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Basmah Ali, MSc

Pronouns: She/Her

  • Lecturer, Management

Research areas: Strategy - Management

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A talent and career development expert with over 20 years of extensive experience across the GCC in areas of talent and career counseling & coaching, youth employment programs, career assessment centers, nationalization initiatives, learning & development, onboarding and professional development programs, and business partnerships.

As a Career Development and Counseling Specialist, I have established and managed several university career centers and various student employment programs, including internships, full-time jobs, volunteering and on-campus work. Furthermore, as a Talent Development and Management Consultant, I facilitated and presented bilingual workshops and courses on change management, corporate culture alignment, professional skills and team building for UAE government bodies and blue chip clients. I also assisted in delivering management development center programs for employees assessment (utilizing ManagementPro, Profiles XT, MBTI, 15FQ , OIP ).

I am certified by the BPS on Level A & B in Psychometric Testing, as a coach by the Centre for Coaching in UK, as an assessment facilitator for The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality assessment, and as an Educational and Vocational Guidance Counselor (EVGP), plus much more.


- Career Counseling and Coaching
- Nationalization & Onboarding programs
- Training, Learning & Development 
- Professional development programs
- Professional Coaching and Mentoring
- Psychometric and Personality Assessments (Aptitude tests, Personality Dimensions, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Behavioral Styles Profile, 15FQ , Occupational Personality Profile (OPP), Jung Type Indicator (JTI), Occupational Interest Profile (OIP),...)
- Women and Youth Leadership Development & Empowerment
- Stakeholders relationship development and management.

Education & Training:

2001: Master of Science in Management: Specialized in Strategy Management

John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Canada (AACSB Accredited)


2023: edX Verified Certificate for The Future of Work: Preparing for Disruption

2022: Stanford Center for Health Education

Positive Psychology and Well-Being: The Psychological, Biological, and Social Aspects of Happiness

2021: Korn Ferry

Certificate in Emotional Intelligence

2017: Educational & Vocational Guidance Practitioner, Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services

International Association for Educational & Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)International Association for Educational & Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)

2010: British Psychological Society Certificates of Competence in Occupational Testing/Assessment Levels A & B

Arabian Assessment & Development Centre (AADC)

2008: Certificate in Coaching (Accredited by Middlesex University)

Centre for Coaching, UK

Teaching activities

  • Sept 2016 - Dec 2016: Taught Comm-210 (9 credits)
  • Sept 2023 - Dec 2023: Taught Comm-210 (3 credits)
  • Sept 2024 - Dec 2024: Taught Comm-227 (3 credits)
  • Jan 2025 - April 2025: Taught Comm-227 (6 credits)


Turcotte, Marie-France & Ali, Basmah, ‘The Case of a BrokenPartnership’. In Bruijn, Theo J.N.M.and Arnold Tukker (eds.), Partnership and Leadership - Building Alliancesfor a Sustainable Future, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2002

Research activities

Turcotte, MF., Ali, B. (2002). Lessons from a Broken Partnership. In: de Bruijn, T.J.N.M., Tukker, A. (eds) Partnership and Leadership. Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, vol 8. Springer, Dordrecht.

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