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Dr. Anthony Noce, Ph.D. (Economics, Chemistry); M.A. (Economics); B.Sc. (Biochemistry)

  • Coordinator, Economic Policy Courses, Economics
  • Academic Code of Conduct Administrator, Undergraduate, Dean of Arts & Science (Office)

status: Status: Actively teaching; available for media commentaries

Research areas: Economic growth and environmental/ecological interactions The role of energy and technology in economic growth Incentives Economics and statistics education Deuterated hydrogen-ozone radical reaction kinetics using quantum chemistry computational methods

Contact information


Professional Experience

Anthony Noce joined the Department of Economics at Concordia University in 2019. Prior to his appointment at Concordia, Dr. Noce was a faculty member in the Department of Economics and Finance at the State University of New York (SUNY) -  Plattsburgh from 2014 to 2019. He joined SUNY-Plattsburgh after working as a senior economist for the Government of Canada. He spent 12 years working for three federal government departments — Health, Industry and Fisheries and Oceans — where he was responsible for a variety of economic and policy files. Dr. Noce also served as a delegate for the Canadian government at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Paris, France, participating in the development of the first surveys on information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Dr. Noce is dedicated to excellence in teaching. In 2021, after only two years at Concordia University, Dr. Noce was nominated for the Dean’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. In his third year, 2022, at Concordia University, Dr. Noce was nominated for the President's Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Noce was again nominated for the President's Excellence in Teaching Award in 2023 and was subsequently honoured with the award. Similarly, in 2017, after only three years of teaching at SUNY Plattsburgh, Dr. Noce was honoured with SUNY Plattsburgh’s prestigious Teacher Excellence Award. Dr. Noce also actively engages in research and other academic writing. His articles have been published in Aquaculture Economics & Management, Economic Affairs, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, among others. He has authored:

(1) Contemporary Canadian Economic Policy in the Context of Incentives, Economic Growth, Immigration and Environmental Sustainability (Cognella Academic Publishing, 1st edition, 2022),

(2) Principles of Economics: An Incentives- and Examples- Based Approach to the Consequences of Economic Decisions (Cognella Academic Publishing, 2019), and

(3) has created student and instructor resources for and contributed to the content of Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability: An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach, 4th Edition (Routledge, 2019).

In July 2023, Dr. Noce was appointment as the Academic Code of Conduct Administrator for the Faculty of Arts and Science, undergraduate students.

Teaching activities

Current Courses:

Canadian Economic Policy & Institutions
International Economic Policy & Institutions
Introduction to Macroeconomics
Advanced Environmental Economics
Population Economics
Environmental Modeling in Economics and Ecology (MA and Ph.D. level for Economists and Biologists)

Past Courses:

Principles of Economics
Introductory Micro- and Macro-Economics
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
Environmental and Ecological Economics
Econometrics and Multivariate Statistics
Economic Sustainability

Research activities

Graduate Students

Please note that I am not currently accepting graduate students for MA or Ph.D. supervision.



1.2020: Duncan Knowler, Thierry Chopin, Rober Martínez‐Espiñeira, Amir Neori, Ana Nobre, Anthony Noce, and Gregor Reid. The economics of Integrated Multi‐Trophic Aquaculture: where are we now and where do we need to go? Reviews in Aquaculture, January 2020.

2.2019: Noce, A. Instructor Test Bank for Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach, 4th Edition, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London.

3.2019: Noce, A. Student Study Guide and Question Bank for Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach, 4th Edition, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London.

4.2018: Ahmed, H. and Noce, A. Principles of Environmental Economics and Sustainability An Integrated Economic and Ecological Approach, 4th Edition, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York and London. 

5.2018: Noce, A. 2018, Principles of Economics: An Incentives- and Examples- Based Approach to the Consequences of Economic Decisions, 1st Edition, Cognella Academic Publishing, San Diego.

6.2016: Noce, A. and Peslherbe, P. Transitioning to a hydrogen economy: kinetic isotope effects of stratospheric monodeuterated hydrogen accumulation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41, 15373-15387, 2016.

7.2016: Noce, A., Qirjo, D., and De Silva, N. Enticing the Stork: Can We Evaluate Pro-Natal Policies before Having Children? Economic Affairs, 36, 2, 2016.

8.2016: Martinez-Espiñeira, R., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Noce, A., Knowler, D., and Yip, W. 
A Contingent Valuation of the Biomitigation Benefits of Integrated Multi-Trophic      Aquaculture in Canada,  Aquaculture Economics & Management, 20, 1, 2016.  doi:10.1080/13657305.2016.1124935

9.2015: Martinez-Espiñeira, R., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Noce, A., Knowler, D., and Yip, W. Estimating the Biomitigation Benefits of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: A Contingent Behavior Analysis, Aquaculture, 437, 182-194, 2015.  doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2014.11.034

10.2013: Chopin, T., MacDonald, B., Robinson, S., Cross, S., Pearce, C., Knowler, D., Noce, A., Reid, G., Cooper, A., Speare, D., Burridge, L., Crawford, C., Sawhney, M., Ang, K., Backman, D., and Hutchinson, M. The Canadian Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture Network (CIMTAN) - A Network for a New Era of Ecosystem Responsible Aquaculture. Fisheries. 2013.

11.2012: Martinez-Espiñeira, R., Chopin, T., Robinson, S., Noce, A., Yip, W., and Knowler, D. Estimation of the biomitigation benefits of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture. Technical Report to the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency – Atlantic Innovation Fund. 2012.

12.2011: Noce, A., Otterstatter, M. C., and Jacobson, Z. J. Decline of influenza mortality in Canada since the Spanish flu.  Global Journal of Health Sciences, 3(2), 29-39, 2011.

13.2011: Noce, A.  Does Salvaging the Environment require Economic Growth?  Journal of
Sustainable Development, 4(5), 3-17, 2011.

14.2008: Noce, A. and McKeown, L. A New Benchmark for Internet Use: A Logistic Modeling of Factors Influencing Internet Use in Canada, 2005. Government Information Quarterly, July, 2008.

15.2007: Noce, A., McKeown, L., and Czerny, P. Factors Associated with Internet Use: Does Rurality Matter? Statistics Canada Rural and Small Town Bulletin, September, 2007.

16.1998: Pfaus, J.G., Simmerman, N., and Noce, A. Scavenging of GABA in the VMH: Steroid modulation of GAT-3 but not GAT-1 immunoreactivity. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24, 948, 1998.

Media Appearances and Commentaries

Economics vs Politics: The Liberal Party’s policies on housing, immigration are not sound economics | CTV News Anthony Noce
Published Friday, September 10, 2021 9:33AM EDT

‘Nothing good to say about the policy’: Experts slam Trudeau’s bank tax promise By Erica Alini  Global News Posted August 26, 2021 3:09 pm

Opinion Piece – CTV News Online (Tuesday, March 30, 2021.) Opinion: Quebec challenged carbon taxes, but should be glad it lost

Guest on CTV News Montreal and CTV News Ottawa (Thursday, March 25, 2021.) Commentary on the 2021 Quebec budget:

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