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Dr. Adeela Arshad-Ayaz, PhD

  • Professor, Education

Research areas: Sociology of Education, Sociology of Technology/Critical Social Media Education, Citizenship/ Extremism and Radicalization, Foundations of Education, Comparative and International Education, Globalization and Education, Critical Pedagog

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PhD Comparative and International Education, Department of Integrated Studies in Education, McGill University
MSc Anthropology, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
BA Psychology, Political, University of the Punjab


Adeela Arshad-Ayaz is an Associate Professor at the Department of Education at Concordia University in Montreal. She has taught for universities in Pakistan (Humdard University), Canada (McGill University, Bishops University, University of Regina and Concordia University),and the United Kingdom (external program the University of London, London School of Economics (LSE).

In the overall context of neoliberal globalization, her research examines the intersections of political economy,cultural pluralism, sustainability, citizenship, technology, hate speech/counter-extremism, and social justice in conjunction with the advancements in interactive technologies. Central to her research is the question of how ‘humans and machines’ interact in topographies of global regimes of power, politics, and economics and how the resultant relationships produce or hinder prospects for collective action leading to reflexive global existence. Her teaching and research are geared towards addressing the power imbalances in society and achieving social justice.

Predicated on the belief that education(and research) must continue to be critical as well as reflective of the collective social conscience, her research philosophy sees education as a commitment to social justice. Education has a major role to play in protecting safety nets (where they are in place) and building new ones (where there are none). The critical foci that cohere this wide range of her interests center on the ever-changing nature of social and educational realities in the wake of rapid changes in the economic, political, social, and technological milieu of the world and the communities living in it. She believes these changes directly impact how educational realities are shaped and also on how education can address these new realities.  In the area of comparative and international education, her research demonstrates the  importance of context in providing an understanding of NOT what works in education BUT what works under what context.

Prior to taking the position, Dr. Arshad-Ayaz worked as a  socio-cultural anthropologist, in the field of International Development on diverse projects in both developing and developed societies. She has also worked closely with various First Nations groups in Canada. Her published work explores education policies related to the introduction of educational technology in Pakistan,Kenya, and other developing countries. She has also published on the impact of globalization on educational policy and the impact of social media on youth’s civic engagement and issues related to diversity in culturally pluralist societies. Her research on diversity-related topics and radicalization and counter-extremism pedagogy has also been featured in leading newspapers,including Le Devoir. Her ongoing research includes several (FQRSC, SSHRC, and Security Canada) funded projects on the use of technology for educational purposes, social media for civic engagement and participation, social media and cultural pluralism, and the dark side of social media: hate speech in online environments.

Dr. Arshad-Ayaz is the co-founder of the International Symposium Teaching about Extremism, Terror, and Trauma ( She is a Fellow of Loyola College for Diversity and Sustainability (LCDS) and Simone de Beauvoir Institute (SdBI) and the also the founding member of the Education Innovation Lab at The Global Centre for Pluralism.

Professional experience

Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. Since July -2024

Associate Professor
Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. Since August 2017-2024

Graduate Program Director, Educational Studies & Adult Education, Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal, 2019 to present.

Assistant Professor

Department of Education, Concordia University, Montreal. Since August 2009
Faculty of Education. University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada June 2008-August 2009

Adjunct Faculty
Department of Integrated Studies in Education, Faculty of Education McGill University.  2008
School of Education, Bishop’s University, Sherbrooke, 2007.

Visiting Faculty in Sociology
Faculty of Education, Humdard University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2005
(University of London, B.Sc. Management Course) at University College of Islamabad. 1996-1999.
(University of London, Management & Economics) at Alta Vista College, Islamabad.  1998-1999.

Department of Integrated Studies in Education, Faculty of Education McGill University. 2003, 2004.

Visiting Faculty in Organization Theory
(University of London, B.Sc. Management) at University College of Islamabad. 1996-1999.

Courses taught

Politics of Education, Concordia University
Diversity in AdultEducation, Concordia University
Education for GlobalCitizenship, Concordia University 
Cross-cultural Education, University of Regina
Education and Multicultural Society, University of Regina
Globalization, Education and Change, McGill University
Issues in Higher Education, McGill University
Current Issues in Education, Bishop’s University
Philosophical Foundations of Education, McGill University
Intercultural Education, McGill University
Women, Education and Development, McGill University
University of London B.Sc. Management Courses:
Sociology at University College of Islamabad. 1996-1999
Organization Theory at University College of Islamabad. 1996-1999.

Selected publications

Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A., Rodriguez, J. (Eds.) (2016). Representation of minorities in Textbooks: International comparative perspectives. Santiago de Compostella:Universadade de Santiago de Compostella.

Guest editor peer-reviewed journal
Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz, A. Duckworth, C. *Savard, M. (2016) (Guest Editors). Special issue of Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education. Teaching about extremism, terror and trauma: Policy, pedagogy,curricula. Vol 11, No 1, Spring.

Articles in refereed journals
Arshad-Ayaz, A., Naseem, M. A. (2016). Creating ‘invited’ spaces for counter radicalization and counter-extremism education. Diaspora,Indigenous, and Minority Education. Pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.1080/15595692.2016.1258695.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., Andreotti, V, and *Sutherland,A. (In press). A critical reading of National Youth White Paper on Global Citizenship: What are youth saying and what is missing? International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning. 8 (2), 19-36.

Naseem, M. A., and Arshad-Ayaz,A. (2016). What kind of pedagogy do we need to teach about extremism and terror?Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education.Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring. pp. 6-18.

Naseem, M., Arshad-Ayaz, A. Duckworth, C., and *Savard,M. (2016). Teaching about extremism, terror and trauma: Introduction. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education.Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring. pp. 1-6.

*Graham, P., and Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016). Learned unsustainability: Bandura’s bobo doll revisited. Journal of Education for Sustainable Development (SAGE), Vol 10(2),1-12.

Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz, A., *Doyle,S. (Accepted 2017). Social media as a space for peace education: Conceptual contours and evidence from the Muslim world. Research in Comparative and InternationalEducation.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2014). Religion, technology, and social change: Representations of the Muslim world in academic analyses of the roleof social media in the Arab Spring. TARBIYA- Journal of Education in Muslim Society. Vol. I No. 2, December. 131-148.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2013).Multiculturalismo transnacional: Um modelo para a

compreensão da diversidade. Visão Global, Joaçaba, v. 15, n. 53-60.


Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2011). Makingmulticultural education work:A Proposal for a transnationalmulticultural education. Canadian Issues:A Publication of the Association for Canadian Studies. Spring 2011. pp. 71-75.

Arshad-Ayaz,A. (2010). Of mice and men: Educational technology in Pakistan’s public schoolsystem. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education. Vol. 5, No 2 (2010). pp. 5- 23.

Book Chapters
Cambre, C. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. (in press). “Literaciesfuture past: Inwardness as ethical information” In Samek, T. & Shultz, L.(Eds.) Information Ethics and Global Citizenship. McFarland Publishers, Jefferson NC, USA.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. and Naseem, M. A. (2016 in press). Neoliberal Knowledge Imperialism: Education anddominance in the neoliberal era. In K.Gray and H. Bashir (Eds.), Western higher education in Asia and the Middle East: Politics, economics, and pedagogy. Lanham: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield. (Refereed).pp. 51-67.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016). Representation of First Nations and visibleminorities in Quebec textbooks. In M. A. Naseem, A. Arshad-Ayaz, J. RodriguezRodriguez, (Eds.) (In Press). Representationof minorities in textbooks: International comparative perspectives. Santiagode Compostella: Universidade de Santiagode Compostella. pp. 15-26.

Naseem, M.A., Arshad-Ayaz, A. and Rodriguez J. R. (2016). Representationof minorities in Textbooks: Comparative international perspectives. In M. A.Naseem, A. Arshad-Ayaz, J. Rodriguez Rodriguez, (Eds.) (In Press). Representation of minorities in textbooks:International comparative perspectives. Santiago de Compostella: Universidade de Santiago de Compostella. pp.5-11.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (Under review).  Educating for Sustainable Peace: An Exploration of the Pedagogical Potential of Social Media in CreatingConditions for Civic Engagement and Peace. In M. A.Naseem, and S. Lassig (Eds.) Peace2.0: Social Media asa Space for Peace Education. In M.A. Naseem and M. Shulze (Eds.). Peace 2.0: Social Media as a Space forSustainable Peace Education, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Germany. (Peer Reviewed)

Arshad-Ayaz, A. & Naseem, M. A. (2015). Motherhood as acounter-hegemonic reading of citizenship and agency. In A. Abdi & L.Shultz (Eds.). Decolonizing Global Citizenship Education. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers.pp. 81-94.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.  (2013).Development of socialmedia literacy for global citizenship education in teachereducation programs. In Tânia Braga Garcia et al. (Eds.) Challenges to overcome social inequality:The role of textbooks and educational media, 1E, Curitiba: NPPD/UFPR.pp.32-37.

Naseem, M. A. & Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2012). Educationand democracy under neo-liberal knowledge imperialism. In Ali A. Abdi and PaulR. Carr. (Eds.). Educating for democraticconsciousness: Counter-hegemonic possibilities. Netherlands: Peter LangPublishing. pp. 151-166.

Naseem, M. A., and Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2007).The market, the nation, and the school: EFA in times ofglobalization andnationalism. In A. Baker and A. Wiseman(Eds.), Education forAll: Global promises, national challenges(Volume 8 in the InternationalPerspectives on Education and Society Seriespublished by Elsevier Science, Ltd).Pp. 73-108. (Peer reviewed)

Refereed Conference Proceedings
Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2015).Virtual meets real: The role of social media in civic engagement and socialjustice. Proceedings of the Second international conference on education in Muslim society. Jakarta: UIN. Pp.167-188.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. and *Rabah,J. (2015). “Education, Power, and Empowerment: Developing Transnational Spaces”, Proceeding of The IAFOR International Conference on Education and Language Learning – Dubai. Pp. 221-236.

*Rabah, J. and Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2015). “Information andCommunication Technology (ICT) Integration in Education: A HolisticFramework” Proceeding of The IAFOR International Conference on Education and Language Learning – Dubai.

Research Creation

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (2016). The dark side of social media. Documentary. Available at:

Invited Presentations and Keynote Addresses

Arshad-Ayaz, A (May2015). The Stigma of Extremism: What scars do we bear as a society? Universityof Streets Café, Tuesday, Atwater Library and Computer Centre, September 15,2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.(2015, May). Include what? Include how? Include where? Keynote Address at the Inclusion in/en college education, VanierCollege, Montreal, May 20, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.Education and Environmental Sustainability, Invited presentation to Montreal Councilof Women, Environment, Land, and Housingsector, April 3, 2014.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. “Islam,multiculturalism and globalization.” Invitedpublic lecture at Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta,Indonesia.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. ICTsand Education: Problems and Prospects.Sekolah Pascasanjane, Universitas Islam Negeri, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 18and 19, 2012. 

Arshad-Ayaz, A.Bowling out racism: Politics of difference in diverse societies. Shaar Hashomayim,Westmount, November 31, 2010.

Select Conference Presentations

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Good citizenship and the futureof the world: Tensions between the local and the global. Paper presented atCSSE, Calgary, June 2016.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. (Re)defining and(Re)understanding extremism and radicalization. Paper presented at theInternational Symposium on” Teachingabout extremism, terror, and trauma.” Concordia University, Montreal, March 14,2016.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Social Media: Educating about the ‘other’ or promoting ‘stereotypes’ andhate speech? Paper presented at the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparativeand International Education Society. Vancouver, March2016.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Third Wave Islamophobia. Paperpresented at the Annual Congress of Institute of critical pedagogy andtransformative leadership, Cadiz. Spain, November 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Youth, global social justice andcitizenship: Need to deconstruct marginality to develop a pedagogy of liberation. Paper presented at theCGCER Conference on Global Citizenship,Edmonton, October 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Need for a transnationalmulticultural model: Understanding Islamophobia in North American society.Paper presented at the Canadian studies seminar.WEFLA Holguín Cuba, April27-29, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. What kind of pedagogy do we needto address extremism, terror, and trauma? Paper presented at the International Symposium on Teaching about extremism, terror, and trauma. Concordia University,Montreal, March 23, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Ubuntu,and Social Media: What stands in the wayof new technologies and education that connects all humanity? Paper presentedat the 59th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International EducationSociety. Washington, D.C., March 8 –13, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Social media as the newtransnational educational space. Virtual paper presented at IAFOR InternationalConference on Education. Dubai, United Arab Emirates March 8-10, 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Social Media, and Civic Participation: A Qualitative Exploration of theImpact of Social Networking on Youth’s Civic Engagement. Paper presented at the11th International Conference on Technology, Knowledge,and Society. University of California, Berkeley, 23-24 February 2015.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Virtual meets real: The role ofsocial media in civic engagement and social justice. Paper presented at the InternationalConference on Education in Muslim Society(ICEMS). Jakarta, Indonesia, 29-31October 2014.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Educatingfor Sustainable Peace:An explorationof the pedagogical potentialof social media in creating conditionsforcivic engagement and peace.Paper presented at theFirst Arhnold Symposiumon Social media as a space for Sustainable Peace Education,Georg Eckert Institute,Braunschweig, Germany, 29-30 July 2014.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., Talkingthe talk but are we walking the walk? Environmental sustainability education in Quebec teachers’education programs.Paper presented at theCanadian studies seminar.WEFLA Holguín, Cuba, April22-25th 2014.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., The potential and promises of social mediain education forall: Can Facebook providea new space to sparkconversations about inequality, inclusion, and civicengagement? Paper presentedat the 58th Annual Conference of the Comparative and InternationalEducation Society (CIES)Toronto, Canada, March10-15, 2014.

Arshad-Ayaz, A. Challenges, andopportunities to teach about environmental sustainability:A brief review ofTeachers’ Education Programs about Environmental Sustainability in Canada. Paper presentedat the Northeastern Regional Conference of the Comparativeand International EducationSociety (NE-CIES) UMass Amherst, November1-2, 2013.

Arshad-Ayaz, A.Democratic possibilities or knowledge imperialism: The role of internationalschools (K-12) in producing non-thinking elite in developing countries. Paperpresented at the 57th Annual Conference of the Comparative and InternationalEducation Society, New Orleans, March 10-15, 2013.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., Developmentof social media literacy for global citizenship education in teachers’ education programs. Paper presentedat the IARTEM Regional Conference, Curitiba, Brazil,August 29-31, 2012.

Naseem, M. A. &Arshad-Ayaz, A. Peace and Development: Education, Conflict, and Development in Conflict and Post-conflict Societies.Paper accepted for presentation at American Educational Research Association(AERA). Vancouver, April 2012.

Naseem, M. A. &Arshad-Ayaz, A. Peace and Development: Education, Conflict, and Development in Conflict and Post-conflict Societies.Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA). Vancouver,April 2012.

Arshad-Ayaz, A., TheMany Voices of Sustainability. Panel Organized for The Balance- Unbalance Conference:Arts Science x Technology = Environment/Responsibility Montreal, CanadaNovember 4-5, 2011. Panelists: James Grant, Rosemarie Schade, Erin Manning, AdeelaArshad-Ayaz, M.A. Naseem and Peter Graham.

Professional activities

Research funding

External Funding
Arshad-Ayaz, PI,Facebook et la citoyenneté : Utilisation des médias sociaux pour l’engagementcivique par les éducateurs en formation préalable — analyse critique dudiscours. FQRSC Établissement de nouveaux professeurs-chercheurs. 2013-2016 ($39,351).

Arshad-Ayaz, A. with Venkatesh,V. et al. Developing Canadian Education Curricula for the Use of Social Mediato Combat Hate Speech: Building Resilience against Extremism for CanadianYouth. Kanishka Project Public Safety Canada. ($ 172,340, Role: Collaborator)

Internal Funding
Arshad-Ayaz, A.Jiwani, Y. Creating learning against radicalization. Concordia University,OVPRGS ARRE GRANT. 2016-2018

Arshad-Ayaz, A.,Chang-Kredl, S. Prevention of hate speechin online environments.
Concordia University, OVPRGS ARRE GRANT,2014-2016.

Naseem, M. A., Arshad-Ayaz,A., Duckworth, C., Teaching about Terror and Trauma: 9/11-Policy, Pedagogy, and Curriculum. Concordia University,OVPRGS ARRE GRANT. 2014-2016.

Schade, R., Arshad-AyazA., Naseem M. A., Grant, J. Bukowski, B. Sustainability, Human Rights, and Teaching.Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Societyand Culture, Concordia University. 2014-2015.

Naseem, M. A.,Arshad-Ayaz, A. Schade, R., Manning, E., Grant, J., Stott, P. & Graham, P. Educating for EnvironmentalSustainability: Need for multi-disciplinarity, Center for InterdisciplinaryStudies in Society and Culture, Concordia University.

Faculty Research DevelopmentProgram (FRDP) Concordia University, 2012-2015.  

President’s SSHRC, University of Regina, 2008-2011.

Saskatchewan Instructional Development Research Unit, University of Regina 2008-2009.

Academic and Professional Development Grant, Faculty of Education, University of Regina 2008-2009.

Advisory Board Membership

Member, Advisory Committee for the UNESCO Chairin Democracy, Cultural Pluralism, andTransformative Education.

Member, Board of Governors, Center for Global CitizenshipEducation and Research, University of Alberta.

Co-chair,International Symposium on teaching about extremism, terror and trauma,Concordia University

Project development and research positions

Canada Pakistan Basic Education Project (CPBEP) Managing Curriculum Development in Education, Centre of International Education and Training (CIET), Faculty of Education University of Regina. September, 2008

Evaluation of Naskapi Home Care Needs.  Researcher for the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, July to September 2000.

Project Collaboration 2002, Faculty of Education, McGill University, Montreal. Funded by Lucent Technologies.

Development of Master in Development Studies (MDS) for the Hamdard University, Islamabad Chapter. January 1998 to August 1999.

Evaluation of Prime Ministers Program on Family Planning & Primary Health Care, from April 1 to May 15, 1996.  Monitoring of the health workers at the Health Houses in Jhelum, Gujrat and Muzzafarabad ( AJK ), Pakistan. Soliciting Agency: Women Studies Centre, Quaid i Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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