A. R. Champagne, Few-hundred GHz Carbon Nanotube NEMS, Nano Letters 12, 4564 (2012). URL link 

J. O. Island, V. Tayari, S. Yigen, A. C. McRae, and A. R. Champagne, Ultra-short suspended single-wall carbon nanotube transistors, Applied Physics Letters 99, 243106 (2011). URL link

J. J. Parks, A. R. Champagne, T. A. Costi, W. W. Shum, A. N. Pasupathy, E. Neuscamman, S. Flores-Torres, P. S. Cornaglia, A. A. Aligia, C. A. Balseiro, G. K.-L. Chan, H. D. Abruna, and D. C. Ralph, Mechanical control of spin states in spin-1 molecules and the underscreened Kondo effect, Science 328, 1370 (2010). URL link
Press coverage: featured in Science and Nature Nanotechnology and many other press releases.

A.R. Champagne, A.D.K. Finck, J.P. Eisenstein, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, Charge imbalance and bilayer 2D electron systems at nuT=1, Phys. Rev. B 78, 205310 (2008). URL link
Press coverage: Featured in Physics

A.D.K. Finck, A.R. Champagne, J.P. Eisenstein, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, Area dependence of interlayer tunneling in strongly correlated bilayer 2D electron systems at nuT=1, Phys. Rev. B 78, 075302 (2008). URL link
Press coverage: Featured in Physics

A.R. Champagne, J.P. Eisenstein, L.N. Pfeiffer, K.W. West, Evidence for a finite-temperature phase transition in a bilayer quantum Hall system, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 096801 (2008). URL link

J.J Parks, A.R. Champagne, G.R. Hutchison, S. Flores-Torres, H.D. Abrua, and D.C. Ralph, Tuning the Kondo effect with a mechanically controllable break junction, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 026601 (2007). URL link
Press coverage: featured in Nature Nanotechnology

A.R. Champagne, A.N. Pasupathy, and D.C. Ralph, Mechanically adjustable and electrically gated single-molecule transistors, Nano Lett. 5, 305 (2005). URL link

A.R. Champagne, A.J. Couture, F. Kuemmeth, and D.C. Ralph, Nanometer-scale scanning sensors fabricated using stencil lithography, Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 1111 (2003). URL link

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