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Patrik Marier, PhD

Professor, Political Science

Patrik Marier, PhD

Dr. Patrik Marier obtained his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pittsburgh. He held a Canada Research Chair in Comparative Public Policy between 2005 and 2015 and a Concordia University Research Chair in Aging and Public Policy between 2015-2020

Dr. Marier’s research focuses on the impact of aging populations on a number of public policy fields including pensions, healthcare, and labour policy across comparative cases. He recently published The Four Lenses of Population Aging, a comprehensive study on how Canadian provinces are preparing themselves to face the consequences and opportunities of an aging population. Dr. Marier has also written numerous publications on the politics of pension reforms in industrialized countries.

Dr. Marier is the lead researcher for the FRQSC Team Aging, Social Exclusion, and Solidarity (VIES), a multidisciplinary team devoted to the study of older adults in partnership with CREGES, Maison Cross Roads, FADOQ, and the TCAIM

Dr. Marier is also the Scientific Director of CREGÉS, a university research centre housed at the Integrated Health and Social Services University Network for West-Central Montreal. It is a unique centre devoted to the field of social gerontology that encourages the development of research and innovating practices. The centre has more than 50 members, 33 of which are regular members. This includes university researchers from 11 different disciplines and six Quebec universities (Concordia, Laval, McGill, Université de Montréal, UQAM and UQTR). Dr. Marier is also a member of CIRANO. 


PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Research interests

Aging, Comparative Public Policy; Policy Analysis; Public Administration; Social Gerontology; Social Policies.

Research activities

Ongoing Research Grants As Principal Investigator

FRQSC Action concertée thématique, Programme de recherche sur les personnes aînées vivant des dynamiques de marginalisation et d’exclusion sociale (Principle investigator – 12 members). Les actions gouvernementales au Québec: impacts sur des personnes aînées marginalisées ou vivant des dynamiques d’exclusion sociale, ($190,500), 2020-2023.

Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences, Awards to Scholarly Publications Program, Publication Grant. The Four Lenses of Population Aging: Planning for the Future in Canada’s Provinces, University of Toronto Press, ($8,000), 2020.

Concordia University, Faculty of Arts and Science, Concordia Aid to Scholarly Activity (CASA), Aging and Public Policy, ($30,000), 2020‑2023.

FRQSC Soutien aux Équipes de recherche - Partenariat (Principal investigator – 14 members), Équipe de recherche Vieillissements, exclusions sociales et solidarités, programmation L’inclusion sociale des personnes âgées: enjeux spatio-temporels, ($572,931), 2018-2022.

Consulat Général de France au Québec, Programme de mobilité de chercheurs québécois en France, Séjour de recherche à l’Institut national d’études démographique (INED) dans le cadre du projet Personnes âgées et solidarités locales (PASOLO), ($ 6 430), 2018-2020.

Concordia OVPRGS (co-director with Meghan Joy, Concordia). The Politics of Social Gerontology in Asian Post-Industrialized Societies, ($76,000), 2017-2019.

ANR/FRQSC (co-principal investigator with Lois Trabut, INED). PASOLO : Personnes Âgées et Solidarités Locales, ($567 000, partie québécoise $201,000), 2016-2020.

Concordia OVPRGS. Concordia University Research Chair in Aging and Public Policy, $100,000, 2015-2020.

FRQSC Soutien aux infrastructures de recherche des Instituts et des Centres affiliés universitaires du secteur social (SI) (Principal Investigator – 57 members), Regards sur la vieillesse et le vieillissement: de l'expérience singulière aux enjeux collectifs, ($1,181,616), 2014-2021. (Sole infrastructure to receive an “A” assessment.)

SSHRC (Principal Investigator with Philippe Apparicio, Annette Leibing, and Anne-Marie Séguin, all co-investigators). The Politics of Social Gerontology, ($294,352), 2014-2021.

Recent Publications

Full List on Google Scholar


Marier, Patrik (2021). The Four Lenses of Population Aging: Planning for the Future in Canadian Provinces. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Billette, Véronique, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) (2020). Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, PurichBooks.

Billette, Véronique, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) (2018). Les vieillissements sous la loupe: entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval.   

Marier, Patrik (ed.) (2012). Le vieillissement de la population et les politiques publiques: enjeux d’ici et d’ailleurs. Québec : Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

Marier, Patrik (2008; 2011 in paperback). Pension Politics: Consensus and Social Conflict in Ageing Societies. London: Routledge. In the Routledge/EUI Studies in the Political Economy of the Welfare State Series.

Peer-reviewed journals

Dickson, Daniel*, Patrik Marier and Anne-Sophie Dubé* (2021). Do Assessment Tools Shape Policy Preferences? Analysing Policy Framing Effects on Older Adults’ Conceptualisation of Autonomy. Journal of Social Policy. First View.

Cox, Robert, Daniel Dickson* and Patrik Marier (2021). Resistance, Innovation and Improvisation: Comparing the Responses of Nursing Home Workers to the Covid-19 Pandemic in Canada and the United States. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 23(1): 41-50.

Lee, Kyuho*, Daniel Dickson*, Marina Revelli* and Patrik Marier (2020). Who Cares? Preferences for Formal and Informal Care among Older Adults in Québec. Journal of Applied Gerontology. First View.

Lee, Kyuho*, Patrik Marier (2020). Aging in Place With a Spouse in Need: Neighborhood Cohesion and Older Adult Spouses’ Physical and Mental Health. International Journal of Aging and Human Development. First View.

Cooper, Christopher, Patrik Marier, Ali Halawi* (2020). The Politics of Senior Bureaucratic Turnover in the Westminster Administrative Tradition: Trust, Control and the Choice between Internal and External Appointments. Public Policy and Administration. First View.

Béland, Daniel and Patrik Marier (2020). COVID-19 and Long-Term Care Policy for Older People in Canada. Journal of Aging and Social Policy, 32(4/5): 358-364.

Grenier, Amanda, Stephanie Hatzifilalithis*, Debra Laliberté Rudman, Karen Kobayashi, Patrik Marier, and Christopher Phillipson (2020). Precarity and Aging: A Scoping Review. The Gerontologist. 60(8): e620-e632

Caradec, Vincent, Aline Chamahian, Patrik Marier, Anne-Marie Séguin (2017). Introduction : Les territoires du vieillissement. Lien social et Politiques. 79: 4-16.

Liang, Jiayin* and Patrik Marier (2017). Awaiting Long Term Care Services in a Rapidly Changing Environment: Voices from Older Chinese Adults. Journal of Population Ageing, 10(4): 385-401.

Marier Patrik, and Isabelle Van Pevenage (2017). Three Competing Interpretations of Policy Problems: Tame and Wicked Problems through the Lenses of Population Aging. Policy & Society. 36(3): 430‑445.

Grenier, Amanda, Christopher Phillipson, Debra Laliberté Rudman, Stephanie Hatzifilalithis*, Karen Kobayashi, and Patrik Marier (2017). Precarity in Later Life: Understanding new forms of risk and insecurity. Journal of Aging Studies, 43(December): 9-14.

Marier, Patrik and Marina Revelli* (2017). Compassionate Canadians and Conflictual Americans? Portrayals of Ageism in Liberal and Conservative Media. Ageing and Society, 37(8): 1632-1653.

Marier, Patrik (2017). The Politics of Policy Adoption: A Saga on the Difficulties of Enacting Policy Diffusion or Transfer Across Industrialized Countries. Policy Sciences, 50(3), 427‑448.

Cooper, Chris* and Patrik Marier (2017). Does it Matter Who Works at the Center? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Executive Styles. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 19(1): 1-16.

Paterson, Stephanie, Patrik Marier and Felix Chu* (2016). Technocracy or Transformation? Mapping Women’s Policy Agencies and Orienting Gender (In)Equalityin the Canadian Provinces. Canadian Public Administration, 59(3): 405-424. (J.E. Hodgetts Award, presentedto the finest article in English appearing in the previous year’s Canadian Public Administration.)

Marier, Patrik and Isabelle Van Pevenage (2016). The Invisible Women: Gender and Caregiving in Francophone Newspapers. Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 18(1): 77-88.

Marier, Patrik (2016). Devine Intervention? Lessons in Systemic Retrenchment from Canada’s Most Generous Welfare State. Regional and Federal Studies, 26(2): 221-241.

Recent Book chapters

Cooper, Chris and Patrik Marier (2021). ‘Executive Policy Styles’ in Micheal Howlett and Jale Tosun (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Policy Styles. London: Routledge.

Marier, Patrik, Anne-Marie Séguin and Véronique Billette (2020). ‘Public Policy Issues and the Complexities of Aging’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.). Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P. 248-257.

Marier, Patrik, Yves Carrière and Jonathan Purenne* (2020). ‘Living on Easy Street ? The Myth of the Affluent Senior’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P.  20-27.

Carrière, Yves, Patrik Marier, Jonathan Purenne* and Diane Galarneau (2020). ‘Living Longer : Years of Retirement or Years of Work ?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P. 149-157.

Gilbert, Norma*, Annette Leibing and Patrik Marier (2020). ‘Multiple Autonomies: Navigating the World of Home Care Services’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P.  225-232.

Joy, Meghan, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (2020). ‘Age Friendly Cities: A Panacea for Aging in Place?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P. 64-72.

Van Pevenage, Isabelle, Zelda Freitas, Patrik Marier and Pam Orzeck (2020). ‘Are Families Abandoning Older Relatives?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P. 217-224.

Séguin, Anne-Marie, Véronique Billette et Patrik Marier (2020). ‘Multiple Perspectives on Diverse Aging Experiences’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Getting Wise about Getting Old: Debunking Myths about Aging. Vancouver: UBC Press, Purich Books. P. 3-10.

Marier, Patrik, Daniel Dickson* and Anne-Sophie Dubé* (2020). ‘Focus Groups in Comparative Public Policy’ in Guillaume Fontaine and Guy Peters (eds.) Handbook of Methods in Comparative Policy Analysis. Cheltenham: Elgar Publishing. P. 297-311.

Béland, Daniel and Patrik Marier (2019). ‘Universality and the Erosion of Old Age Security’ in Daniel Béland, Gregory P. Marchildon, and Michael J. Prince (eds.) Universality and Social Policy in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. P.103-210.

Marier, Patrik, Anne-Marie Séguin and Véronique Billette (2018). ‘Enjeux de politiques publiques et complexités du vieillissement’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 275‑286.

Marier, Patrik, Yves Carrière and Jonathan Purenne* (2018). ‘Riche comme Crésus? Le mythe des aînés riches’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 25-34.

Carrière, Yves, Patrik Marier, Jonathan Purenne* and Diane Galarneau (2018). ‘Les années ajoutées à la vie : années de retraite ou de travail?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 169-178.

Gilbert, Norma*, Annette Leibing and Patrik Marier (2018). ‘Multiples autonomies : Naviguer l’univers du soutien à domicile’. in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 249‑256.

Joy, Meghan, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (2018). ‘La démarche villes-amies des aînés. Un remède universel pour vieillir chez soi?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 75-84.

Van Pevenage, Isabelle, Zelda Freitas, Patrik Marier and Pam Orzeck (2018). ‘Les familles abandonnent les personnes âgées?’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 241‑248

Séguin, Anne-Marie, Véronique Billette et Patrik Marier (2018). ‘Les vieillissements sous la loupe : regards sur des expériences diversifiées’ in Véronique Billette, Patrik Marier and Anne-Marie Séguin (eds.) Les vieillissements sous la loupe : entre mythes et réalités. Québec : Presses de l’Université Laval. P. 7-14.

Marier, Patrik (2017). ‘Public Inquiries’, in Marleen Brans, Iris Geva-May and Michael Howlett (eds.) Handbook of Comparative Policy Analysis. London: Routledge. P. 169-180.

Marier, Patrik (2017). ‘Policy Problems’, in Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Political Science. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Marier, Patrik and Anne-Marie Séguin (2015). ‘Demography and Aging’, in Daniel Béland and Pierre-Marc Daigneault (eds.) Perspectives on Provincial Social Assistance in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. P. 339-352.

Komp, Kathrin and Patrik Marier (2015). ‘The state in ageing Canada: From old age policies to life‑course policies’, in Kathrin Komp and Stina Johansson (eds.), Population ageing from a life‑course perspective: A critical and international approach. Bristol: Policy Press: 221-235.

Teaching activities


POLI 330                 Principles of Public Administration
POLI 604                 Comparative Public Policy
POLI 607/815B        Ageing and Public Policy
POLI 622                 Comparative Public Administration
POLI 636/805          Theories of Public Policy and Public Administration

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