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Dr. Abdelhak Bentaleb, PhD

  • Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Software Engineering

Research areas: Computer Networks and Systems, Multimedia Systems, Optimizing Video Streaming Applications, Immersive Media Processing and Delivery, Wireless/Mobile Networks, Network Protocols, Edge/Cloud Computing, IoT and Applied AI/ML/RL to Communications

Contact information


Biography (Abdelhak Bentaleb)

Dr. Abdelhak Bentaleb is an Assistant professor of Computer Science at Concordia University. He is also one of the co-founders of Atlastream PTE LTD. Dr. Bentaleb has been selected as an Area Chair (AC) and chair session for the ACM Multimedia (ACM MM) at Lisbon, Portugal. Also, he served as reproducibility chair for the ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys) in the last three years.

His main research interests are in networking and multimedia systems optimizations with machine learning, networked multimedia and systems, computer systems and networks, video streaming architecture and content delivery, Immersive media technologies, networked game systems, network systems and protocols, edge and distributed computing, wireless communication and mobile networking, applied machine and deep learning systems in networking, IoT systems. 

His current research project and goal is to design and build practical machine/deep learning models for large-scale real-world networked systems. Specifically, it focuses on investigating a new paradigm based on practical machine/deep learning techniques for solving challenging QoE optimization and congestion control problems in video delivery systems. Rather than design fixed algorithms, the aim is to develop data-driven systems that can dynamically learn to optimize the performance on their own using modern machine and deep learning techniques (e.g., deep reinforcement learning, meta learning, imitation learning, and supervised learning). As a result of well understanding and optimizing the video streaming QoE as well as adjusting congestion control based on various requirements of video streaming applications and services. 

He obtained his Ph.D. from National University of Singapore and his dissertation was about enabling optimizations of video delivery in HTTP Adaptive Streaming, received two prestigious awards: SIGMM Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis and DASH Industry Forum Best Ph.D. Dissertation Award. He continued to serve as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow for three years at National University of Singapore. Many papers (more than 40) resulting from his research have been published in top venues on the above related research topics and he won several prestigious awards.

Teaching activities


COMP 691: Artificial Intelligence for Networked Multimedia Systems


COMP 445: Data Communications & Computer Networks




Full List

Full list of publications can be found:

Awards and Honors

  • DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award (2nd place) 
  • dash.js Contributor Awards (3rd place) 
  • Twitch’s Grand Challenge on Adaptation Algorithms for Near-Second Latency (2nd place) 
  • SIGMM Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis 
  • Best Poster at Computing Research Week 
  • DASH-IF Best PhD Dissertation Award (1st place) 
  • DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award (1st place) 
  • The 7th Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) 2019  
  • The Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS) 
  • NUS Dean’s Graduate Research Excellence Award 
  • IEEE ICME Grand Challenges on DASH (1st place)
  • DASH-IF Excellence in DASH Award (1st place)
  • ACM MMSys Best Student Paper Award 
  • NUS Dean’s Graduate Research Achievement Awards September

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