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Bela Egyed, PhD

  • Adjunct Professor, Philosophy

Research areas: 20th Century French Philosophy Nietzsche, Spinoza, Deleuze

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PHD: McGill 1968
M.A: McGill 1965
B.A Sir George Williams 1963

Areas of interest

My main area of interest is 19th century German and 20th century French Philosophy.


Most recent publications

"Is Democracy Viable Without Liberalism?" in Kalligram, 2008 Link

"On "Democracy and Philosophy"" in Kritika & Kontext vol.34, no.1, 2007 (with a rejoinder by Richard Rorty) Link to this issue

"Deleuze's Transcendental Empiricism" in Helicon, 2007 Link

"Why Nietzsche Today?" in Kritika & Kontext vol.35, no.2, 2007 Link to this issue

"Nietzsche's Anti-Democratic Liberalism" in Kritika & Kontext vol.35, no.2, 2007 Link to this issue
"Counter-Actualization and the Method of Intuition", Constantine Boundas (ed.), Deleuze and Philosophy, University of Edinburgh Press, 2006.

"Spinoza, Schopenhaur and the Standpoint of Affirmation", PhaenEx vol.2, no.1 (Spring/Summer 2007) viewable Link

Other publications (a selection)

"Deleuzian Century" in Kritika and Kontext 2000 Link
"Nietzsche's Early Reception in Hungary" in East Europe Reads Nietzsche, 1998.
"From the Critique of Ideology to the Analysis of Texts" (on Althusser) Text and Ideology, 1988
Nietzsche and the Rhetoric of Nihilism, (editor) 1988
"Marxism, Science, and Ideology" (on Althusser) Social Praxis 1980.
"Taking Derrida Seriously" in Semiotic Inquiry, Vol.7, No. 2. July 1987 Link
"Tracking Nihilism: Heidegger to Nietzsche to Derrida" in Nietzsche and the Rhetoric of Nihilism, (Editor's Introduction) Carleton Library Series. 1989. Link
"Nietzsche's Early Reception in Hungary" in East Europe Reads Nietzsche(Eds. Freifeld, Bergman, Glatzer-Rosental) 1998. Link

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