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Anne Wade, MLIS

Pronouns: she/her

Not a thesis supervisor

  • Part-time Faculty, Education
  • LTK+ Global Manager, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance

Contact information


9 to 5pm, Monday to Friday via email.

Research Interests

Information Literacy, Early Literacy, Educational Technology, Online learning, Self Regulated Learning

Teaching Activities

Current course:

INST250 - Introductory Information Literacy Skills, eConcordia. This course is geared to all undergraduate students.

While the focus of this course is on the development of key information literacy competencies, additional sub-skills related to critical thinking and self-regulated learning will also be addressed. Writing skills are not addressed in this course. The learning outcomes of this course will be applicable to students’ academic, professional and daily lives.



Journals (since 2014)

      Battaglia, N., Wood, E, Gottardo, A., Chovou, L.,  Ghaa, C.,  Santhosh, E., Vogel, N., Wade, A., & Abrami, P.C (under review). Examining the effectiveness of an online blended professional development program for Kenyan teachers: learning about alphabetics and fluency. Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning

      Gottardo, A., Wood, E., Biddle, J., Urquhart, N., Ghaa, C., Kiforo, E., Iminza, R., WaGíokò, M., Korir, E., Brassard. L., Wade, A. & Abrami, P. (under review). Back to paper: When technology use is not an option for literacy instruction. Cogent Education. 

      Gottardo, A., Wood, E., Maniraguha, J.B., Ghaa, C.,  Chovu, L., WaGíokò, M., Wade, A., & Abrami, P.C (under review). Teaching teachers about the science of reading: A teacher professional development program in Rwanda targeting the teaching of early literacy skills. Society for Scientific Studies in Reading.

      Lysenko, L., Abrami, P.C., Gottardo, A., Wood, E., & Wade, A.. (under review). Using the reading sciences and technology for teaching and learning in the Global South. Learning and Instruction.

      Wood, E., Santhosh, E.G., Gottardo, A., Battaglia, N., Chovu, L.,  Ghaa, C., Wade, A., & Vogel, N. (in press). Kenyan teachers’ experiences of an online professional development program across rural, peri-urban, and urban settings. International Journal of Teaching and Learning.

      Guo, X., Cheung, A., Abrami, P. C., & Wade, A. (2023). Examining the impact of the ABRACADABRA (ABRA), a game-based online literacy programme on primary school students in rural Hunan, China. Educational Technology Research and Development.

      Head, J., Lysenko, L., Wade, A., Abrami, P., & Biddle, J. (2023). Scaling up a technology-based literacy innovation in Kenya: Evolution of the teacher professional development course. Journal of Technology in Education. 6(4), 541-560.

      Uribe-Banda, C., Wood, E., Gottardo, A. Biddle, J., Ghaa, C., Iminza, R., Korir, E. & Wade, A. (2023). Assessing blended and online-only delivery formats for teacher professional development in Kenya. Cogent Education, 10(1),

      Lysenko, L., Abrami, P.C., & Wade, A. (2022). Sustainability and scalability of digital tools for learning: The Learning Toolkit Plus in Kenya. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 48(1), 1-29.

      Lysenko, L., Abrami, P.C., Wade, A., Kiforo, E., & Iminza, R. (2022). Emergent Literacy in Math (ELM): Learning numeracy with interactive technology in Kenya grade-one classes. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education. 30(5), 1-19.

      Lysenko, L., Wade, A., Abrami, P. C., Iminza, R., & Kiforo, E. (2022). Self-regulated learning in Kenyan classrooms: A test of a process e-portfolio. International Journal of Instruction, 15(3), 63-82.

      Iminza, R., Lysenko, L., Wade, A., & Abrami, P.C. (2022). Implementing interactive literacy software in Kenya early childhood education classes. International Journal of Education and Development, 18(1), 55-66.

      Wood, E., Vica, C., Gottardo, A., Iminza, R., Kiforo, E., & Wade, A. (2022). Perceptions and pedagogical considerations in professional development training for integration of an early literacy program in Kenya. Oxford Education Review, 48(6), 786-803.

      Uribe-Banda, C., Wood, E., Gottardo, A., Wade, A., Iminza, R., & WaGioko, M. (2021). Evaluating teachers’ learning, perceptions, and cultural differences following professional development for early literacy software. Canadian Journal of Learning & Technology, 47(2), 1–19.

      Wade, A., Lysenko, L., & Abrami, P.C. (2020). Developing information literacy skills in elementary students using the web-based Inquiry Strategies for the Information Society of the Twenty-first Century (ISIS-21). Journal of Information Literacy14(2), 96-127.  

      Lysenko, L., Abrami, P.C., Wade, A., Marsh, J., Wagioko, M. & Kiforo, E. (2019.) Promoting young Kenyans growth in literacy in educational technology: A tale of two years of implementation. International Journal of Educational Research, 95, 179-189.

      Pickup D. I., Bernard R. M., Borokhovski E., Wade A. C., Tamim R. M. (2018). Systematically searching empirical literature in the social sciences: Results from two meta-analyses within the domain of education. Rossiiskii psikhologicheskii zhurnal – Russian Psychological Journal, 15(4), 245–265.

      Mak, B., Cheung, A., Guo, X., Abrami, P. C., & Wade, A. (2017). Examining the impact of the
ABRACADABRA (ABRA) web-based literacy programme on Primary ESL school students in Hong Kong. Education and Information Technologies22(6), 2671-2691.

      Cheung, A., Mak, B. Abrami, P.C., Wade, A. & Lysenko, L. (2016). The effectiveness of the ABRACADABRA (ABRA) web-based literacy program on primary school students in Hong Kong. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 27(3), 219-245.

      Lysenko, L., Rosenfield, S., Dedic, H., Savard, A., Idan, E., Abrami, P.C., Wade, C. A., & Naffi, N. (2016). Using interactive software to teach foundational mathematical skills. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice. 15, 19-34.

      Abrami, P.C., Bernard, R.B., Borokhovski, E., Waddington, D., Wade, A., & Persson, T. (2015). Strategies for teaching students to think critically: A meta analysis. Review of Educational Research, 85(20, 275-314.

      Abrami, P.C., Ang’ondi, E. K., Gioko, A. M., Marsh, J., Wade, A. (2014). A Study of ABRACADABRA Early Literacy Software in Mombasa, Kenya. In 9th International Conference on ICT for Development, Education & Training E learning Conference 28-30 May 2014, Speke Resort and Conference Center, Kampala Uganda.

      Abrami, P.C., Wade, A., Lysenko, L., Marsh, J., & Gioko, A. (2014). Using educational technology to develop early literacy skills in Sub-saharan Africa. Education and Information Technologies, 21, 945-964.

      Lysenko, L., Borokhovski, E., Abrami, P., & Wade, A. (2014). Improving literacy skills with ABRACADABRA. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 11-15.

Media (since 2013)

Lach-Aidelbaum, M. (2023, Sept.12).  Concordia’s Learning Toolkit marks 20 years of advancing literacy and math worldwide [Wade quoted].

Lysenko, L. & Wade, A. (2023, July 20). ABRA Professional Development of Kenyan Teachers: What their Students Learned. [Blog post]. GPE KIX.

Wade, A., Abrami, P.C., & Durand, C. (2023, April 11). Expectancy-value: How motivated Kenya teachers are transforming early literacy instruction. [Blog post]. GPE KIX

UNESCO. (2021, June 11). Distance and digital learning during COVID-19 crisis: UNESCO Literacy Prizes laureates share their experiences [Wade quoted].

Maestracci, V. (2020, Aug. 7) Concordia helps adapt literacy programming to the reality of COVID-19 school closures in Kenya: ABRA@Home trains teachers to bring lessons to the homes of young learners and their families. [Wade quoted]. NOW News.

Brennan, J. (2020, Apr. 9). Concordia’s literacy tools are a key part of the Government of Quebec’s new online learning portal for the pandemic. [Wade quoted]. NOW News. Available:

Rolfe, K. (2019, July 5). Concordia researchers evaluate their work to improve literacy rates in Kenya. [Wade quoted]. NOW News. Available:

Van der Linde, D. (2019, June 18). Concordia spurs innovation in Africa: Students, research and partnerships play larger role in infrastructure, education, economic progress [Wade quoted].. Concordia University Magazine. Available:

Downey, F. (2013, March 12). Our leaders in e-Learning [Wade quoted]. NOW News. Available:

Professional Activities

  • Science Insights Education Frontiers, Editorial Board, 2020, September -

    Concordia University. Faculty of Arts and Science Tribunal Pool. June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2021.

  • Max Bell Foundation. Reviewer. 2009 – present.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Treasurer. 2012 – June, 2020.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Executive member. 2009-2020.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Board member. 2007-2020.

  • Research Synthesis Methods, Associate Editor, 2013 – 2018.

  • GradProSkills, Fellow, 2013 – 2017.

  • Campbell Collaboration. Education Coordinating Group. IRMG liaison, 2004 - 2016.

  • iSCORE Advisory Board, Member, 2012 – 2015.

  • Research Synthesis & Methods. Editorial Board. 2009 - 2013.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Past President. 2011 - 2012.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Chair. Awards. 2011 – 2012.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Chair. Nominations. 2011 – 2012.

  • McGill University Student Mentorship Program, Mentor, 2009 - 2012

  • Quebec. Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Inquiry Process Project Committee. Member. 2010-2011.

  • ePortfolio & Identity Conference Planning Committee (London, UK). 2011.

  • Quebec. Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Provincial Advisory Council on Teachers of English, ABQLA rep. 2010–2011.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. President. 2010 - 2011.

  • The Partnership eJournal. Editor-in-Chief Search Committee. 2010.

  • The Partnership: The Provincial and Territorial Library Associations of Canada. ABQLA rep. 2009 – 2012.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Strategic Planning Committee. Chair. 2009 – 2011.

  • APA Advisory Council. APA Award for Excellence in Librarianship. 2009 – 2010.

  • Campbell Collaboration. Information Retrieval Methods Group.  Co-convenor, 2006 - 2012.

  • Campbell Collaboration. Information Retrieval Methods Group. Member, 2004 - 2012.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec. Vice-President. 2009-2010.

  • Quebec Library Association/L'Association des bibliothécaires du Québec.  Conference Committee. Chair. 2009-2010.

  • Learning Forum London, Program Committee, 2009 - 2010.

  • ePortfolio & Digital Identity conference (Montreal, QC; May 5-7, 2008). Member of the Scientific Committee. 2008.

  • iLearning Forum. Reviewer. 2008.

  • Campbell Collaboration. C2 SPECTR Task Force. Member, 2006.

  • Anglophone School Board-University-MEQ Focus Day, Co-Facilitator, 2004.

  • Eastern Canada ePortfolio Working Forum, Co-Chair, November 13-14, 2004.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Co-Chair Web committee, 2002-2004.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Past-President, 2002-2003.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Co-Chair Nominations Committee, 2002-2003.

  • McGill Library and Information Studies. Advisory Board, SLA rep., 2001-2002

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, President, 2001-2002.

  • Concordia University, Education Dept., Curriculum Committee, Part-time rep, 2000-2002.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, President-Elect, 2000-2001.

  • Dawson College, Adaptech Project, Advisory Board, Member, 1999-2007.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, International Committee, Chair, 1999-2000

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Scholarship Committee, Chair, 1999-2000.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, SLA/QLA Christmas Fund-raiser for CODE, Co-Chair, 1998-2006.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Program Committee, Chair, 1998-1999.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Scholarship Committee, Member, 1996-1999.

  • Concordia University, Library Studies Advisory Committee, Member Ex-Officio, 1995-1996.

  • Concordia University, Part-time Faculty Appraisal Committee, Library Studies, 1995-1996.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Advisory Board member, 1994-2004.

  • Special Libraries Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Treasurer, Executive Committee, 1994-1998.

  • Concordia University, Curriculum Committee, Library Studies, 1994-1996.

  • Concordia University, Departmental Personnel Committee, Library Studies, 1994-1996.

  • Concordia University, Library Studies Appraisal Committee, Member Ex-Officio, 1994-1996.

  • Concordia University, Search Committee (Search for Director), Library Studies. 1994.

  • Special Library Association, Eastern Canada Chapter, Programme Committee, 1993-1994.


  • 2017 Research Professionals Excellence Awards, First place. Québec Fonds Société et culture.
  • Anne Galler Award for Outstanding Library Service. (2016). Québec Library Association.
  • Volunteer of Distinction. (2013). English Montreal School Board.
  • APA Excellence in Librarianship Award. (2008). American Psychological Association.
  • Member of the Year (2000), Eastern Canada Chapter, Special Libraries Association

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