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Aeron MacHattie

Teaching & Research Librarian, Concordia University Library

Aeron MacHattie


Rivosecchi, M., MacHattie, A., & Owais, M. (2023, June 12). Getting back to basics: Connecting through notebook making [Workshop]. 2023 SALTISE Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Rivosecchi, M., & MacHattie, A. (2023, May 26). Crafty (re)Connections in the Makerspace: Exploring the potential of traditional crafts for teaching digital competencies and fostering social experiences [Conference presentation]. 90th Annual ABQLA Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada.

MacHattie, A. (2016, March 5). Towards a Decolonized Book History: Indigenous Knowledge and the Land as Text [Conference presentation]. 2016 Annual Book History & Print Culture Colloquium, Toronto, ON, Canada

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