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Barbara Shapiro, MSS

  • Senior Lecturer, Management
  • Director of JMSB Co-op Program

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Professor Shapiro has been teaching OB/HRM at Concordia since 1983. She is the Director of the JMSB Coop Program as well as the Academic Director of the Human Resource Management Coop. She is currently working with her colleague, Dr. Steven Appelbaum, in research as well as in developing and delivering related programs to various business clients.


MSS (Bryn Mawr College)

Areas of Expertise

  • Coop programs
  • Cree
  • Human resource management
  • Organizational behaviour



Samuel C. Certo, Steven H. Appelbaum and Barbara Shapiro, Modern Management in Canada: Quality, Ethics and the Global Environment, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, April, 1993, 735 pages.

Samuel C. Certo, Steven H. Appelbaum and Barbara Shapiro, Instructors Manual to Accompany Modern Management in Canada: Quality, Ethics and the Global Environment, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall Canada Inc., Toronto, Ontario, April 1993, 200 pages

Refereed Journal Articles

Steven H.Appelbaum, Oleksandr Kryvenko, Mauricio Rodriguez, Melina Soochan and BarbaraT. Shapiro,”Racial-Ethnic Diversity in Canada: Competitive Edge or CorporateEncumbrance? (Part Two),”Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.47, No.7, 2015

Steven H.Appelbaum, Oleksandr Kryvenko, Mauricio Rodriguez, Melina Soochan and BarbaraT. Shapiro,”Racial-Ethnic Diversity in Canada: Competitive Edge or CorporateEncumbrance? (Part One),”Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.47, No.6, 2015

Steven Appelbaum, Barbara T.Shapiro, Katherine Didus, Tanya Luongo and Bethsabeth Paz, “Upward Mobility for Women Managers:  Impact of Leadership Styles and Perceptions” (Part Two), Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.45, No.2, 2013, pp.110-118.

Steven Appelbaum, Barbara T.Shapiro, Katherine Didus, Tanya Luongo and Bethsabeth Paz, “Upward Mobility for Women Managers: Impact of Leadership Styles and Perceptions” (Part One), Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol.45, No.1, 2013, pp.51-59.

Steven H. Appelbaum, Louis Vigneault,Edward Walker and Barbara T. Shapiro, “(Good) Corporate Governance and the Strategic Integration of Meso Ethics” Social Responsibility Journal, Official Journal of the Social Responsibility Research Network, Vol.5, No.4, 2009, pp.525-539.

Steven H.Appelbaum, Jesse Roberts and Barbara T.Shapiro,”Cultural Strategies in M & A’s:InvestigatingTen Case Studies,”Journal of Executive Education, Vol.8, No.1, 2009, pp.33-58.

Steven H. Appelbaum, Frederic Lefrancois, Roberto Tonna and Barbara T. Shapiro,“Mergers 101(Part Two): Training Managers for Culture, Stress and Change Challenges”, Journal of Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 39, Issue 4, 2007, pp.191-200.

Steven H.Appelbaum,Frederic Lefrancois*, Roberto Tonna* and Barbara T. Shapiro, “Mergers101(Part One): Training Managers for Communications and Leadership Challenges,” The Journal of Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 39, Issue 3, 2007,pp.128-136

Steven H. Appelbaum, Jennifer Cottin, Remy Pare and Barbara T. Shapiro,   “Employee Theft: From Behavioral Causation to Managerial Detection and Remedies” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 9, No.2, September 2006, pp. 175-182.

Steven H. Appelbaum and Barbara T. Shapiro, “Diagnosis and Remedies for  Deviant Workplace Behaviors,” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, Vol. 9, No.2, September 2006, pp. 14-20.

Steven H. Appelbaum, Maria Serena and Barbara T. Shapiro, “Generation X  and the Boomers: Organizational Myths and Literary Realities”, Management Research News, Vol.28, No.1, 2005, pp.1-33.

Steven. H. Appelbaum, Barbara T. Shapiro, H. Danakas, G. Gualtieri, L.Li,   D.Loo, P. Renaud, and N. Zampieri," Internal Communication Issues in an IT Engineering Department: A Case Study", Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 1, 2004, pp. 6-24.

Steven H. Appelbaum, H. Ayre and B.T. Shapiro, "Career Management in     Information Technology : A Case Study", Career Development International, Vol.7, No. 3, 2002.

Steven H. Appelbaum, J. Gandell, B. Shapiro, P. Belisle, and E. Hoeven, "Anatomy of A Merger: Behavior of Organizational Factors and Processes Throughout The Pre-During-Post Stages (Part II)", Management Decision, Vol. 38, No. 10, 2000, pp. 674-684.

Steven H. Appelbaum, C. Abdallah, and B. Shapiro, "The Self-Directed Team: A Conflict Resolution Analysis", Team Performance Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1999, pp. 60-77.

Steven H. Appelbaum, S. Lavigne-Schmidt, M. Peytchev, and B. Shapiro, "Downsizing: Measuring The Costs of Failure," Journal of Management Development, Vol. 18, No. 5, 1999, pp. 436-463.

Steven H. Appelbaum, V. Harel, and B. Shapiro, "The Developmental Assessment Centre: The Next Generation," Career Development International, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1998, pp. 5-12.

Steven H. Appelbaum, M. LeBlanc, and B. Shapiro, "The Aftermath of Downsizing: Disengagement - Disidentification - Disenfranchisement and Disenchantment (A Case Study)," Journal of Management Development, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 402-431, 1998.

Steven H. Appelbaum, David Elbaz, and Barbara Shapiro, "The Management  of Multicultural Group Conflict," Team Performance Management, Vol. 4 No. 5, 1998, pp. 211-234.

Participation activities

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Selected the #1 paper and Awarded best paper at the 2004 The Economics and International Business Research Conference in Miami, Florida with Steven H. Appelbaum, “The Effects of Communications and Culture Upon an NPO Merger: A Cross Method Analysis”, December, 2004.

Refereed Conference Presentations

Workshops for Cree Native Americans Preparation and delivery Topics included Grammar, Report Writing, Communication, Conflict Management on both an introductory and advanced level.

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